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Science #89
How do you feel about the fact that humans will never leave the solar system? Does it make you depressed...
I'm starting a PhD in Mathematics a few months from now. But something is bothering me...
Any climate scientists here who can explain how fucked are we?
Applied Maths
We have irrefutable, measurable, repeatable, mathematical, proof that the Earth is flat. That is true science...
Hello believers, I have a question for you
Weekly reminder that race is a factor in intelligence
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread: Coffee Edition
Why are there not many black scientists?
Fraud in science
Why was sub-saharan Africa incapable of contributing anything to the scientific advancement of mankind?
What would happen to a big sphere of water 1 km in diameter if it appeared in stable orbit between earth and the moon?
If the universe is deterministic and all events are linked by an unbroken causal chain...
What is this on the back of my neck
Why all the hate on tilapia? Is even a fraction of the scare tactics based on truth?
Entropy: help a brainlet out
How do we fix psychology so it actually has the standards of the rest of the science fields?
In need of some dental advice
Veeky Forums, my new housemate believes in nearly every hoax and conspiracy theory you care to mention
I've heard good things about gallium and its ability to break down some metals, and I want to use it for a project
Quantum computing
Geometric approach for Linear Algebra
"Ape-Men": the Grand Illusion
Academic Journal: Newtonian Physics Is ‘Oppressive’ to Marginalized People
Jordan Peterson personality lecture
How do I do it?!
Why are STEM majors so autistic?
US of A Uni(s) Question (from a Yuropoor)
How to cultivate my inner Feynman?
Tfw to intelligent to do well in school
What existed before the big bang?
Scientifically speaking, how many points does each inch below 6' reduce your attractiveness value as a male?
Why do people have kids?
Why do Russian math/cs education BTFO the rest of the world?
I finally got around to watching the new Bill Nye show on Netflix
Is Stephen Hawking a meme scientist?
The Fermi Paradox
Am I correct in my judgment that the human body requires a lot of unusual high maintenance...
Why are you wasting your life away shitposting in the same copy-pasted global warming and flat Earth threads every...
Our temperature dropped below 100c some 3.8 billion years ago...
How could consciousness be an emergent property of the brain?
Who are the worst "scientist" frauds?
Let's settle it, is he confirmed brainlet?
Sup Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums here
What are some canonical defenses of pure mathematics a la Hardy's "A Mathematicians Apology"?
So I was flicking though this thread >>8992570 and some of the posts were pretty dire...
Is acquiring young teen and preteen virgins the natural human mating system?
The chances of x happening are small (say, 1 in 10). You have two buttons in front of you...
Medicine is just pure memorization. I have several related courses in my major
Hi STEAM majors. What did you all major in and how much money do you make now?
What does Veeky Forums think about Skylon or any other space planes in development?
Who was in the wrong here?
Ok Anons. How did it melt so fast? Man made "climate change"?
Veeky Forums can you tell me where I am going wrong? What am I not seeing?
I think this model of the Atom is wrong
Will there ever be experimental data for string theory?
Is terraforming Venus possible, or worth it?
Ask someone who just got their PhD a week ago anything
When will the ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((scientific...
Precambrian thread
Dont mind this thread, im testing my newly mined tripcodes
Musk's Mars Meme Getting BTFO
What is Veeky Forums's stance on race and IQ?
How the fuck do I get into probability without all the STUPID fucking real world analogies and problems...
Whats your major?
Please no roleplay Christians or baiting
Why are we not doing this?
Redpill me on the Singularity
How possible is it, bullshit aside?
Anime girls doing math
Thoughts on star wars program? Do we need a new one?
Scientifically looking, what's the most effective combination of meds to kill yourself?
Renewable energy will solve global warming
Saturn's moon Titan has an atmosphere that ends up causing it to basically rain gas while also having gas lakes
I don't understand how space and time are linked
Space X
Right Wing Organization Data Science
Veeky Forums screencaps/bluetexts
What happened to this representation of the electric field?
I'm tired of wasting my time
A women, on account of her privileges, may achieve more than her male counterparts
Cosmetic Plastic Surgeries
Is "smart but lazy" even possible?
Want to a get physics degree
The universe is in it's infancy with less than .1% of it's total life span having occurred
Why this shithead famous?
