Prove that I'm not in a dream right now

Prove that I'm not in a dream right now.

but user, you are.

try to turn on a light or use your phone or post on Veeky Forums
if you can't do it you're in a dream
trust me man I've been having involuntary lucid dreams every night of my dog wanting me to walk him out in the middle of the night
I legit cannot tell if it's real or not
I always try to manipulate my environment, if you have to think about what's going to happen before it happens (like you turn on a light switch but nothing happens until you think that the light is supposed to come on) you're in a dream
this shit is insane, it's like 4 am right now

"Proof" presupposes access to the real world (where you get your evidence from).

If you were in a dream, you could always dream about not being a faggot.

>Prove that I'm not in a dream right now.

you are now breathing manually.

Its easy, i tell you something that your ordinary brain doesnt know.

The glock 29 comes with a 10 round magazine of 10mm FBI rounds. It can be fitted with a compensated barrel from lone wolf products. However even with the compensation effect the recoil is still great enough to flick back your wrist and thus the compensator is practically superfluous.

There. You didnt know that did you? And it was too detailed to have guessed. Ergo, you and I atleast exist. The rest of these anons might be a dream though.

u cannot know if he exists

if the real world exists as such and the information is true then him imagining this would be a pure strike of luck, sure
however, if it this is really only a dream, then the information may be completely made up by his brain, there may be no glock, there may be no you, there may be no knowledge.

I am certain that I exist. Why would I exist in your dream? You don't know who I am. And if the world was your dream, i.e. a construction of your subconscious mind, that presupposes that you hold all knowledge related to the entire universe, of which I am a part. And we've never met.

I am also certain that I am not dreaming. Because why would you exist in my dream? I don't dream about faggots.

You have no proof that my mind didn't make all this shit up on the spot during my dream.
You are just assuming that your mind can't create new information.

If you were dreaming you'd be asleep.
If you were asleep you would not be able to type out a question for Veeky Forums on your computer.
You did, in fact, type out a question for Veeky Forums on your computer.
Therefore you are not asleep.
Therefore you are not in a dream.

The language you use to construct your argument is self-defeating. You have already assumed there is a "me", who you refer to as "you". You then proceed to assert that I do not exist.

>faggots know ive proved them wrong and yet continue to insist the starting position.

This is becoming a trend on sci.

You cant imagine stuff you dont know on demand. Dreams are comprised only of stuff you do know.

Anime being shit is proof that this is the real world.

But how could we parse this information if it wasn't already in way, already present within us?

Singularity of spirit confirmed.

>counting fingers theorem

One mind interacting with it's temporarily amnesic, artificial divisions, eternally

if we're following technical knowledge about dreams he wouldn't be able to read this text either
letters in dreams generally have only the visual appearance of letters but can't be read

Stay smug, it makes it easier to ghost ur post.

Your theory is falsifiable.

Look at your phone. You know its a phone. But you have no idea how it works. The information is not already present within you. It comes from somewhere else. A place us laymen call, the universe.

So is yours
>It comes from somewhere else. A place us laymen call, the universe.
What convinced you this 'other' is separate from the self?
We ingest external things every day to live, how can one even argue that one thing is apart from another? The fallacy of materialism in a nutshell

It's super easy to wake yourself up if you suspect you're dreaming. If you can't then congrats

You didn't prove shit, fuckboy

I need to be close enough to strangle you, ask me later.

Your 20W brain is not this consistent, take a look yourself