Does anybody have that graphic of all of the different majors divided up into tiers? I'm talking super detailed...

Does anybody have that graphic of all of the different majors divided up into tiers? I'm talking super detailed, it probably had 5-10 majors per tier. This one is not the one I'm asking for.

Other urls found in this thread:

It had aeronautical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer engineering in God Tier.

This one?

>physics in the same tier as mechanical engineering

>tfw aerospace engineer

Going into that next year. What's it like, freund?

>liberal studies

I'm not sure why you would trust a graph written by someone who has clearly never set foot in a university, user.



>Rated by employment
While I don't doubt that engineering is going to see greater job growth than, say, physics. It is a little misleading, according to BLS engineering is only going to grow by something like 600 jobs per year until 2024 ( The whole STEM job market is fucked, which makes lists like these doubly retarded. What I'm trying to say is, regardless of your degree, we're all probably going to end up code monkeying.

Pretty good if you can get a job in a city you don't hate. Good luck with that.

If you're American, aim for defense work, because there's not going to be much going on in commercial aircraft by the time you graduate. So lay off the weed and don't tell anyone you want to overthrow the American government.

As an EE student I like this list but those filthy computer engineers should be down a tier or five. Also not all electrical engineers are the same, power and energy EE is normie tier


I suppose SpaceX isn't hiring?

No, they probably are, but you need to be good, and their work-life balance is more of a 'work-work' balance

Why are these even things?

So far, the smartest people I've met have been either history or English majors.

What an ignorant way to see education, honestly. Fuckin kids.

the ass pain is unreal!
I'll be enjoying my 90k straight out of undergrad CS job while you stay salty :)

>itt we brag about surrounding ourselves with idiots

Smart in what way? How would you even know

Just the knowledge they have

I go to the library a lot and most of the kids there are English/Poli sci/History majors (at least the part I sit down at)

The difference is probably the fact that they enjoy learning and learning more tha just their one field of study. That, in turn, makes them smarter. Just because some autist majors in math and thinks he should only learn math isnot going to be as smart as that kid in English who is also applying his mind in a variety of fields. This is the problem with a lot of the kids in my physics classes. I think most STEM kids are just elitists who think that numbers make the world go round when in reality its the aforementioned kids.

English kids are also cute ~

So they are smart because they go to the library frequently? They can read and process information from books? Well shit I guess they must be pretty smart then. Also how the hell do english and history majors make the world go round at all? Most of them end up at some shit job that has no impact on humanity at all. STEM actually advance technology and knowledge of ourselves, our world, and our universe. Nah you're right some author of shitty fiction novels or a historian studying some ancient shithole will definitely help us more!

>I'll be enjoying my 90k straight out of undergrad CS job while you stay salty :)

lel, any STEM major can get those CS jobs.

No. This is a perfect example of prime autism in STEM:

I said I go to the library and meet with these people, therefore that's how I know them.
They make businesses, they learn to be human, and they learn what the real world is. Who's going to connect more to a poor child? An author or some shitter udergrad computer science major bantering on Veeky Forums's Veeky Forums board?

Also goes to show how poor most STEM majors' reading comprehensions are. It's as if half of you guys don't even read, you just see a number and plug it in.

Yeah a typical english major author might connect more with a poor child with their part time job at starbucks

stay mad, pajeet

>when a Veeky Forumsfag tries to larp as a Veeky Forumsentist

but user... I major in math

>As an EE student I like this list but those filthy computer engineers should be down a tier or five.
>Also not all electrical engineers are the same.

(Computer) Software Engineers are Dumb Brainlets, Software Eng rarely use even Calculus


(Computer) Hardware Engineers are Top tier, Hardware Eng actually requires more advanced Physics than a typical EE.

Hardware Eng at Graduate Level can use more advanced physics such as Quantum Mechanics, Solid State Physics, Condensed Matter Physics & Optics.

(Robotics &) Control Engineering is a very mathematical branch of EE.

Power and energy EE is normie tier
>Power & Energy are the EE not smart enough for Control or Hardware

I was about to say I majored in civil but then I realized that'd be worse then cs

I still regret to this day not majoring in Philosophy. Fuck these list man, do what you love.

SpaceX is always hiring out of the top 10% of people in the field who are willing to devote their lives to their job.

t. Stoner

Except philosophy is a hobby, not a job.
You don't go to school to learn and practice a hobby unless you're from a very rich family or want to be homeless.

Get a degree (or even go to a trade school) something that will challenge you, contribute to the world, and pay your bills.

