Jordan Peterson personality lecture

>Myers-Briggs is nonsense it is not scientific, we try to recreate it in the lab, there are no multiple intelligence, ZERO CORRELATION, big five, I think we need to remove bias from research
Then suddenly:
>Chaos lol, slay the dragon hehe, the dragon has scales and is DANGEROUS, the bible, the BIBLE, THE BIBLE, hehe

You should have concentrated more in the English classes in school. Now your thread is a blabbering mess that only makes you look stupid.

This, what the fuck are you trying to say?

He's trying to say that Jordan Peterson criticizes modern psychology of endorsing non-scientific stuff, but simultaneously he, himself, believes non-scientific stuff described in the Bible.

isn't that just allegory tho

He's an atheist though.

Oh its one of these threads. Veeky Forums is a Christian board. I mean look, ChrIStian its got all three letters in it.

Nah it is not so much about the Bible, I should have left that out, it is about him taking a scientific approach when discussing the Big Five and IQ but psychobabbling about the rest
>that only makes you look stupid.
Why should I care what a bunch of anonymous people think about my intelligence???

myers-briggs isn't modern psychology, it's pop psychology. no one in academia takes it seriously

his stuff on the bible and mythology isn't science and i'm sure he admits as much. it's primarily (practical/pragmatic) philosophy and literary analysis/criticism

he doesn't let the philosophical and metaphysical stuff creep into his scientific work so it's not that big a deal (though I disagree with him strongly on philosophy/metaphysics)

OP here, he did say it explicity in the lecture start that it wasn't going to be for the scientific people so I think I judged unfairly

I started with the Big Five personality parts (so not the first one) and thought it was interesting, but in the end it become odd.

I tried from the beginning now and quit but he did say that he wasn't going to be scientific so I'm in the wrong here

He thinks clinical psychology is more like engineering and should be approached on a philosophical level

MBTI is effectively accurate enough, like race.
Except when it's wrong, there are no significant downsides.

some charlatan's invention vs universally observed and repeating archetypes

also, he uses Big Five personality traits, which is scientifically valid and tested == better than M-B

That is the point, he does discard Myers-Briggs but not Freud and Jung
But see this He differentiates between psychology as a science and psychology as a clinical practice

He's said the archetypal stuff is mainly useful when he's helping clients who are particularly creative thinkers, which are apparently quite rare. For everyone else, he probably just gives them standard therapy and advice.

>some charlatan's invention

>universally observed and repeating archetypes
myers-briggs, right

People only like myerse-briggs because of the autistically organized categorization that aspies like (notice how many people who talk about myers-briggs claim to be intj or something similar)


>It is possible to describe this content in rational, scientific language, but in this way one entirely fails to express its living character. Therefore, in describing the living processes of the psyche, I deliberately and consciously give preference to a dramatic, mythological way of thinking and speaking, because this is not only more expressive but also more exact than an abstract scientific terminology, which is wont to toy with the notion that its theoretic formulations may one fine day be resolved into algebraic equations.
>Equally childish is the prejudice against the role which mythological assumptions play in the life of the psyche. Since they are not "true," it is argued, they have no place in a scientific explanation. But mythologems exist, even though their statements do not coincide with our incommensurable idea of "truth."

Based Jung