Are you driven by pleasure, status, or power?

Are you driven by pleasure, status, or power?

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>Are you driven by pleasure, pleasure, or pleasure?

Some people want to be known after they died or were abused and need to feel in control

Aristotle said and its quite believable that its pleasure.
I had a long dream today.
One of my friend steals a big bag of money from train. He brings it to our hostel. Gladly only few of us are present in hostel at that time and rest are out for some sports. It is evening time and those friends would only come after partying at night. So we had long hours to distribute that stolen money. We went into backyard and near a window whose room's light are fucked up, we buried it deep.

4-5 years laters I come to visit that place. Our hostel is abandoned. This place is meant to be re-constructed but not so soon.I find two of my friend digging land they found me and got surprised. They are grown up now and responsible enough to kill me, and burry me if I try to argue with them about money. But my image among my friends is like "neutral" guy who is good with everyone and never demand;someone who see happiness in other and just want to be part of family of guys.
So they like me, pat me.I am not submissive. But soon I started digging some place further for some reason. And I found there was money in there. I remeber we never buried money in this place. And suddenly the guys who actually stole the money comes and greet us all. I quickly hide the place where I was digging.
Now the situation. Two friends are digging at same place but they are not finding money. The guy who stole the money has come and those two gonna ask about money. I am having a feeling that the guy who stole the money had buried money at the place where I started digging but none of us knew it. We are having fun talking about our hostel days but I know soon 3 of us will fight. I am the one who knows the secret. What shall I do. Two friends who are together they are not going to settle with third division. I wake up. Fuck man
Such a nice 4k movie ended without ending.
I wish......

>some people derive pleasure from the thought that they'll have an affect on people after their own death/experience(that's almost like control). some derive pleasure from believing they have control
It's the pleasure that drives them.
indeed, you are one

>Aristotle said and its quite believable that its pleasure
No, Aristotle was not a hedonist. He claimed that all actions are made in pursuit of 'eudaimonia', which is heavily linked with living a life in accord with 'arete', or virtue.

Also, who cares what Aristotle said?

i dont have anything better to do and i dont have enough money to do the things i want to do

So there's a difference between pleasure and happiness in this discussion.

Would you say status is a type of power?

its not correct. Aristotle meant that happiness is what we ahieve at the end of the day.

The reason I study engineering is for the women. Also 200k starting.

I'd like to be immortal in order to experience infinite pleasure, but I'll probably need to settle for status and power along the way and then die.

Why are these the only options? You seem to be trying to say something with these limited choices. Also, probably projecting.

The problem is, that was the initial definition of hedonism. Though I wish that was an easier concept to explain in english. I still feel like its 'pleasure' but overall pleasure.

People confuse it. Drugs are pleasurable, but used too frequently or irresponsibly can have other expenses that reduce the overall pleasure, and so forth. The biggest problem is that, for me, something very difficult is necessary for a "happy" or pleasurable life - being okay alone in a room undistracted, with only your thoughts. And people tend to view pursuing pleasure as being alone with your thoughts as little as possible. In numerous studies, people rather shocked themselves rather than be undistracted.

People pursue pleasure, but they need to learn to pursue deeper pleasures. Contentedness.

I'm driven by the shear amount of real estate I have in any woman's mind with my doctorate in pure mathematics. $300k starting salary gets you far, especially when it comes to getting pussy my man. If I had to count all of the times me and my huge brain have gotten laid my dude, it'd be around the sum of all primes up to 2,000,000.

Um more like definetly

>for the women
>200k starting
Ha good one

This is now Nietzche there where people are too lazy and brainlet to study maths and science and intead they gonna devise some higher philosophy to justify that they are correct. This is extreme form of narcissim and egoism. You people should rather study arts.
BTFO to |

Ie they wanna feel good respective to their psyche


Sweet freud, I like how you wrote more about me then I even wrote. and whats wrong with Nietzche


And Nietzche didn't even believe in hedonism.

all of that is pleasure

yes and that is pleasure, they are pleased for having those things occur/occurring.


Interesting. I was thinking of a bone quivering orgasm as pleasure. Alas Ive been BTFO

No, his belief was that you should create belief/meaning, as in reality existence is a moral vacuum and everything is meaningless; Nihilism is a fact of reality. The premise is that if there is no God, no objective values/morals, then you have nothing. As such you must make your own, be your own God. This doesn't exclude being a Hedonist or an Egoist but generally these things are traps, they quickly own you rather than you owning them, so typically being an overman is associated with self-discipline, efficiency and avoiding the unnecessary. Indeed these are the values Nietzsche tried to employ himself.

>Are you driven by pleasure, status, or power?

All 3

Because I truly enjoy what I do.
Because from time to time I smart day dreaming about getting a fields medal.
Assuming power=money then yes because I ain't gonna be poor motherfucker.

im driven by the desire to survive

stfu middle class white boy. Literally nothing will happen to you ever. You can drop the edge now.

what's edgy about lacking narcissism?
instead of hunting for food i clock in and clock out.
i do it to eat, provide shelter for myself, and wear clothes.

>what's edgy about lacking narcissism?
Pretending that you have to "survive" is pretty edgy m8. Specially when right now you are laying down on a comfy bed your daddy bought for you while posting on a 2000 dollar laptop also bought for by your daddy.

Nice tough "survival" there pal.

i don't have to survive, i desire to survive
i buy my own things


>i don't have to survive, i desire to survive

Sure, but don't say it like that you fucking edgelord. Sounds like you are some emo retard who thinks his life is tought.

>i buy my own things
Sure you do, do you sign your receipts with Edgeboi ?

why are you cursing at me and calling me names?

i usually just pay with cash

>why are you cursing at me and calling me names?

Oh shit boi if you are this sensitive you are definitely middle class. Shut the fuck up.

>i usually just pay with cash
Sure you do pal. When you go Starbucks for the 5th time a day do you ask them to write out "Edgeboi" on your cup?

im not sensitive, i just think tough guy talk should be avoided to facilitate a more stress free life

i make my own coffee