Tfw fell for the civil engineering meme
0.9999 isn't 1
Math tiers
What are the Veeky Forums approved youtube channels?
What is the best body type and workout for maximum brain "power"
Why does lightning look like trees?
SpaceX double header
This might be somewhat of an odd question
Only just smart enough to comprehend how dumb I am
Evidence of a Global Flood
Can a renewable energy economy work?
Can anyone in aerospace engineering explain to me the benefits of designing the rear fins on drones to point down like...
Does Veeky Forums fear death and what potentially comes after it?
Hey Veeky Forums give me ideas for stupidly simple inventions and ideas you thought of but have lacked the business...
PBS Infinite Cancer
Severe thunderstorm outbreak in Germany – June 22, 2017
If this book is so great, where's the dl link?
ITT post badass-looking rocks
Found this gem on Instagram just now
Do you guys think meditation was pushed by an anti-science crew?
What was our consensus on free will again?
Now that solar power is as dead as nuclear, where are we supposed to get energy from?
but user... w-why did you choose to study physics instead of engineering?
Fusion Meme Getting BTFO
If you had to convince me that 1 = 5, how would you do it?
Is philosophy the most pathetic field a person can involve themselves in
Cancer epidemic
Reminder that billion has 12 zeroes
Literal retardation
Will you get augmentations when it becomes possible?
Humorous/Obscure Textbooks
Physics are merely applied maths
How is it D?
You realize the left has no intention of ever fixing global warming like everything they do it's just a way of engaging...
Any more memes of this fag
Doesn't the theory of evolution basically btfo of communism?
"Intelligent Design"
What are the implications of the Flynn effect for the relation between genetics and IQ...
It is science that created us
/mg/ ∧ /math/ general
How feasible are rejuvenation therapies (AKA reversing aging) and if they even can be achieved, how far away are they...
Chemistry student here...
I'm currently in highschool and I am being forced into taking college classes. I'm mostly interested in CS...
Functions of matrices
Apparently Pinochio's nose will grow if Pinocchio tells a lie
Reminder that feynman was a racist, sexist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, homophobic sexual predator
DNA Replication Has Been Filmed For The First Time, And It's Not What We Expected
/math/ general - Buddhabrot edition
Do you believe that GMO crops are harmful to your body? If so, any tips on how to avoid them?
ITT: brainlet filters
ITT:Sites we hate
What does sci think of Jordan "Bucko" Peterson?
Wet dreams
The real question is
What music does Veeky Forums listen to whilst working/studying?
Linguistics General
USA here
Determinism vs Indeterminism: Quantum Mechanic Discussion
Biology isn't sci-
Notice how the board is named science AND math. When will you brainlets understand math is not science?
What are you thoughts on qualitative research? Memes aside...
Hey Veeky Forums
How can I stop procrastinating and just focus on studying all day, every day?
Daily Puzzle #1
Current Heatwave & Climate Change
Tfw no math gf
This 10-Year-Old Is Creating A Device To Prevent Infants From Dying In Hot Cars
/QGG/ Quantum gravity general
Space Travel
Be me
Is it still possible to be an "amateur scientist" like there use to be in ye olden days...
This is quirky bald youtube personality science man with a degree in English
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread: Tuesday Edition
Is NASA dead?
Hello Veeky Forums...
Goys, I just solved the trisection of the angle
A math question
What are the first signs you see in a unit/course that you should avoid taking?
Be me
Fermi's Paradox
Took amphetamine for the first time before learning maths and it's terrific. I don't feel tired...
Last time i took the ACT my math score was mediocre and my IQ is probably not very impressive
Non-science guy here
What kind of bite/sting is this?
Have you ever had fruitful, intelligent conversations on Veeky Forums?
Is 0 a number?
Would it be possible to hit a smallish meteor with a baseball bat as it whizzes by?
If time dilation is measurable
Describe the moment when you ditched quantum mysticism (aka Copenhagen interpretation) and embraced pilot wave theory
Veeky Forums, what in God's name did the Norks do to this kid?
Apparently, the more children you have the more likely you are to think that personality is genetical...
IQ circle jerk thread
Motivation > IQ
If entropy always increases then why do things naturally move to the most stable energy level...
