Be me

>be me
>multiple IQ tests 139-150
>Chem major 3.5 GPA
>always wake up in morning and from naps with retard arms (chicken wing, forearms folded against biceps, wrists at right angle, flaccid hands and fingers held against chest)

Why is this?

>3.5 GPA
Was this supposed to be for or against you being retarded?

You might have torsion dystonia. Are you Ashkenazi? They have a much higher incidence of the disorder.

>op is a dumb jew


Lmao. Must suck to be an inbred Jew.

Jews btfo

You may be unironically autistic

Do you boogy like this?

why do you care?
>did someone make fun of you?
dont listen to them! be yourself!

Ah yes, I've seen this one before. It usually has something to do with arms being attached to a retard, hence the name.


>just bee yourself

If you are Jew or inbred white this might be due to recessive genes / genetic illness.

But don't worry. Einstein & other Jewish Scientists were inbred too. It's a price you have to pay. Just hope that you don't become crippled over time like Stephen Hawkins.

>140+ IQ
>3.5 GPA


Your grades are not a function of your intelligence alone.

>be me
>sub 100 IQ
>Art major 2.0 GPA
>always wake up in the morning looking like a perfect Greek god

Why is this?

The Greeks were pedophiles.

Grades are heavily work ethic, not exclusively intelligence
I know some pretty dumb people that have pulled off 4.0 GPAs purely because they did their work religiously and perfectly on time

> be me
> teenager
> 130 IQ
> 3.5 DPA due to Chem.
> only gets 5 - 6 hours of sleep per night
what do!?

Ash kek nazi?

Find and kill then drink his cerebrospinal fluid. Should fix you right up.

The Greeks were pederasts = gay + pedophiles.

Just like today Catholic Priests.

>OP might have Torsion dystonia. Are OP a Jew?

Torsion dystonia, a genetic disease more commonly found among Jews.

>OP is an Inbred Jew