could someone help me please please... whenever im during a math exam i keep getting panic attacks and start heavy breathing and suddenly my brain feels like a white sheet of paper. i can't remember anything or howto solve anything so i just scribble some numbers. time is never enough. even if i worked my ass off while studying it's always the same. this doesn't happen with other subjects. how can i get rid of those panic attacks and actually focus. it's so frustrating and fucks up my score.
Panic attack in exam
your university should have methods of alternative testing (like taking it at a different time in a different space and getting more time), so try taking advantage of that.
ive heard of people being prescribed benzos for this as well, just a one time thing for whenever you have a test. but you want to keep the dose low as fuck for that because an actual benzo high would be a really bad choice for that sort of thing.
Sometimes, I dont prepare for exams realy hard to feel extremely excited to work in a harass conditions. It's such a pleasure to solve everything, then you done it without cheating.
who is this semen demon?
I believe that's a frapuccino.
If you can't handle the pressure maybe it's not for you.
please don't say that.
Take your exams slightly inebriated. If you're tipsy, you just don't give a fuck.
I'm not saying it, your body is.
talk about a vomit sentence
What you should do is hyperventilate. It allows more oxygen to flow into your brain, suddenly you just start remembering things. It looks pretty dumb though.
i do this but i dont breathe quickly. i do long yawns. yawning deeply enough to the point where my eyes water fully rejuvinates my brain when its tired for some reason.
Same thing as when a deer is caught in the headlights, we all know how smart deer are.
Learn how the test is going to look and make sure you ACTUALLY know what is being tested.
Until you can apply your learning to the course and other bases of work, i would recommend a better coping strategy
Thank fucking christ I passed all my exams.
This summer is gonna be the finest time of my life.
>If you can't handle the pressure maybe it's not for you.
basically this
its not like the real world is going to be less stressful than a stupid calculus exam. If anything actual work is 1000X more stressful.
>this doesn't happen with other subjects
try actually learning the material then
>If you can't handle the pressure maybe it's not for you.
Pretty much this. It's like flatfoots in the military. If you're physically incapable of doing something, you can't expect to succeed in it.
Running away from demanding situations won't solve anything. He would just dodge his problems but the root cause would still be there. Try seeing a psychiatrist OP these things can be handled easily if the cause is known
This is bullshit. In real life you aren't given a time limit and a set of arbitrary questions and told that if you fuck up you'll have to stay for another year. Real-life employers value correctness over speed.
>he thinks the questions on a math test are arbitrary
>he thinks actual job assignments don't come with time limits
>t. student who's never had a job
Employers value your ability to produce something financially valuable for the company. You can be as correct as you want, if you salary exceeds your output, you're gone.