Ashkenazi Jewish sperm bank
IQ gap between races
Just work harder™ user
Self driving cars are invented
Is it true that for someone with 145 iq talking to a regular 100 iq person is as tedious as talking to a mentally...
If you have sex with your mother and bare a child, then the child is your sister and daughter
Infinite sums are real and can be computed
Prove that I'm not in a dream right now
If you think you're so smart then why don't you tell me how many numbers you know?
Scientifically speaking, how far are we from uploading a single neuron into a computer?
What's the real possibility of time-travel?
Veeky Forums btfo
To all the Math people, why do you like math? What makes you interested in it and why is it enjoyable to you?
"the speed of light is the same for everyone, regardless of how slow or fast you're travelling"
How to un-depress myself?
So is pure mathematics the subject that you guys idolize the most?
Grades don't measure intelligence, they measure obedience!
Is a romantic partner necessary for maintaining mental health?
When is humanity going to make space stations and domes?
Weekly reminder that race is a factor in intelligence
If gravity is the curvature of spacetime, why do objects fall down the "well"?
What do you think about epistemology and metaphysics(while still grounded somewhat in reality and not delving into...
Warp drive
What would be more deadly here IRL: the heat or the risk of drowning?
Coffee abuse in mathematics
Fall 2017 Schedules
Women, the final frontier
Do i have klinefelter syndrome?
A prime number is a positive integer p that has exactly two unique divisors: 1 and p
0.999... DOES NOT EQUAL 1
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?
When you realize drinking a gallon of ice water burns as many calories as you would gain by drinking a can of Coke
Antibiotic Resistance
How likely is height growth, shoulder width growth and penis growth after 18?
Computer science is eas-
ITT: Cancer
Don't we technically have an infinite time of consciousness...
Your thoughts on the cognitive-theoretic model of the universe?
College/University or Career Path Advice Thread
Can animals experience suicidal tendencies?
What music does Veeky Forums listen to while doing proofs?
Brainlet needs help
Space Based Nuclear Reactor
Zero Point Energy
Flat earth society
Humanities in STEM
Exams just finished. Now for three months of freedom!
Which class wrecked your shit the most?
If there is such thing as speed of light, why isn't there speed of dark?
If CS is so shit tier why don't you all do one on the side of your existing majors then get 6 figure jobs straight out...
Zhang's Designer Baby Company Takes Off - MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW
Matter can be neither created nor destroyed
Have you ever fully read a textbook front-to-back? How did it work out for you...
Check mate atheists
Apparently this needs its own thread because many of you retards need to be educated
Learn IQ test
Why is the American education system so awful?
If energy can't be created from nothing, where does the energy come from to create black holes?
If entropy were reversible, would it really be any good?
Interpretation of "Fossil Man"
So when I see this what the heck are the people on the other side of the world seeing in their night sky?
Reminder that the future is in augmented intelligence, not artificial intelligence
What did Tesla mean by this?
What's the Answer to this Puzzle?
Why can't you just wear an oxygen mask in space? Why do you need a pressure suit?
PhD in Maths
Well, Veeky Forums?
Hello, I've just finished high school and will take a year off. In this time...
Data Science
Is there life outside Earth? Like is there a planet full of anime girls somewhere?
Is MATLAB worth learning for a job?
I'm trying to come up with a theory of gender...
ITT: We post simple and beautiful math
Are we doomed to fail Veeky Forums? All our technological progress is pushed forward by the desire to make money...
What goes up MUST come down
Do you think silicone rings in school colours would be a good alternative to traditional class rings...
American (((Education)))
Greatest Con-Man of All Time?
Could we see the end of racism in our lifetimes?
Given an infinite amount of monkeys typing randomly on a typewriter for infinite time...
Is there an evolutionary benefit to masturbation in humans?
His university is less than 1000 years old
Flat earth physics
Who's got that picture of a guy at his computer desk inside his own head?
Well, Veeky Forums, what is it?
For a word lock with 8 faces and 5 letters on each face...
Are women scientifically smarter than men?
Material's Scienc
Why is this happening?
There are lots of scientists out there whose biggest intellectual accomplishment is speaking against God
Algebra is racist, says black math major and former dean of Berkeley school of law, Christopher Edley, Jr
Veeky Forums, do you believe sex/gender is
What is the general consensus for the Minute Physics channel?
