How do I study for my AP comp sci test? I need a 5

How do I study for my AP comp sci test? I need a 5

If you haven't been studying it's too late for you


This is true. You should be comfortable with syntax, sorting algorithms, matrices, and writing simple programs by now. The only thing you should be studying is the case example that you'll be tested on the exam. It's possible to goof off and only study one month before the exam and get a five, but any later is pushing it dangerously close.

It sounds easy but they fuck you on every little detail

Idk lol I took it ages ago and got a 5 easy peasy. I'm not even a STEM major, i'm majoring in history.

> When you have a total monopoly on standardized testing

Hb frq? I can get a 75% on multiple choice, but frq I dont even know what to write

> programming on paper

The 64 dollar paycheck is 1000000.

So the circles are all zeros except for one 1. Since the prime number doesn't have any 0s it must be the 1, and so it is either 431 or 341. The rest of the circles are 0s....the rest is left as an exercise to the reader, I'm bored.

The AP Comp Sci exam is for brainlets honestly. I took it 2 years ago and it was extremely easy. Only thing that sucks is that you write code on paper

Show up for the exam.

Are you saying taking some test excludes you from those career areas?
>tfw people live off money they make "mystery shopping"

cmon user, thats like saying the 1 black kid who sells drugs to pay for his community college is proof that smoking crack can lead to a good education

Just took the test. Dont wanna jinx it but holy fuck that shit was easy

Yeah I honestly regret studying and paying and buying those bullshit princeton review books

Yeah I took it last year and this year and I think it was laughably easy this year

Then you're retarded. I don't think I even finished the MC questions but I was able to write good programs that worked EZ PZ.

I'm taking it next year. Don't know a thing about comp science. Is it hard for a person that doesn't know anything about it before hand?

False. If you aren't a brainlet, a weekend is sufficient to master the AP computer science material, given you have the Princeton review AP cram book.

>didnt finish the mc in an hour and 30 minutes
>calls others retarded

remember finishing half an hour early on mc, but I got fucked on the free response

Frq are directly proportionate to your i.q, the better you do on frq the higher your i.q. You can't really practice frq because you either get it or you don't

Are you telling me a life long career in the field of buyers and purchasers isn't respectable? Pffh

I thought I skipped like half the exam, nope that was it. Those open ended were a joke alse

You taking the AP Gov test too? Get ready to get fucked on that one. Any non-STEM AP test is bullshit.

It's pretty easy. I suggest coding Java as a hobby outside of school and not just reading through the preparation books.


sorry kiddo you might want to get off Veeky Forums....seriously this place is shit and will not help you at all

so much this, if you value your life fuck off

I'm going to UC Irvine next year, will Veeky Forums actually prevent me from succeeding? Should I get off Veeky Forums and solely focus on my career?

>tfw got a 5 on AP bio test when I took it
Studying for AP tests really is just a matter of understanding course content user.


can we just neck everyone that says this already?

Is this true? I've been here since 2010 and recently graduated from UCLA with a math degree and now work for a big government contractor. Please tell me, I need to know before it's too late