Repeat after me:
Is a.
Repeat after me:
Is a.
This diagram is stupidly broad.
>11.4 million STEM degree holders who work
ok wheres the meme
The meme is that as they are working at a job that has nothing to do with their degree they should have just been able to get that job out of highschool.
They cant though because the military-industrial-academia complex is trying to scam everyone out of their money.
>been able to get that job out of highschool
then why are many non-STEM degree holders finding it hard to get a job?
Right, but this is the fault of pure departments and retards on this board who think they'll get STEM jobs with just a math, chemistry or physics degree etc
Professional STEM degree students like engineering have been telling you retards you're doing an easy mode background degree for generations.
>then why are many non-STEM degree holders finding it hard to get a job?
The STEM meme propagates. Someone who fell for the meme gets a job, becomes part of the hiring committee, and hires more STEM to self-validate his own degree.
>STEM jobs
i just thought a stem degree was more employable in general 2bh
Have you seen the projected job growth over the next 20 years? It's pathetic, you almost certainly aren't going to work in the engineering field.
I never got this meme.
In my country, stem is a very profitable field to work in
Engineers starts at roughly 2.5k to 4k /months depending on the school they graduated from (national median income is at 1.7)
They also have one of the highest employment rate upon graduation.
Here you make 3-6 x the average income straight out of school with a stem degree.
US culture is fucked.
The most useless people (management) get all the glory, while everybody else (the people who do the actual work) is treated like a replaceable cog. Your degree is proof of obedience rather than a measure of what you know.
>no source
>non-American way of writing large numbers
source for people who cant reverse image search
For the last fucking time, every person with a bullshit associates in IT is not STEM
>then why are many non-STEM degree holders finding it hard to get a job?
Because the U.S. is retarded, I'm dead serious with this. And no, I'm not talking about IQ here, I'm literally saying that the bulk of the country and it's leaders are retarded.
They could easily alleviate their employment/college/ debt woes by not allowing skills like programming and nursing to be locked behind premium pay walls. If programming and nursing were taught at the high school level you wouldn't be in this bullshit your in right now.
Conservatives wouldn't bitch and be desperate enough to accept people like Trump. Liberals wouldn't be so bullish about throwing money at shit like universal health care and welfare.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Massive exaggeration. Getting an engineering job isn't as hard as you think.
What kind of STEM degree can you have that is not a bachelor's, master's or PhD?
Don't misrepresent my community college degree in air conditioning repair.
>got an online associates degree in principles of science
>300k starting
S-s-stemu i-isu a meme-u
>university requires an iq of 100
>a successful stem career requires an iq of 140
>Employment of architecture and engineering occupations is projected to grow 3 percent from 2014 to 2024, adding about 67,200 new jobs.
>adding about 67,200 new jobs.
>67,200 new jobs over 10 years
Thats ~6,720 new jobs a year. There's more than that graduating this year. Either start literally sucking dick to get to the top of the class or start anticipating alternative employment. I'm just trying to be real with you user, the job market is rough as fuck right now, for everyone.
What's your suggestion? More feminist eskimo dance therapy majors? Technical degrees?
>source: that CEO on TV talking about a STEM shortage
Here's a hint: there's only a "shortage" at the below-median wages that they are willing to pay. Schoolteachers make more than engineers.
>could've gotten without a degree
That's not implied by the image at all. Maybe they'd have let you get a stem degee if you weren't so retarded.
>Liberals wouldn't be so bullish about throwing money at shit like universal health care and welfare
maybe not "as bullish" but still pretty bullish
going from the healthcare system we have now to universal healthcare would save lives, and save money
it's a no brainer
I never said there was a stem shortage, I just don't think it's impossible to get a job in it.
we need ethnostates
You don't think, but have you tried? Until you have like the rest of us you're just talking out of your ass.
As an undergrad I have successfully gotten co op employment, but I'm not a good measure because I go to a top 20 uni. Didn't seem too difficult for any of my friends from lower unis though. Sounds like you're just angry because you personally can't find a job.
Too fuckin true :-(
I got a job, so fuck everyone else.
I got a steady client on my first day looking for programming work online.
