Be teacher assistant

>be teacher assistant
>bored af, generate a bullcock paper at libgen on my tablet
>walk to the school 13 y/o ""prodigy""
>"hey you gotta check this out"
>anemic little rat flushes up with his eyes lit
>runs off amok with it
>walk up to him and tell him it's randomly generated and is not supposed to make sense
>"well maybe to you"

Pic related

Kid gonna be the next thing and probably BTFO you OP.
Don't get batshit insane

retard who stopped mathing after a first course in complex analysis here (C+ baka)

is that paper actually made up and randomly generated or is it legit? because any shit at that level looks the same to me. how am I supposed to know? it's fucking hieroglyphs

>Pic related

Your face is a bullshit paper?

That's cruel OP. Why you gotta be a jealous brainlet and send a 13 year old on a wild goose chases like that.

Just goes to show that all these kid geniuses are full of shit.

>kid computer genius
>gets microsoft sys admin certificate
>youngest ever
>on all tv stations
>2 years later
>father abandons him
>his mother has barely any money to eat
>back on national tv begging for donations
How you like dem appeles

>contra-stochastically stochastic domain
>left-Euclidean isometries
>Pythagoras' condition
It's bullshit user, these were just the funniest ones imo.

I've already prepared the noose

To be fair the moment he took it I told him the paper was balls but apparently he thought I was deriding him

So you looked up books in

I totally read that as mathgen.

>sub-almost semi-Sylvester
This is my favorite

>kid comes back with a list of things that don't make sense about your paper and asks you to revise it by next month

kek.d hard

>[math]\Sigma\int\int\sqrt{2}\ df\ \vee...\wedge \overline{-\epsilon}[/math]
what the fuck

Pfft, brainlet.

Why are "prodigies" retards

They usually burn out by the age of 18.

>generate random paper
>its proves riemann
>give it to a 13 year old


>Galileo's description of pseudo-Frechet isometries was a milestone in Euclidean set theory.

How did you do that?

>that pic

My fucking sides.

where is this cute anime girl from

Thats pretty sad.

Why are you so cruel?

Great teacher onizuka

If you're ever more successful than me you better stay that way or I will take a literal shit on you.
It's how I keep my testosterone up.

> sub-almost semi-Sylvester

Mathcucks get away with shit like this all the time desu

>anemic little rat

>he thought I was deriding him
...bcoz U were in fact, fgt pls

It's the parents' fault usually for giving them huge egos. They could nurture their kid's talent and interest with progressively more advanced material and talking to actual professors. Instead they just brag about how smart their kid is. The kid obviously thinks he's hot shit and crashes as soon as he realizes he can't compare to the kids taking grad classes in high school because their parents were smart about it.