Can't get a grip on Differential Equations

Yo niggas How the fuck do I study differential equations?
My uni demands me to learn some methods I can't find on the internet. What the hell do I use for reference?
The Uni gave me this list but I can't find some shit on the net.
>uniqueness and existence
>order 1: free variables, homogeneity. exact eq, int. factor, lineal equations
>superior order: lineal constant coeficients,undetermined coeficients constant nor lineal coeficients E.D. simple examples . parameter variation method
>1st order: Matricial method and solutions

Other urls found in this thread:

This is demanded by literally any decent uni and is widely availible on the internet.

Then how the hell do I solve this?
They tell me to solve it by substitution x=X+a and y=Y+b


>can't even flip the fucking picture

Why do I even bother. This is a standard equation that can be reduced to a homogenous equation through substitution. If we have an equation of the form

y' = f(ax + by +c/ alphax + betay + gamma)

Then the system of equations

ax + by +c = 0
alphax + betay + gamma = 0

has a unique solution (x_0 , y_0) in R^2. If we make a substitution

eta: = x - x_0
nu := y - y_0

then the equation becomes

(nu)' = f(a*eta + b*nu / alpha*eta + beta*nu)

and that is a homogenous equations

You can download the books below here -->

Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos by Morris W. Hirsch

if you can't understand that book then go to

Ordinary Differential Equations by Morris Tenenbaum

if you can't understand the books above then go to either

Khan Academy.


Elementary Differential Equations by Boyce and DiPrima

Most of your post is rigurous shit from the book. I get it, but I CAN'T FUCKING SOLVE IT THIS WAY.
I'll post the pic wait a sec

You can you brainlet, once you get a homogenous equation you simply substitute z = nu/eta and go from there. For fucks sake

I thought so but this time i can't.

Wrong pic. I commit an error in this pic, but if I correct the error I still can't solve it. I've been trying to solve it for 1 day. Fuck, can you help me, user?

Yes, I'm cracking at it. I wanted to beat off but now I'm doing your homework, I hope you're one happy brainlet.

Thanks. I don't get it, I was great with all type of integrals and physics, but this shit crushed my dreams. I can't understand anything about diff eq.

I'll leave the integration and classification of solutions to you.

desu this equation really isn't trivial. I wouldn't expect seeing it on exams.

Thanks bud. I will study your example for the rest of the problems.

Cheers mate

Wtf is with that eta lmao


Is that squiggle supposed to be a real glyph?

Thanks for the info, bud. Where do you get this info?

Guys, is there any reason I should bother with methods like integrating factor, separation of variables etc for linear ODE's after we've learned the Laplace transform and can apply it to said ODE? It seems so much more straightforward to me, and yes I did quite enjoy my control theory class.

lol, I basically just learned some cookie-cutter techniques. I never even saw pictures like in the OP in my courses. Good thing I'm not an engineering cuck.