That's another thing: there are way more internship and co-op openings than there are entry level positions because they don't want to pay for real engineers. Check any engineering job site and you'll see what I mean.
>psych degree (notevenstem)
>no internships
>no recs
>job in lab
>literally first job
>just shy of 50k salary
Either I'm lucky or too content, or the average stem grad is even more pathetic than I
>I did
i'd kill myself desu
>>psych degree (notevenstem)
I think that's the point of this thread. Veeky Forums is full of memelords who believe that by working themselves to death for an insanely difficult major they will somehow not have horrible job prospects when they graduate, when in reality everyone is following the exact same strategy so there's too much competition for these difficult careers.
The second reason people go for STEM is because if you get a job, the pay is really good
so this compounds the problem; now you get tons of people who don't have any direction in their lives getting STEM degrees just because they pay the best
>planning to go into aerospace to start up the first bits of space mining
>will probably never succeed because no jobs
>space mining and engineering will probably never happen because force feeding high explosives to perpetually angry sand people is more entertaining for world governments
>literal high schooler enters the thread
>I got a job without much effort, so everyone can
Probably work for your dad ya cunt
There is always jobs for good people
11.4 Million engineers sucking dick for a living.
Those are basically people who majored in stupid impractical stem fields. Anyone who majors in the core engineering fields, meche, ee, and cive, should be fine.
>planning to go into aerospace
Stopped reading right here. You're retarded. Go into mech E.
Again, based on what? Do you currently have a job in engineering?
>NOTE: Not all employers use these terms separately. Some may see an internship or co-op as interchangeable language. Make sure you ask what program they’re referring to when you talk to recruiters!
So ... work for us ... for an amount preferably less than the actual wage the engineer would get, to receive "training" and "work experience" (& "exposure" if you are of a Designer-ish profession).
>mech eng.
Veeky Forums has the dankest shitposts
What did he mean by this? Did all of these unemployed fags actually go through uni with no experience and expect to get a job?
>mech e is a meme
>but aerospace (advanced mcjob training) isn't
Who? Me?
I'm insinuating they are skimping on the quality of promised training.
How did they manage in olden times hiring people and training them on the job, giving raises based on performance.
>3% of total workforce in America are engineers
>anything engineering being mcjob or meme
the industry needs highly capable, intelligent, skillful engineers & scientists. the response from the education business has been to piggy back on this demman, hide the high quality bar to work at place like IBM, Caterpillar, Rockwell, etc... , dumb down the curricula, and just churno out half baked people hoping at least a few of them nab some jobs
if you studied a STEM major and are currently jobless is because you were too stupid to be a real engineer/scientist and just got a joke degree
Do you currently have a job in industry? Degree/ university/ salary/ job title/ how you got the job?
Otherwise you're just another college freshman memelord.
i am an associate professor / guest researcher in a Californian uni
got the job because my thesis advisor had friends here and aided me network with them during a conference a year ago
OP is trying to make excuses for failure ahead of time. If you get an engineering degree from any decent state uni and get over a 3.0 with one internship, you are now in the middle class (assuming you aren't a total aspie who people can't stand to be around)
if you go for the masters or phd then you can get a better job more specialized to your interests
the recruiters are like vulchers on college campuses man
See you at the unemployment office
Not OP but worked in SJ for the past decade at a couple of tech multinationals. It's true, most of the comp sci guys that get churned out are fucking brain dead. There's two main groups of people that are needed, maintenance guys who can copy paste code under supervision and then research guys who can architect and put shit together. The former can be filled with monkeys from India, the latter is mostly homegrown talent. Unfortunately tech is a meme now and most native graduates are no better than imports.
Are you just shitposting or you actually believe this? Everyone I know in my program (both grad and undergrad) has gotten a good job, except maybe a couple who dropped out
That's a tall order for someone who can't spell. :^)
More seriously, I've had the exact opposite experience. Only a few of the female students found jobs, and that was likely because of gender quotas. It's a pretty bleak employment situation, but it could be a regional thing too.
Is a.
Where did you go to school? It must have been somewhere pretty bad. Maybe not bad overall, but bad for your major at least
Why do you go to a shit tier uni?
Washington State University.