I love music and I love philosophy, but I got my masters in EE, make $200k a year, and play my piano, guitar, or have a scotch and read a book or have a philosophical discussion on my free time and weekends.

Then again I need someone to pump my gas and make my french fries and that's where the people who went to college for music and philosophy come into play.

Honestly. Given the choice between all STEM majors, assuming you're amazingly gifted in all areas, What would be the ideal choice?

You sidestepped the point by lumping business majors in with liberal arts when the bachelor in business is not under the liberal arts; it's a bachelor of science. STEM majors do tend to be more productive than liberal arts majors.

Also, STEM majors often wind up in consumer-centric environments, which demands an understanding of less scientific principles such as customer needs, cultural & regulatory context of the product and its manufacturing methods, and often the management of people in order to implement changes and work across the other disciplines that are needing the technical expertise. You're getting your view of STEM majors from a subsection of undergrads, not actual professionals who are fully in their adult lives.

There is an air of superiority around a lot of the collegiate crowd in general. It usually mellows out when these people actually get into the work force.

this is the only graph that matters.

>humanities fags assuming you cant be /sciandlit/


>by intended major
this quite a poor reflection on thsoe who actually manage to graduate considering the high dropout rates of engineering.

>by GREs

actually it overestimates engineers because most of them dont have any reason to take/do well on the GRE as most of them dont go to grad school.

ideal choice according to what

in the end research at phd/postdoc level is a mix of everything

>my shitty opinion, the meme

This one?

What is the criteria used to sort different majors? Average earning potential? Prestige? Academic difficulty? Skills acquired in the pursuit?

EE is pretty cool because it is easily applicable to real life outside of work

Why is engineering PhD not in superb tier like masters?

Engineers actually try to get PhD's? Master's is all that is really needed plus the PE.

Why the fuck in this chart
Mechanical Engineering is above Electrical Engineering?

Every person I've met with a PhD in engineering has been a college professor.


In EE and getting a PhD hoping for a research job in national lab or industry research. I've been told MS is enough, but lower chances. I get an MS degree after next year during the PhD so maybe I will just apply for desired jobs and leave uni if I get a good job

Most electrical engineers end up in software development, mostly web development because they can't code for shit. No offense, but it's goddamn true.
But other than that, I hear a lot of them that don't wind up in development have a hard time finding any job relevant to their field.
I will admit it's respectable and one of the more difficult / challenging STEM majors.

So besides the second user post where is BIOMED ENGY in all of this?

Philosophy is not hobby, stop this meme. I realized I would be much happier if I got a PhD in Philosophy and went into academia. I wouldnt mind becoming a professor at some small college.

>rated by employment

>Aeroespace engineer at top

>PhD in finance is higher than someone who has a bachelors in finance and then went to work at wallstreet

top lmao

>Be aerospace engineer
>Intern at Boeing
>Study abroad in France
>Interning at BAE in UK this summer

>unbelievable tier
unbelievable you'll ever break $60k, perhaps

>This chart
Again, STEM jobs are in the toilet right now. Unless you're truly exceptional, you're going to be a code monkey. Just stop with these retarded charts.

R&D my man

ya, but this chart is mostly for people starting their Bachelor's. After 4 years of Trump's revitalized economy, STEM may very well be viable again.

>Muh Trump
No. Or at least I wouldn't count on it.

Holy fuck this is the worst thread on Veeky Forums right now.

What the actual fuck is wrong with all of you?

This entire thread is just a fucking circlejerk of people who seek confirmation and validation.

"Ooh, I'm better than you because I got a degree in engineering because my dad forced me to and I've been pushed into this career my whole life because it makes good money!"

I agree. Philosophy is applicable to everything else one way or another and is a great stepping stone to get into law. But philosophy itself may not get you a job.

Thanks babe, also the amount of CS degree hate shows some serious projection from math/physfags.

petroleum engineer masterrace

i can say this as well. Most of my engineering classmates are unoriginal non creative drone tier fucks whose whole careers will be lived out as a biological AI.

I find pre law tier majors to be the most intelligent and articulate.

>highest tier

Kek, that's how I know you're joking

>Of all the top jobs out there most use math, applicable to most of the shit in good tier and above yet not in highest tier.
>Geophysics is simultaneously in Good tier and God tier

how do you engineer petroleum, precious

Nah all other stem majors write shit code then they're like,"derrr I engineer here's my shit code good huh " and I'm like naw this is shit stick to being a pretentious faggot while I fix your shit

New Selected Astronauts

The Korean-American Dr. Jonny Kim is
BSc Mathematics at the University of San Diego
MD at Harvard Medical School.
Pilot with Silver and Bronze Star in combat operations.

