>Work at a restaurant
>Constantly changing the menu so large amounts of ingredients are given away to make room
>Came up on 25 pounds of Quinoa, about 20 pounds of cod and 20 pounds of Scallops
What do I make out of all this shit?
>Work at a restaurant
>Constantly changing the menu so large amounts of ingredients are given away to make room
>Came up on 25 pounds of Quinoa, about 20 pounds of cod and 20 pounds of Scallops
What do I make out of all this shit?
The cod you might get away with freezing a batch. Might also want to look into slating some of it. Cold smoking some of it, and I'm not even sure how gravlaxing would go on cod, but might keep some of it for a few weeks if kept air tight and very cold.
Quinoa is now your staple, store in airtight tubs, one in freezer, one in fridge, one in pantry. Pretty sure you could just treat it exactly as you would couscous, so with roast veg, middle eastern spices, salads etc.
The sacllops are the hardest.... 20 POUNDS. In shells or out? With or without roe?
Out of shell, without roe.
Resell them to any Asian restaurant.
You're sitting on a potential gold mine there my good fellow.
Yeah, I would pretty much look to be selling some in the next 24 hours if you could. Asians are probably more likey to go for it.
Otherwise... fuck... call your friends up, get a load of garlic oil/butter and chilli butter and lemon butter, fire up the grill in your back garden and serve it till they die.
Try and freeze a little for yourself but probably won't come out as well.
If you can't offload the scallops for cash quickly call your pals and have a scallop party man.
>resell them to a restaurant
What the fuck? What fucking restaurant is going to buy food from some random guy off the street?
An Asian restaurant.
You don't get out much, do you?
I don't go out to sell questionable seafood to random-ass restaurants if that's what you mean.
Cool. Scallop party it is.
20 pounds of scallops, I so wished you lived in the UK. :(
Asians, certainly the Chinese, take frugal to a whole new level (my landlords are Chinese).
well restaurants go out to buy questionable seafood from random-ass guys
look ,if you wanna leave money on the table do it, but you're still a retard for doing so
You're not a random guy, it's a business to business transaction. And you're a pussy willing to throw money down toilet rather than feel slightly awkward for a few minutes.
what type of restaurant do you work at that is giving away this much food instead of just making it into something?
how long has it existed, and how long do you anticipate its continued existence?
Its fucked up how this goes both ways. Almost every major recall in American groceries or dog food was traitorous corps who thought it'd be a good idea to buy tons of material from a random chinese guy. The suppliers of the material in the dog food recall were a random wife and husband who just found a ton of processed garbage and and sold it as wheat or something.
It's only one company actually making the dog food which is why all most every brand was recalled.
Corporate. We prep everything by hand and whenever there is a new rollout menu, sometimes we have extra ingredients lying around. I cook at home alot so I take what I can get.
Gift it to the poor. Then have a nice glass of pure water. For me, it's a pure glass of water.
Wait a minute, this is just another one of those "just came in to x amount of y" threads, but hidden behind a story. I'm on to you fuckers
With that level of intelligence it's no wonder you work in a kitchen.
Y r u hear?
Make a big fucking quinoa paella.
I can hear the Spaniards coming to flame me
I think you're safe since you didn't suggest adding chorizo to the paella.
You haven't really lived yet.
>sometimes we have extra ingredients lying around
60 pounds worth??
id porobably cook up some quinoa, cod and scallops sounds really good buddy
For a restaurant that's nothing.
Pretty much. Funny enough, they would just throw most away while saving some for family meal for employees. It's corporate shenanigans.