Taking calc II

>taking calc II
>prof spends first day reviewing calc I
>points out that instead of using quotient rule you can more quickly find f' by taking ln of both sides and differentiating implicitly
>tfw knowing properties of logs and differentiation rules should have been able to figure this out myself
>feel like a brainlet

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>taking ln of both sides and differentiating implicitly

That is a horrible suggestion.

This. How is the quotient rule even difficult? If rational functions scare you, just write the denominator raised to -1 and use the product rule (my specialty).

Is this bait?

Im sorry for you, but was this apart of a full lecture or just a method he suggested?

Just a method he suggested for when you have products nested in the top/bottom.

Calc 3 fag here. Nobody ever told me this nor have I figured it out on my own.

That said, is there any case in which this is actually useful?

[math] f(x) = \frac{x}{ln(x)} \\ ln(f(x)) = ln(x) - ln(ln(x)) \\ \frac{f'(x)}{f(x)} = \frac{1}{x} - \frac{1}{x ln(x)} \\ f'(x) = \frac{\frac{x}{ln(x)}}{x} - \frac{\frac{x}{ln(x)}}{x ln(x)} [/math]

Looks to me like it would be simply to apply the formula, because if you have used it plenty you can just recite it without thinking. Meanwhile in this method you are forced to do algebra.

I've seen this before.
I think it's only useful in incredibly rare situations when differentiating exponential functions, but that's it.

Oh God! I messed up latex again. I'll try one more time.

There is a nice method found in Richard Feynman's book "Tips on Physics" Page 22

Let [math] f = k \cdot u^a \cdot v^b \cdot w^c \dots [/math] a function with respect to t

[math] \frac{df}{dt} = f \left( \frac{a}{u} \frac{du}{dt} + \frac{b}{v} \frac{dv}{dt} + \frac{c}{w} \frac{dw}{dt} + \dots \right) [/math]

where k, a, b, c, ... are constants


Let [math] f = k \prod_{i=1}^{n} u_{i} [/math] ^ [math] a_{i} [/math]

[math] \frac{df}{dt} = f \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{a_i}{u_i} \frac{du_i}{dt} [/math]

>link of the source here: archive.org/stream/FeynmanTipsOnPhysics/Feynman-Tips-on-Physics#page/n35/mode/2up

pretty sure that technique is in Stewart's chapter 3 or something.

>my specialty

>>points out that instead of using quotient rule you can more quickly find f' by taking ln of both sides and differentiating implicitly

ln(y)=ln(f(x)) - ln(g(x))
y'/y = f'(x)/f(x) - g'(x)/g(x)
y' = f'(x)/g(x) - g'(x)f(x)/g^2(x)

Ok, it works (if f(x)=/=0) but just use the product rule ffs:
y'=f'(x)/g(x) - f(x)g'(x)/g^2(x)

One step and you're done.


This is the first thing my class went over when we did implicit differentiation.
[eqn]\frac{d}{dx}y = \frac{y'}{y}[/eqn] when [math]y[/math] is dependent on [math]x[/math]. Multiply [math]y[/math] over and you get [math]y'[/math]

oops meant [eqn]\frac{d}{dx}\ln \left(y\right)[/eqn]

If you wanted to differentiate [math]y = x^x[/math]
Take natural log of both sides [math]\ln y=x\ln x[/math]
Differentiate both sides
[math]\frac{y'}{y} = 1 + \ln x[/math]
Multiply y over
[math]y' = y(1+\ln x)[/math]
Sub y for x^x
[math]y' = x^x(1+\ln x)[/math]

I always thought this was just common sense, especially if the denominator is already some function to a power.

>tfw genius
>instantly compute any polinomial derivative in my brain

weak ass niggas


Couple weeks into calculus 1 now, doing well, already past the chain rule and beyond. Quotient rule was a joke. Product rule remains my specialty.

>tfw taking calc II a second time
>At the start of the year the teacher said he had to retake it

I hope so
quotient rule is easy, why would anyone consider not doing it if they can? Sure there might be another way to do it, but you run the risk of looking a right autist.

prof is trolling. he wants kids to try and fail on the test.

It works only if f, g >=0


It just never gets old

Isn't this high school math? What the fuck do they teach at school?

any more of these?

underage, then..

g=/=0 come from the problem. Using logs adds an extra requirement that f=/=0. f and g can still be negative.

Pretty neat. I can't really think of any time I would have needed it though.

Nah. Couple of weeks into calculus 1 now, doing well

haha, right, surely nobody over 18 can appreciate humor!

This seems like a bunch of extra steps.....
Just use the product rule.

y = f/g = f(g^-1)
y' = f'g^-1 + f(g^-1)'

Then again the quotient rule isn't that hard but at the lest with the product rule if you change the order you get the same answer but if you mix up the order of the quotient rule you get the wrong answer.

Anyways it sounds like you're just starting a summer course and you better do your fucking homework. Summer courses are compressed as fuck and if you get behind or don't understand something you're going to fucking fail. Like really fail. Not a B, not a C+, but a big fuckin F.

This. Calculus 2 is fast as fuck anyway. You'd have to be insane or already know the material and just taking it for the credit to take this class in the summer.

yeah sometimes i wonder why the quotient rule even exists