redpill me on beets
Redpill me on beets
They're what my uncle used to shove up my ass when I was a kid.
When they popped out he would say "bean sprout" and I got laughed at because I thought they were called beans for the longest time
I mostly eat them raw in a salad with grated apples and onions or baked in the oven with other veggies. They are okay. Best part are the bloody red hands after handling them.
they ruined my vegetable smoothie the day I ran out of bell peppers. wish the flavor wasn't so overpowering and bad because they're healthy.
They're like a weaker onion. They can still get pretty powerful though
OP is a fucking faggot. There's your "redpill" you flaming fucking homo
8 years.
what the fuck my dude
High in nutrition. Taste like dirt.
The actual greens are the healthiest and most tasty part.
Cook before eating.
bean sprout
I have trouble breathing when beets are being steamed nearby and cant stand the slightest hint of beet leaves in salad. idk why Im so sensitive to them
Sweet and delicious.
Great in salads.
smell gross
look gross
Taste Ok
I only grow them for the greens which taste like shitty swiss chard.
I steam them and then use the beets and stems in salads. Chop the stems small. It's like celery but not as shitty.
Only way to eat them is pickled, Lebanese style, paired with hummus and real pita bread
makes teeth yellow, should avoid along with coffee and red wine
Are you a girl :) want to be my gf!
but seriously, i love beets, you ever cook beef soup? Skin the beat and shred it with a grinder, makes the soup so delicious. I learned this from a russian girl and made borsch its like a beef stew... its so damn good.
Or when you make a salad, grind em up also so you still get the delicious flavor but for weak ass people (who deserve a smack on the head) it wont over power their pathetic little taste buds.
*sips beer*
*im a man... so i have to drink it :(*
Boil them then slice and marinate in salt and white vinegar
Do not add sugar
can't beat pickled beats
Beets are amazingly good, sweet and mellow, great texture. Boil them and add a pinch of salt and they're a perfect side. Can't believe the hate in this thread.
>when yor entire online identity is a strawman for some reason
I'm about to enjoy a nice belgian ale while disregarding plebs with little kiddie tastes
I bet you think coffee drinkers secretely hate coffee too
Wait is this true? Can anyone confirm?