How did Jesus turn water into wine?

How did Jesus turn water into wine?

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Dude had some watered down vodka, clear like water but effective like wine. Cue some shocked rubes.

He put some coloring in his drink or switched the glasses when people weren't looking. It's a party trick mate.

>ferment grapes or some shit
>add water
>get wine


The mug he was putting it into already had a little wine on the bottom

History is a lie agreed upon

How did I get 30 extra lives in Contra?

>didn't even read the passage

He turned 118.17 liters of water into wine.

>>>/reddit/ is that way.

But when i was anointed and became a Mormon Bishop, the church head told me that was how to do it.

>if Jesus keeps putting water in that jug
>it just keeps turning purple!
>I'm drunk btw

Quantum something something string theory.


Couldn't he do that thing where you have a small dream while awake, but then artifacts of that dream get left behind in the real world?

That was the point of covering the fish & bread in the basket. He wasn't allowed to see how much was left, therefore always expecting to be more.

Are that butt and breasts real?

By adding sugar (from grapes) and yeast :^), and letting it ferment in an oxygen free environment.

We all know a certain part of history that "happened" not so long ago which is a dirty lie. They keep remembering us about it... We'll get them some day, oh yeah we will.

he was a time traveler with the remote from the
movie click. also had camera in audience to
reference his posture using dragon frame.

Butthurt christfag reporting for duty!

Why is this allowed on sci?

Don't like it when we call out the jew, huh?

Matthew 19:26

"And Jesus having looked on them, said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."


The power who created everything, can recreate it again. Thats why we have Jesus Christ, our easter and saviour.

He are coming to rebuild the world.

He used some unknown alien technology that rearranged the molecular structure of the substance into wine.

The same way modern magicians do: sleight of hand.

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Consider this: I construct an artificial virtual environment governed by a well-defined set of rules. I then add human-controlled agents to this world. As the creator, what is to prevent me from adding a routine only I have access to which allows me to contradict the rules of the world?

Is it so far-fetched that the creator of our world would be able to do the same?

But this isn't /pol/.