It's pretty respectable. I also did a shitton of extracurricular engineering projects, one of which we beat some ivy-leaguers and took second place, as well as undergraduate research.
I dunno man you should probably be able to get a job. What was your major? I'd be interested to see your resume. I'm guessing you have some sort of glaring red flag, terrible personality, or haven't tried that hard
And for all the other people in my graduating class, as well as friends at neighboring universities who also have no job prospects? Clearly every engineering student in the state of Washington must have some sort of personal fault.
Except no, that's retarded.
All I can tell you is that I have spent significant time in ECE departments at 3 different state unis, each in a different part of the country, and jobs were pretty plentiful. Maybe I only encountered the better students because I worked with better professors. But there are certainly a shitload of engineers and scientists working in Washington, especially the Seattle area. You are just running in the wrong circles. Try to get connections with more successful people and ask them to recommend you. Most people are hired thru networking, not applying cold. Also, lose your shitty attitude, they will smell it on you and it's repellent. Act like you belong there
The job market changed in the last couple years. It very well may have been good in the past, but it is not currently. Boeing and all of their suppliers are agressively cutting their engineering workforce with layoffs.
Maybe so, but it doesn't matter. You still have to go and look for a job. Be thankful that you are a college educated American. It could be much worse. You trying to work in the Aerospace industry?
I can tell you if you're going specifically for aerospace jobs it's going to be harder than any other engineering discipline to find jobs.
So a bad labor market is just "running in the wrong circles"?
Does Veeky Forums need to put IQ tests in their captchas now?
Location, connections, and letters of recommendation along with research is how you get the job.
Remember how I said lose the shitty attitude?
Anyway, yes, if you network with successful people it will lead to jobs. I don't know how that is surprising to you
>there are only two people in this thread
This is a systemic problem you retard.
woah there buddy
I tried to be nice and give you advice, but you're such an aspie all you want to do is complain. You are clearly the retard for being unsuccessful and you clearly never will be based on your attitude.
>muh systemic problems
the only person to blame is you
>he still doesn't get it
You're arguing with 5+ people, not one.
maybe, just maybe, american universities can't produce engineers worth a shit
My engineering department at UT Austin has had a 100% job placement rate into the engineering field upon graduation for like 5 years in a row now or something. Seems to be going pretty well as long as you go to a decent school and don't live in the middle of fucking nowhere.
>associate professor
>If you get an engineering degree from any decent state uni and get over a 3.0 with one internship, you are now in the middle class
Are you currently working as an engineer, or just regurgitating the lies you've been told?
>More seriously, I've had the exact opposite experience. Only a few of the female students found jobs, and that was likely because of gender quotas. It's a pretty bleak employment situation, but it could be a regional thing too.
I've had pretty much the same experience. About half my graduating class got jobs and the other half is still doing menial shit. If you aren't some kind of affirmative action hire, or have parents working in the field, it's a up hill fucking battle.
I moved to a different region, but it's not much better here.
And all these freshmen shits on here are going to eat thier fucking words when the finally graduate. Because the ratio of graduates to jobs is only going to get worse.
Feels badman.
We don't all have rich parents you entitled cunt.
>he thinks he'll find a job doing menial shit
You're in for a rude awakening, bud.
>Try to get connections with more successful people
How. How did you get these connections with more successful people?
It sounds like you were born into connections and you're shitting on everyone who wasn't.
I have a job doing menial shit...
Thanks for being an asshole though.
Be around successful people and be cool?
Even if you have to do a job outside engineering what's wrong with that? You should still be able to get a decent office job and maybe break into engineering later in your career.
Where did you go to be around successful people?
conferences and such
Yeah, just do telemarketing for a few years
something in your field will certainly open up for you eventually!
You sound extremely bitter. Tell me your story.
>You should still be able to get a decent office job
No. That's why I went to school on the first place, remember? To not become a janitor
>and maybe break into engineering later in your career.
Lol, fuck no.
>office job
Kill yourself
>thinking you can get a cushy office job with essentially just a high school diploma after nobody wanted your engineering degree
Unless you've done it yourself, stfu.
nah, that just sounds like a terrible idea to me
I'm a self employed software developer