What color is the most math color? I think that the color blue is the most math color...

What color is the most math color? I think that the color blue is the most math color. What do you think is the most math color?


Definitely, red. Blue is for Physics.

No red is not math color it is blue sorry

blue is math
green is physics

Math is green, anybody that says otherwise is a brainlet. Red or yellow are for literature, blue is for life sciences.

Both fucking wrong. Green is Biology.

You retards realize that you are just subconsciously remembering the color of the folders your mommy's bought for you in grade school, and you probably kept them consistent throughout school to keep organized.

I never organized shit. I kept all my assignments floating around in my backpack and completed them minutes before class started.

math is still blue and physics is still green, faggot

biology is a subset of physics, so i'll agree with this

No sorry but you are very wrong biology is brown actually

You sound very autistic.

It's way more complicated than that.

1: clear blue
2: blue
3: orange-red
4: green
5: macaroni yellow, orangish
6: a more lemony yellow
7: orangish-pink magenta
8: purple with orange overtones
9: darker violet, more red and blue undertones
0: clear, white tinged with other colors, default blue

Addition: red
Subtraction: yellow
Multiplication: red/orange
Division: green
Integrals: ice, white-blue
Factoring: blue
Charge unit: electric yellow
Constant: pink-orange
Cube root: orange
Delta/change: green
Surface integral: slate blue

Biology: green
Math: orange-red
Physics: blue, green, yellow
Chemistry: blue
Statistics: yellow

Math/Astronomy: blue
English: green
History: Orange
Zoology: Red

Triangles: green
Circles: red
Squares: yellow

The most physics color is the blue of Cherenkov radiation

>Cherenkov radiation
This is the color of Functional Analysis and Abstract Linear Algebra for me.

I had one black homework folder with a dumb Emily the Strange decal on it. I think this is just Veeky Forums being autistic and having a bunch of auto-mnemonics to organize their brains.


>Wrongest man on the planet
Math/science: blue
English: yellow
History: green
Zoology: nobody cares about your zoology degree

Triangles: yellow
Circles: blue
Squares: red

Well grue is obviously the color of philosophy.

the colors you can't see

this to a certain degree, but its no coincidence that the vast majority are thinking blue

my personal outlook:
black: engineering
blue: math/physics
yellow: chemistry
green: bio/soft sciences

orange, reds and purples are all trash tier liberal arts.

Maths is yellow because all of my notebooks for maths are yellow

history is yellow, chemistry is orange

analysis in general: blue
real analysis: red
complex analysis: yellow
geometry and topology: green
algebra: something white-ish but with the flavor of all other colors. probably because algebra is rich in examples.
category theory: yellow but not so bright as complex analysis
set theory: green, very dark one
probability theory: orange
statistics: white and red



It's Yellow for me.
Am I a brainlet?

Maths is black like the kangs who discovered it

Math is the color of the ink Tsuki-Yo

blue, but light blue

White Chalk on blackboard

blue - math
purple - physics
bio - green, obviously
chem - also green but lighter then bios green
geology - brown
psych - purple

That looks horrible.

Another synesthesia thread?
Math is black, btw.

it's a normie Stacy thing usually

I feel like green is functional analysis and linear! Cool that we ascribed one color to both of those subjects though.

You're almost there
Math - white
Physics - blue
Chem - red
Bio - green
Geology - black
Econ - tan
CS - light blue
Psych - purple

physics and psych being the same color?

Also no red? Psh

Science is green
Math is black or brown
Humanities is pink

Math: Red sometimes Blue
Any Science: Green
History: Blue sometimes Purple
English: Yellow
Religion: Purple

This is how it was for me

that is not math color, that is copper sulfate •h2o

>Religion: Purple
No wonder you only got one of those colors right.

I mean my school assigned Yellow for math, but i put math with blue cause it makes scrubs cry

>orthogonally projecting

>literally being this much of a weeb

Red and yellow is math
Green is english

what the fuck? math is [math]Red[/math] ... are you stupid?
when you draw on a plot you do it in red, thats why math is red.
vectors? red

>t. Freud

>you are a weeb if you like premium inks for fountain pens

No, chemistry is blue. Physics is orange.

Also, maths is white.

By that "reasoning", math is black because so is most ink.

black because it reflects zero just like 0

Antiblue definitely for physics.

dont talk about my hot busty mom like that

Is Iroshizuku ink worth it? Getting tired of using cartridges that randomly go watery or nigger-rigging cross shit to fit my pens.

just buy a laserjet

Yeah it's worth it as long as you use paper that is made ink-resistant like Rhodia paper, just start with a converter and some of the cheaper inks like Diamine if you just used cartridges before

your attached pic makes it look more chemistry-ish than mathy...

ok stackexchange

It's exactly 13 meter per second to jump over it, hence MS13

Black, like the text in textbooks.

math = blue
physics = no color
bio = red
chem = no color
geology = no color
psychology = trash

>grade school

Brainlet pleb retard

Average brain

Good brain

Incredible brain

Space-time fabric weaving brain

Omega class inter-universal 87-D brain

Kind of agree with you, but I think the analogy can be stretched in places;
Physics = high UV
Chem = IR
Geology = sandstone brown
Psychology = greenish-brown with chunks.

Math - Blue
Physics - Red
Biology - Green
Any Engineering Discipline - Yellow

math = blue
science = turqoise
english = deep green
history = brown
language (foreign) = hashbrown yellow
art = cherry red

this is my interpretation

Math -> Steel gray
Science -> Cyan
English -> Bright red
History -> Beige
Linguistics -> Pale yellow
Art -> Fuschia

But My little Pony isn't a color