Haveing a good old wank
Imagine that you go to the moon, and you find a 1 cubic meter homogeneous rock...
So I was reading Euler's calculus textbook and in it he talks a lot about whether matter is infinitely divisible...
Extreme Isolation
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/ccg/ - Climate Change General
What kind of organism would the flood be classified as
King of Brainlets
Is Bill Nye safe for your kids?
Why are men blamed for women not entering stem. Shouldn't we be blaming women?
Proof me wrong
I just published this paper that PROVES the answer is B:
DIFF EQS General - /DEG/ - FTW Edition
Colloidal silver
I am the smartest man on Veeky Forums
Yo. I'm transferring from CC to real university with junior level standing in physics
When will we have this?
Describe the worst professor you ever had
Are northeast asians like Japanese/Koreans closer to Caucasians or southeast asians?
From george simmon's precalculus book
Can Veeky Forums please debunk this?
Do you anticipate modern physical theories ever being replaced by new theories?
Human hair. Barbers throw the stuff away or it's donated
Is Khan Academy a meme?
How to surpass the speed of light?
Scientists have to invent pseudoscience BS like the multiverse just to avoid the fact the fined tuned argument is solid...
University grades
Panic attack in exam
Even my teacher can't do this, let's see who's smart
/mg/ = /math/ general
Well, will he?
Economicfag here!
Designer Babies
Real Analysis vs Abstract Algebra
Trying to learn physics in my off time
How does this thing actually work?
So I was home schooled by my cracker parents
Why would they fall towards each other at the same rate?
Why have humans evolved to find animals with lower food chain positions to be "cute" (meant for protection) if we are...
Why is the world obssesed over solar photovoltaic?
Take calculus iii
Veeky Forums, does absolute truth exists?
ITT: extremely painful equations
So who is the 3rd greatest scientist of all time
Can Science be wrong?
Post your science cuties
Wheres the Darwinism here?
Why don't flat earthers go to the edge of the earth to prove its existence?
What would happen if I had a baby with my own R63 clone?
The kardashev scale is bullshit
How does he keep getting away with this...
Go to one of the front page, top 50 subreddits, like r/TodayILearned
The explanation is trivial and is left as an exercise to the reader
I need to create a small EMP blast
If this proof for 0.999... = 1 does not convince every single one of you, please drop out and consider suicide
Why don't space programs start a base on the Moon first as a "trial run"...
Anyone else think engineers are stupid and gay?
If antimatter exists why can't we see it on our Earth?
Group idea
So you think you're smart? solve this then
Can you be considered "smart" without being interested in math
Scientificly, what is the worst way to torture someone?
Uni allows students to use calculators
Neanderthal Intelligence
Should we Be Worried About This?
What causes this condition in toes?
Prove it wrong
Stephen Hawking has said it is theoretically possible to build a particle accelerator large enough to create a bubble...
How can the universe be expanding if energy cannot be created or destroyed?
Who came up with the pic related for multivariable limits? I cannot find it anywhere online...
What sci related book un-cucked you?
Tfw disproved Einstein yet again
Are Space Elevators a plausible idea or will future generations look back on our ideas of them as something they can't...
The End of Science
Why is communism superior to capitalism, scientifically speaking?
Earthing moon soil
Remind me why Veeky Forums hates CS so much?
My father is a giga brainlet subhuman moron the only reason I seemingly have a non subhuman iq (123) is thanks to my...
Android calculator
Hey Veeky Forums. What do I do to get back into mathematics? The highest math classes I took were calc II and ODE's...
*Blocks your path*
Why does Veeky Forums hate accounting so much...
Time to end the debate
I fucked up Veeky Forums
Is a gravity well omnidirectional? also, what would be the opposite of a gravity well? an explosion?
Why do we have to sleep? Do some animals don't sleep?
You were destined to die in a Type 0 civilization
Are virus living organism?
What are dark matter and dark energy?
Bed looks like a bed
What the fuck I can do with matlab Veeky Forums?
Lesson 1: Organization of the Human Nervous System
I fell for the physics meme
How can communists call their autism scientific?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Are there more ENTP-Debater types on Veeky Forums besides me...
Parents dark brown haired brown eyes
Science has become a commercial enterprise like so much more things on earth. When there is no financial motivation...
How did eyes appear?
