Is Khan Academy a meme?
Is Khan Academy a meme?
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Your thread is a meme. Your life is a meme. You are a meme.
sal pls go
Why is it a meme to break difficult to understand concepts down to an understandable level. Not everybody learns as fast as everyone on Veeky Forums (with their 199 IQs)
t. KhanAcademy Internet Defense Force
Some people find it useful, some don't. Who gives a fuck what resources people use to learn as long as they're making progress?
Only if you're a teacher worried about the public getting wise to the fact that everything you do could be recorded and played back for the students with much the same effect.
It helped me pass calculus and linear algebra in biotechnology. Not a meme
Its a great aid to prepare for a course, study and help when struggling with a subject, but it is not a supplement for instructed education. There are also more specialized channels that can help you out as well, like Tyler DeWitt's chemistry channel for example.
Thanks to it I found that I really enjoy math and now am a senior year physics student.
/pol/ hates khan academy because sal is a paki
AKA more aryan than the average celtic nigger
What is this an analysis of?
Is this a PCA? What are the components?
It's useful if you want things explained to you quickly, but only for certain subjects (math, physics, etc...)
Math is pretty dumbed down
You better do lotsa exercises from books too
All their humanities videos are the usual revisionist garbage, but the math and sci videos are good for a quick explanation.
Their math is really handwavy bullshit, but you'll probably find it useful if you are, say, an engineer or something.
>lol understanding science must be difficult. if you use a program to help you understand complex concepts you are a brainlet meme desu.
okay I'll watch the humanities videos
>implying reading a book and skipping the practice problems is equivalent to a full set of homeworks and exams
I would rek u if I wasn't on mobile.
First off, when using meme arrows, one doesn't need literally say "implying". Secondly, nothing he said implied anything you said.
what? I thought it was just the US highschool curriculum
not really
it covers many more subjects than that
I can't into it. It's so slow. I've been trying to get my shit together for a while and learn some shit but it's sooooooo fucking slow. Like trying to learn calculus, from what I understand so far it seems fairly easy. No I don't know how to fuckin do it but holy fuck all your doing is working with a graph like Algebra or Geometry. I know I sound dumb but I haven't gotten to anything hard yet because every video is 30 minutes long when it should be 30 seconds.
Sal's pretty good with his lectures.
Most videos are 5-10 minutes long; I don't think I've seen one that's 30 minutes.
When people have problems with the video and don't understand something, he usually comes back and redoes the video to improve it.
I'm absolutely amazed with khan academy desu
If anything the existing university model has become meme.
Dude he's indian.
he's bengali that was paki 50 years ago
I use it because I'm a brainlet. I think I get the concept in class but then I either forget how to do it or didn't actually understand it in the first place, so I go and watch khan academy. For instance, in hindsight everything is simple but I didn't get the "volume of know cross sections"-type problems at first.
One of the problems with it is that the exercises are too basic, just plug and chug what's been shown, there's no challenge, so you really need a real book.
Teaching models are a meme.
Education should be self taught so brainlets are filtered as soon as possible.
I honestly think YouTube will replace undergraduate university.
The only thing left of current universities is their accreditation.
I used it to teach myself Alg/Trig, but I quickly dropped it because it was too slow, and I resorted to reading textbooks instead, which are far more insightful and organized than Khan Academy.
Overall, it's fine if you don't have any basics to work with, but textbooks outdo it every time.
Use it as a supplement.
Well, that really depends. First we need to define what a "meme" is. A meme...m...e...........m....actually, let me switch colors here..
thanks sal
I'm a middle school dropout and it helped me learn math from all levels. I started from kindergarten and progressed to undergrad level in a year or so. For me, it was definitely useful.
>middleschool dropout to undergrad level
wow tell me the story.
Do you have a phd now?
No, I'm a NEET with no high school.
finish it then with your superior undergraduate math
I don't want to. It's too hard.
yeah I suppose middle school is all you need to graduate to enter trade school
If I can't finish HS there is no way I can finish trade school. I'm too deep into the NEET lazyness it's impossible for me to even wake up in the mornings.
then what can you finish other than entry level jobs?
I can't believe I'm paying taxes for retarded leeches like you. Please be disabled. Autism, Schizophrenia, Cerebral Palsy, fucking something goddammit. I don't want to have to pay for people just because they're "lazy" pieces of shit.
relax pal you can't get neetbux if you aren't fucking disabled.
>Took Khan Academy
>Didn't want to learn anything
>Went to SAT
>Bombed mathematics portion
It would hurt, but I'll probably never wind-up in a college anyway.
Literally stretching a 2min topic to a 10min video