The Black GURL Jessica Watkins WUZ Environmental Geologist KANGZ N SHIEEET

Most accurate chart what all these little fag engineers don't realize is that money talks. Nobody gives a shit how often you use calculus they talk shot on cs but soon cs will be automating their pointless jobs away.

Dumbest chart so far, really music at 70k hahahah all this chart is meant to do is suck engineering faggot off. Lmao I doubt any of you will ever make that much.

True all engineering thinks it's easy to write code but don't understand nobody wants shit code they want quality. I've worked with a ton of ee and I usually have to read through a ton of their shitty work. They do learn cool shit though I'll give them that.

>I go to the library a lot and most of the kids there are English/Poli sci/History majors

HUmanities Majors will be Either
Future Top Lawyers & MBAs
or Future Failures in Life

They could major in something more respectable such as Economy, Finance or Linguistics.

Remember that if you major in STEM with good GPA you can do later:
MBA to be a Engineer Manager or Scientist Manager.
Law School be a Patent Lawyer.
Medical School to be a Doctor (+ Biomedical Engineer or Medical Physicist)
Even work in Finance, Government & Intelligence Agencies.

The question is Can you get a good GPA in STEM or not?
If you have Good GPA thousands of opportunity doors will open.


you must to do much more effort in STEM than Humanities to avoid Bad GPA & Keep Good GPA.

What the fuck is this?

>higher than nuclear engineering, microbiology, and veterinary studies

I don't see how. I'm not an expert in any of those fields, but I feel like those all have better job outlooks than pure biology.

I guess the disclaimer was right.

Software Eng still make far mord money than Comp Eng

She has a phd. You are dumb. I think its good to have a team with diverse skills. Yes, some crew members are exceptional in comparison (this guy is a superhero and makes anyone look like shit btw) but you are being naive about what a group with knowledge in a wide array of fields can achieve

>aerospace engineer
Was it worth it? Hoping to put my younger brother on this track or mechanical/electrical engineering.

Also pic source? P...please

>Most electrical engineers end up in software development
As an EE this absolutely pisses me off. At least it has encouraged me to get a masters though, since it means better chances of working on hardware.

Why do people do aerospace rather than mechanical? Aren't you just cucking yourselves out of job mobility?

10 years ago I got accepted into the nation's best aerospace engineering program (with a full ride)

I went on to become a gym teacher instead, and am now in grad school (history)

did i dun goof Veeky Forums?

People would kill for your opportunity. You fucked it up in pure Veeky Forums style though.

You should invest some time in learning to understand graphs and charts; it's an invaluable skill in this age of data gathering. For example, this graph you've replied to is meant to show the span of earning for individuals based on their college major, including the very top and bottom earners.

So, while it may seem strange to you that people can earn $70k a year with a degree in music, it's important to remember that music itself if a very difficult skill to learn which requires years of dedicated practice. Conductors and top performers can earn even in excess of $70k, too. Furthermore, music teachers at the high school level, who I imagine hold most music degrees, much like coaches have the ability earn bonuses through doing well at their job, and make extra money by offering private lessons. For example, when I was in high school the orchestra director was the highest payed member of the staff because he'd taken the orchestra to national-level competitions quite regularly.

Can somebody please tell me what's wrong with wanting to become a high-school biology teacher?

I don't even know why I stop by Veeky Forums sometimes. These threads just consist of a bunch of undergrads with a superiority complex jerking off their respective majors.

>t. unemployed liberal arts major

Don't kid yourself about the usefulness of a good GPA. The only thing a good GPA in undergrad will help you with is getting into grad school or professional school. Aside from that no one cares how many A's you get.

I'd say staying above 3.0 is pretty important to employers.

try again. What business would a liberal arts major have on Veeky Forums?

Dunno. But you're clearly butthurt and desperately trying to cope with poor life decisions.

No, I just get irritated when I see people put others down to make themselves feel special and important.

Honestly creating a list that puts yourself on top and everyone else on the bottom seems more like a coping mechanism to me

Im going Pre-Med/Psychology with an emphasis on Neuroscience. Where does that put me?

Creating a list to see what majors have good job availability os a coping mechanism? Many chose their majors because of their usefulness, the majors weren't put there to make people who were already in them feel better.

I am steadily losing respect for Math and Physics majors.

Yes, it is important to understand good availability, however I am more referring to these:
Please enlighten me into how these provide insight in "good job availability"

I think the list is suppose to be a satire.

Whats the beef between /sci and psychology and Philosophy.

biology and chemistry in the same group TOP KEK