Why are there no rival species to humans?
Hey Veeky Forums
Is it true that IQ doesn't really matter and you can be a successful scientist even if you are mentally retarded...
How exactly is this stuff "totally safe" again? They have been proven to leach mercury vapor...
Is Chemistry a shitty field of study?
Guys are we close to immortality?
Tfw everyone with an university degrees think they are smart as shit
Sci can easily solve thi-
How will the future soldier be? Expose your theories, please
What's the hardest integral you've ever encountered, Veeky Forums?
How big is the gravitational dip of the entire universe?
How do you explain that the UAE want to colonize Mars
Why aren't triangles where the side lengths [math]a + b < c[/math] considered valid triangles, Veeky Forums?
Math is harder than social science
Why do we discover exoplanets...
"Yeah, I'm really good at math."
Does Veeky Forums consider psychology a science? Why do you / why not?
Thoughts on Ivy League Colleges?
How do you test your intelligence?
Problem set only with imperial units
Automation is a meme
What do you think researchers should be paid Veeky Forums?
What does Veeky Forums think of the recent acquisition of Boston Dynamics by SoftBank?
Will it help?
"Modern Man" Ain't so Modern
Okay. I was checking this out
Can we build "orbital ring" with "Project Orion" ?
Is there a scientific explanation why sub-saharan Africa was incapable of creating any culture or civilization of great...
What IS a radio wave? What is it MADE out of...
Why does the Pythagorean theorem work? I know the proof representing the squares geometrically...
Celebrity academics are a joke and their fans are the most insufferable idiots on the planet
Itt: things that trigger brainlet peasants
Emotion is a more complex process than logic
How does science reconcile the material workings of the brain with human consciousness?
Learning from stewart and then from spivak
Is criminal behaviour nature or nurture?
China has opened the largest Gene bank in the world
Why don't we give criminals estrogen to make them less aggressive?
Are there anons here who don't think we will colonize space...
Sup Veeky Forums
Testosterone and estrogen
How much closer would Earth have to be moved to the sun to make sure ice ages cannot happen?
How scientists come up with stuff like parrarell universes or string theory...
Inflationary epoch
When will stem majors ever learn?
Should we fear A.I
Penis shape evolution in humans
Two prophets
Flat earther here
Do most mathematicians turn down monetary prizes to virtue signal how humble they are...
Can a university rescind your degree for breaking the code of conduct after you've graduated...
Problem solving
Things normies say that make you cringe
So Veeky Forums, whats your main criticisement of Elons Boring Company?
There is something i dont understand about oceans, they say oceans have different temperatures...
NASA Astronauts
Is there a scientific reason as to why female homosexuality is more uncommon than male homosexuality?
I happily debate anyone who disagrees with any of the four below statements and proof you wrong
Is there anything more autistic than using LaTeX in >current year given the typesetting capability even found on phones?
What is it going to take to finally rid this god damned flat floating disc we live on of this scurge calling themselves...
What's the most brainlet board in this site?
GMO's bother me
Am I right?
Reaction doesn't involve stereochemistry
What Did He Mean By This?
Does anybody have that graphic of all of the different majors divided up into tiers? I'm talking super detailed...
Inter-universal Teichmüller Theory
Should math teachers be allowed to look like this?
Myopia close up detail
You are given the opportunity to travel back to 50.000 BC
Has stayed practically the same since 400 million years ago
What are Veeky Forumss thoughts on polyphasic sleep? Is it psuedoscience or legitimate?
D/ic/k here
Do atoms really exist? Surely an atom is just a thing that a collection of electrons and quarks do
These things are really, really close, so let's say they're actually equall
Hey guys
How do I convince my brainlet family memebers that the "the cure for cancer" doesn't exist?
Rate of the disease
How would you go about detecting methanol in ethanol with only limited equipment?
Are mathematics invented or discovered?
Humanity will probably never build a Dyson Sphere/Swarm around our sun
Unironically why are missing links never found?
This is a simple survey consisting of 5 items...
My friend has an iq of 165 and has photographic memory but is majoring in the liberal arts (English and classics)...
Why don't more people go into science and maths? Why is liberal arts so useless?
What math do you actually need to teach at a high-school level?
Veeky Forums humor
"Why do I have to learn math when I'm never going to use it in real life?"
