Why is this happening

why is this happening

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Because "believing" in evolution (knowing that it happens) means you have common sense.
It's hard to earn a lot when you're fucking retarded.

a better question is what makes the USA an outlier?

A few extremely wealthy individuals

A better measurement for the x axis would be median wealth

Are you referring to the outlier? Because the US has a bunch of extremely wealthy people -- most of whom don't give a rat's ass about whether evolution is real or not -- but there are a bunch of stupid poor people who vehemently oppose it for some reason. The wealthy are just so rich that they cancel out the retard effect on the economy.

Huge disparity in income and general education. The entire southeast is insane bible humping retards

how did they manage to be wealthy and not believe in evolution? rich pastors getting rich off of people?

>poor people are stupid
Nice graph, thanks.

ok this makes more sense

The US has a large contingent of extremely backwards Christians. Blame the Great Awakening(s) and consider that it attracted a lot of religious nutcases in the first place.

>Huge disparity in income and general education.
But I thought nationally standardized testing and education was supposed to fix this, though.

Why would the state work against its own interest? If people are functional human beings, then the state can't justify its own existence.

This is completely false. The US actually does better on the list if you go Median income. It is 5th in median income but 18th in GDP per capita
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_income (Scroll down to the second category which is median income purchasing power parity)

Lowering the bar 6 feet below the ground just makes everybody pass, it doesnt mean they're actually educated on any level.

The testing in America is designed with the main goal being that every single person passes who even puts in the minimum effort of showing up for the test.

Literally designed for brainlets.

How do we fix it?

Historically, the solution to this problem has been total societal collapse.

Because in the US you can make a good amount of money while being a fucking retard that would starve in many other countries

t. third world fag who moved to america

Reminder that if your country is above the line you live in a den of sin and are going to BURN in HELL.

Implement a more germanic approach, where not everybody goes through traditional "general ed" highschool and trade schools are actually respected.

Imagine if every dipshit dragging down the rest of the class wasnt there, and was off working with their hands and much happier for it.


I know that Freud famously believed (and most philosophers believed this, actually) that man cannot be improved, and that civilized must necessarily be unhappy, purely by virtue of living in civilization, which is a form of willful slavery. But tantalizing new possibilites seem to be opening up thanks to CRISPR and neurosciene. Could we possibly make people more intelligent and overall healthier mentally by going down this route? Yes, I understand there are ethical issues with this, but I believe that if solutions to these seemingly intractable problems should become available at any point in the near or diatant future, and if they don't carry with them any very big adverse effects that might outweigh the benefits, virtually nobody will turn up their nose at them.

Maybe, but it will still involve societal collapse. The state is against itself; there is simply no possible way for it to survive, and there is no way for it to go quietly.

>U.S. excluded from fit
What did he mean by this?

shouldnt the black line be f(x)=ln(x)+1 or something? why a hyperbola?

Interesting, now show the curve for climate change

"U.S. excluded from fit"
yea lets just cherry pick our data so it makes USA look fucked.

So that it does not exceed 1. The y axis is a percentage.

>I literally have no idea how to analyze data and provide a meaningful curve fit

its not a meaningful curve fit, because they excluded data. Just because the data was an outlier doesn't mean you just ignore it. Line of best fit should still take into consideration the US, and it probably would still have US hanging outside. Its just they wanted to exaggerate how the US is so different so they purposely chose to ignore US when creating their line of best fit.

no that's not how you do it

There are far better ways to unlock the full mental potential of someone.
Good education would be a start.
The quality of education nowadays is abysmal; in univeristy, my maths teachers would always teach stuff that was full of holes, out of context, and/or so overcomplicated they had to spread it over multiple lessons.
Sometimes we'd even be tested on stuff that wasn't taught.

Not giving a context to what you're teaching just means you're teaching to get people past the exam; if someone doesn't know how they can apply what you've taught them, they're just going to forget it.
And not being able to fit what you're teaching within 50 minutes should be a clear sign that you're an idiot and don't know what you're doing.

>believes in evolution
>evolution is a belief

The jews.

burgers are too fat to browse Veeky Forums

If you don't like some data points, you toss them out, that's how social sciences operate.

>The entire southeast is insane bible humping retards
The entire Southeast is full of niggers*

Not entirely accurate. US has poor education system. Many are never even taught evolution and don't even bother to learn about it.

better access to education in richer countries


ignore this idiot
simply put, humans have always lived in some sort of a belief system, some detrimental to them as a whole, some beneficial.
in the recent centuries we were witness to a phase shift in global belief systems, to a belief systems that emphasises the liberties of the individual, which in turn resulted in a lot more people having a say about everything that influences their lives.
you can see how this will make individual wealth rise over the centuries.
also this new freedom, created in turn a "market place" of ideas, all of which compete against each other, those who contribute to individual wealth the most remained while those who do not wither away.
you can see how this will in turn lead to a scientific approach which in turn will lead to into discovering evolution.

>Just because the data was an outlier doesn't mean you just ignore it
Except you do. When there's an evident outlier, you exclude it from the fit

this has to be b8 right?
is Veeky Forums this ignorant?
how can you get meaningful results from data if you include outliers that don't fit a trend that otherwise clearly exists

I don't get why it's typically the right-wing that denies evolution. The right-wing tends to be racist and use "racial realism" to justify it, so wouldn't they MORESO believe in evolution than the egalitarian left-wing? It really boggles the mind.

Terrible methodology. Using countries as data points is a great way of manipulating data, since each has different, possibly heterogenous, population.

that was OP's question

You exclude outliers in best fit lines because you are trying to make a like that would best predict where another datapoint would fall if it were at any given place on the X or Y axis. Including outliers unless they are numerous will give you a terrible line because they are one or two exceptions.

The premise of the graph is stupid because belief in evolution and wealth have little to do with each other, but that doesn't mean it was constructed incorrectly.

"Evolution" as the common plebs who made this graph believe it, is "we came from monkeys". Any actual differences in human groups at the genetic level are glossed over.

We're a very dumb country.

Provide source you mongoloid piece of shit, that curve is no even well fitting the data, god fucking damn, why is there countrys with the same percentage of people trusting evolution but with a promenently different per capita rent? God fucking damn, give a brainlet a graph and he loses his fucking mind

You can start reading at the third paragraph if you want

>"Evolution" as the common plebs who made this graph believe it, is "we came from monkeys".
But that's wrong and it explicitly says so on the graph.

Which makes me assume you did not come from a monkey, monkeys are smarter

>I don't get why it's typically the right-wing that denies evolution.
Because of Christianity. Taking evolution seriously at least partially undermines the Bible.

>The right-wing tends to be racist and use "racial realism" to justify it,
Different subset of the Right. Some of them also believe that God created the blacks (for example) as a slave race by design, or somehow blame blacks for not evolving correctly.


We can make people less religious and more tolerant by disabling problematic regions of the brain through trancranial magnetic stimulation.

It may seem unethical, but really it is simply a treatment for what should be considered a mental disorder.

>trade schools are actually respected.
fucking this. minimum wage and child labor laws have helped keep people from being exploited but its absolutely destroyed the apprentice/master system. germany has somehow managed to hold onto it by virtue of it being so ingrained into their culture.

This is something that used to sound good to me, but I'm not so sure anymore. I think IQ is more conducive to good moral choices than faith, but faith can still play an important role. I think many people with average to poor intelligence may make worse decisions without faith to guide them than with it, barring Islam of course.