The real question is

why is there something rather than nothing?

no, the real question for all those rationalists is answer what do they mean by why

why 'why'
why does there have to be a purpose or meaning assigned to something? can it not just be as is. there is no answer to this.

For what reason, or what explanation, is there something rather than nothing?



Have you considered that "nothingness" doesn't exist anywhere and never has? There's always something somewhere. Existence is the default state of being.

Because in the infinite subset of infinite universes where existence=0 theres nobody around to ask that question. Anthropic principle my nigger.

Why would there be nothing?

Because the unmoved mover is randomness.

What is this implying? That things exist because we can ask questions? What?

That the concept of "nothingness" is just a human abstract concept, like the idea that the sun might rise in the west tomorrow. Since I can imagine it, it's at least possible, right?

Or that idea that the moon might actually be made out of cheese, or the idea that the sun might be made out of cats, or lava or even ice.

Reasons imply causality and we know of at least one seminal event that must have been necessarily acausal. That's why "why" questions are silly.

the real question is can we know why there is something instead of nothing. if we cannot, then it's pointless conjecture

If there wasn't anything, we wouldn't be there to question it.

>implying there is actually something

if you majored in philosophy, you shouldnt partake in this discussion, or should you?

>why is there something rather than nothing?
Anthropic Principle