Cure for manletism when?
ITT: Batshit insane (pseudo)science
What actual benefit is there over a PHD over a masters degree in physics?
Alright Veeky Forums, let's talk about Anxiety Disorder! What's the best treatment? Do you have it? Are you sedentary?
Suffer from something just barely unusual, not even rare
Taking calc II
Is there a scientific way to solve racism?
How come + and - attract?
How come no one has invented something small and/or wearable or something that can save people who fall from high...
How close are we to making mecha a feasible military technology?
I still don't get it. Why doesn't the electron fly into the proton?
Who is your penfu, Veeky Forums?
What physics text are you studying at the moment?
How does a little tiny seed turn into a big huge plant? Obviously its a biology, but when?
University Info & Critique Thread
Undergrad engineering advice
When did you realize Spivak was a meme, and Apostol was superior?
Are there negative long term effects to non-abusive adderall consumption...
Reminder that the GOAT of the 20th century
If Nietzsche were so smart, then why didn't he do math?
How can we stop Flat Earth? What is a proof even a total idiot cannot deny?
I have been reading a lot of /x/ tier conspiracy-esque articles lately about most things...
Suppose you are playing a game where a fair coin is to be flipped 1...
Autism/pet peeve thread
In Spivak's Calculus, he provides a """rigorous construction""" of the ordered pair
Is it possible to terraform Australia with technologies being developed today?
How do I stop the barbell falling forward on the way up
What did Oppenheimer mean by this?
ITT: Times common core got it right
Prove with a formal ontology that hierarchies exist in nature
Harvard rescinded admissions offers from at least 10 students for an obscene Facebook chat
Physics major
He's coming
Why did Elon Mush waste his money on space rather than curing balding?
Climate Change
Considered the father of modern psychology
Be teacher assistant
What's the point of Ring Notebooks?
Recent high school grad here. I'm planning on majoring in math, but have 0 background in proofs...
Brainlet Safe Thread
Calculus vs linear algebra
Does anyone have any advice for studying or paying attention in class for someone with what is medically known as ADHD...
Why do men like breasts? Why do some like them more than others? No meme answers please
How long until science can give me a bigger dick? I'm prepared to pay 50k for it
Tfw just found out why steroids are illegal
STEM Software
Why isnt anyone digging to the earths core? how do we even know earth has a core
Time travel debunked
Climate Change
ITT: scientists you fucking L O A T H E
If there is no oxygen in space how can sun be a fireball?
Has science proven what type of bodies do women find the most attractive?
Will AI be in our life time
My IQ is 84 lads
Who can think of the biggest number?
How high do you think are the IQ of people who work in the CIA/NSA/FBI?
Did you know that IQ is adjusted for gender?
Challenge from sci's genius
Does science yet understand what separates a self aware being that can "feel" it's own existence vs something that...
Is there a single flaw in this plan?
Tfw you fell for the "Engineering is superior to CS" meme
Consanguineous reproduction
Having extremely bad time learning DSP
ITT: Brainlet family members that make you REEEE
Trolley Problem Thread?
Can we just talk about how big UY Scuti is?
What do /sci think about money?
Please help me solve the math problem in the pic...
For the average student, is a STEM PhD degree just a meme...
Time doesn't exist
Denies climate science
Do people really have personalities or is the whole theory of personality bunk?
Is faith necessary for science?
ITT post shit nu-Veeky Forums believe
Creationism Thread
Why are humans always spiteful to each other?
Schumann Levitator
Majoring in Calculus
Veeky Forums can't prove that all even numbers can be represented as the sum of two primes
Homemade "sunscreen"
20 year old iGen here
Post ITT
Are these two scientists right about nuclear power?
Pronouncing galois as "gal ow iss"
What programming languages does Veeky Forums regularly use?
Self awareness test
You guys afraid of Luddites when automation destroys everybodies jobs and plunges society into depression, chaos...
The Photon is the Graviton
What's a good mathematical physics book for undergrad?
Prove global warming is real
Do Vaccines Cause Autism?
SOLAR "Energy" is a scam and Climate change is a hoax
Liberal Campus faces Race War
Stupid Question General #0
Explode a mountajn
Someone explain wheres error
Who ares the weirdest mathematicians?
Be me
What did Paris Climate Accord mean by this?
Geometry text for adults
Professor averages out your grades but gives you the grade he "thinks" you deserve
Gearless Actuator from Genesis Robotics promises to revolutionise robotics
If retrovirus like HIV can only be transmitted through humans. why we don't simply put all AIDS patients in AIDS city?
How do you want your board senpai?
Any1 can recommend this?
Someone asked me if I knew how many milk shake flavor combinations there are if you can get 5 flavors out of 42...
August 21
What is the purpose of the Paris Deal if there is no punishment for countries that fail to meet the emissions targets...
How many hours per day do you spend reading textbook and research papers?
Is fapping bad for you?
Is it a meme?
Interconnectivity of the fields of STEM:
So I got into pic related for physics. Is it any good? U.S News ranks them at 22 in the nation...
What is the evolutionary advantage of having nice hair?
I guess a few good replies are worth getting banned for a while
Since /pol/ is just shitpostung and shills I will ask here
Biology is ea-
Deep sea mining
If you haven't heard, DARPA selected their new spaceplane: the Boeing Phantom Express rocketplane
USA joins Syria and Nicaragua as the only nations not in the Paris Accord
Why is he ragequitting?
The Paris Accord
Republicans getting out of the paris climate accord
1: there is a fuckton of literally invisible matter out there that has no reason for existing and no known way to...
When exactly did Veeky Forums turn into /pol/central again?
Nobody alive today will see boots on the ground on Mars
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
Physiologically speaking, can a creature this size possibly exist...
SpaceX CRS-11
Why isn't the female human orgasm as straight forward to achieve as the male orgasm...
Has anyone here quitted their PhD?
Some user gave me this solution for a problem. Can you explain to me how do you get to the last step...
Explain this
Why is nobody building greenhouse towers?
Why does Veeky Forums hate this man?
He thinks he can control climate change when even our most "brilliant" scientists can't even predict the weather next...
*blocks your path*
Too early for futurism
Paris Accord about to be BTFO
Are these Real Analysis lectures worth watching?
When did you realize you were too dumb for Math and you should study Engineering instead?
Spider bites
Convince me that the government should fund science
Tfw you draw a perfect integral sign
Just finished this differential equation system for blood alcohol. It proofs that drinking slowly is gay...
ITT: We post the books we want to read this summer. I'll start
Anyone else here with photographic memory?
Right-wingers tend to be less intelligent than left-wingers
The wow! signal
Linear Algebra
Is mathematics analytic or synthetic?
I've heard that gum doesn't decompose but I've also heard that it does
Complaining that numberphile is popsci shit
Ok so I want to have the sequence 0,1,0,1,0,1
97% Of Climate Scientists Agree
Why does anything exist?
Do I want to work at CERN?
Who is your penfu, Veeky Forums?
I thought scientists were supposed to be intelligent? but what i see them doing is pretty dumb
Can someone explain why the "consciousness causes collapse" theory is wrong?
It's over
Is it worth it to go to college? or is it too expensive? Is trade school better than college or no?
If you were any scientist who would you be?
Is it just me or this book is really really dense to understand and get into?
Believed people weren't created equally
ITT: brainlet study habits
Where will you be on August 21, the day a total solar eclipse crosses over America for the first time since 1979?
Reducing carbon footprint
Autism cure
It's not IQ related***
Fermi Paradox
How come science is unable to account for human behaviour? Inb4 ""hurr psychology"...
STEM job titles need protection
Look through maths textbook
He fell for the non-gmo meme
Post ITT the last time you've used any logarithm other than ln
Is there any reason to go to Mars other
One in this set doesn't belong, can you guess which?
How good is IQ as a measure of "intelligence"?
I have to make a shitty assignment on what makes a ''good'' scientist
If man evolved from monkeys then why are there still monkeys?
What do you look forward to doing after you finish your work?
Calc I
Did the infinite complexity of the universe arise from absolute simplicity? Did this really all come from nothing?
Good feels
Light Polarization
If venus still had an internally generated magnetic field and it was as strong as earth's...
Here why math is bullshit
Why do you study math? Whats the allure to numbers and formulas?
Tell me Veeky Forums if your evolution is so great why aren't all species hermaphrodites/futanari capable of self...
Interesting functions thread
New Experiments Show Consciousness Affects Matter ~ Dean Radin Ph.D
Statistically how much of a risk is North Korea?
So, is it safe to say that extraterrestrial sentient life is almost non-existent...
Hey Veeky Forums, Philosophyfag here...
What's up with all the normies going on keto diets?
Light speed
Question: Is it true that engineers spend their entire time in university studying math but then when they have to work...
How did they grow so big?
The Indian Chief Raoni of the Kayapo tribe...
ITT: the most retarded thing you've read today
Hello Veeky Forums, so me and my friends are debating over the correct answer to this IQ test...
How strong must a CPU be to simulate the universe?
So there I was, just minding my own business
Meme sequence
Low IQ ruined my life
Help me solve this integral
Why do dogs and cats have breeds and species but humans have 'races...
Grades thread
Found this in my apartment building's laundry room. Is it a good book to learn C with or is it outdated?
Weekly remind that race is a determinant of intelligence
Hi Veeky Forums I need your opinion
This infographic shows how my derivation of gravity from a quantum theory follows the exact form of Higgs derivation of...
What comes after death Veeky Forums?
Why does time move in one direction?
Whether you like it or not, the science is clear. Science needs to be decolonized
Just like all of you I want to be a someone who changes our understanding of the world...
What are your opinions on GMOs...
Thinking about switching from Physics to Maths, but worried about the job outlook...
Hitting the intellect ceiling
Flat earth discussion
At the age of six or seven Kurt suffered from rheumatic fever; he completely recovered...
Tfw I fell for the physics meme
What would my most recent common ancestors with a cockroach look like?
Global warming
I thought this was a board for smart people. People who could think deeper and look at possibility...
Why do people struggle so much with math?
Can't get a grip on Differential Equations
Just graduated with a BSc in physics and starting an R&D job next week
I got a pure math degree. I have no employable skill sets
How comes anti-scientism is so popular, when our whole modern world is only possible due to the achievements of science?
God isnt rea-
So if coldfusion is never going to happen, what is the energy source of the future?
What's the answer
Stop recommending Khan Academy
The Bell Curves / Charles Murray
Why do all the normies not want to live forever?
Has science killed anyone else's sex drive?
Brainlet here? What is the significance of proving this? I read the wiki but couldn't understand
What's the most scientifically-accurate religion and why is it Bhuddism
Debate in uni
Does anyone here actually enjoy science or is it the only escape from the absurdity of existence?
I want to create a map on how different sciences and mathematics interrelate in order to learn as much as possible as...
Thoughts when looking at those fantasy worlds: If a world is thousands or millions of times wider than earth and have...
Why do people hate on corn syrup when it's both literally and unironically the same as refined sugar
Lebesgue integration is a meme
Red pill me on Marie Curie
What's the best?
What are some cases where scientists were actually wrong about their theories?
How do I make it stop Veeky Forums ?
Will apes evolve someday?
Changing the face of popscience
When did you realize you're a brainlet?
Which scientific books (any field) have changed your way of seeing things or thinking?
What belief system does Veeky Forums hold?
What's a cool and simple thing I could show beginners in MATLAB?
ITT: jargon that only makes sense in your field
Mathematician/STEM'ers with superhuman intelligence
If f is a one-to-one continuous function defined on an interval (a,b)...
Flat Earth Theory
Does/Can Negative mass exist?
So I just won a stupid amount of money on the lottery...
Stupid Question Thread /sqt/
Match Three: Ke Jie & AlphaGo. Summoning the Demon edition
Does anyone know how freezing affects the woolly bear caterpillar's brain? I.e...
I don't understand statistics
Is Veeky Forums Smart Enough to Solve This?
Is it impossible to contain an artificial super intelligence without turning it off?
Why am I already stalling?
Anyone into theoretical linguistics? What do you think about age-old debates like cognitive vs generative grammar?
Introducing the concept of infinity means you have no meaningful scales anymore. Is 10^200 big...
Absorption Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics
Lost a bet over the winter, getting a science-related ass tattoo this weekend while I'm on vacation
How did the universe start?
I'm naturally not able to write words very neatly. Is this a symptom of low IQ?
I have an physics exam
Repeat after me:
Favourite topological spaces
Chemical Engineering
Double major
Creative Genius
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games