>be me
>graduate from UT Austin
>3.5 GPA BS Chemistry
>can't find job
Can't wait to start working at a grocery store again!
Be me
>BS chemistry
there's your problem
s-shut up
move to a place with a lot of biotech companies like San Diego and find a lab tech job there
How many applications have you sent?
probably 10/day
mostly through Indeed because its easier than spending an hour filling in the same fucking boxes on every employers unique website
>be me
>graduate from state school
>3.4 gpa math/cs
>apply to 500 jobs/internships
>go through a few BS interviews and tests so companies can say there are no qualified candidates and hire h1b's
8 months in so far, I'm currently applying to anything and everything all over the country.
>only BSc
That's your problem. You haven't graduated yet. Get MSc.
Engineers should never take unpaid internships
also there is nothing resembling computer engineering in what they described
>Online applications
There's another problem. You should be approaching these people in person.
At this point I'd take anything remotely close to what I want to do, paid or unpaid, to get into the programming field, but it would cost me $100 dollars a week in gas to commute to this place in heavy traffic, so I can't realistically apply (that's assuming I'd even get this position, I've had offers to pay companies to train me, so I'd essentially be paying them to have the privilege of working for them).
Here's one of their emails
>160k for a certificate
business administration masterrace checking in
>so companies can say there are no qualified candidates and hire h1b's
this is true.
I have a family member that works for a rather large data mining (excuse me, analytics) corporation down in southern California.
In order to keep operating costs down and revenue up he says they almost exclusively hire foreigners on the h1b into tech positions. Apparantly the business gets something like a $10k tax rebate or something during tax time for each employee they hire this way.
So they end up hiring people, keeping them around for about a year and then moving on
Thats a great offer goy, the only question is why haven't you taken advantage of it yet?
Yeah I don't know who would actually agree to that, but it worries me that something like that exists. It goes to show how over saturated this field is, at least at the entry level.
>4.0 in math and physics
>get 49 percentile on gre subject test
fuck state school. study for your sat's kids
>TFW go to company and they send you on a run for 3 hours to HR only to tell you to apply online
>TFW go to company and front desk tells you to apply online
>TFW go to job fair and they tell you apply online
>TFW call up companies and they put you on hold for 30 minutes just to tell you apply online
>TFW email companies personally and you wait 3 days only for them to tell you to apply online
>TFW try to be as personal as possible but everyone tells you to apply online
>YWN get an opportunity to not apply online
>go to month of college
>drop out
>get truck driving job
>80k a year
you sci cucks are hilarious
>Be a truck driver
>Actually only make 40k hopefully 50k before i retire
>Rent an apartment for 2 months every year because the rest of the time im on the road
>have to shitpost in a mcdonalds since im not home at the moment
>have to do meth because my life has no stability and i need to stay awake on the road
>required experience: The ability to do all the things a competent computer engineer should be able to do for but we don't want to pay you cause fuck you
I sometimes wonder why I didn't do this after high school. The only thing that still gives me hope is that 10, 15, 20 years from now the crap I'm going through at the moment will be worth it when my career is established. I have to tell myself this for the sake of my own sanity.
>tfw cant get a job because no internship experience
Anyone got any advice on lying and just making up experience?
>go to a technical school (because i am dumb)
>already have two paid, directly related internships in my field under my belt
>current internship will probably offer me a full time job before the summer is even over
>haven't even started my senior year yet
What the fuck is wrong with you people. I refuse to believe you guys can send so many applications and not get one offer. You must all reek of genuine autism or something.
wow similar to me
>3.5 GPA BS biochemistry
but i realized it's a meme degree without graduate school. So im starting a PhD program in the fall.
i currently work at a grocery store and have during my undergrad, currently make 15.60 an hour, stipend for school is 11 an hour, but including waived tuition is more like 35 an hour (55k year)
Did you even study?
how is Indeed? i hear their commercials all the time but havnt been in a position yet where i would need to use that kind of service
Makes for applying very easy. Out of 50 applications I've only gotten one call back
Computer Science
I did, but I could of studied more. usually i'm at the top of the curve for exams, but the math subject test kicked my ass.
GPA doesn't mean shit for CS and any serious company doesn't give a single fuck about it. I've known 4.0 CS grads that wouldn't be able to do fizzbuzz if their life depended on it.
the problem is you. either you have shit people skills (they are important believe it or not), shit resume, or your technical skills are shit. CS jobs are being handed out like candy right now
>CS jobs are being handed out like candy right now
he forgot to add
>if you're a pajeet and willing to make 35k/year
I'd gladly take 35k a year.
thank you.
me too ;_;
but i think they get tax rebates and shit for hiring pajeets
>could of
I forget to add...if you have a degree and can at least write a for loop then you have a job. I went to a shit state school, graduated with about 30 other guys, and every single one of us had a job before graduation. Some guys were only make 35k, but most were making 50-70k. One got an offer for 110k.
>BS ChemE 3.9 GPA
>MS materials engineering 3.85 GPA
>2 years undergrad research
>18 months in industry
>Finding a job is still hell
I applied to about 45 positions online and didn't get a single interview. Now that I've graduated I've been going to cities I'm interested in and networking around. I've gotten a lot of interest from high level people I've met (Oh wow your resume looks great you're exactly the type of person we're looking for) but I'm still struggling to turn those interactions into actual interviews. Hoping to be making more progress soon.
Isn't that the most employable degree right now after nursing/medical?
>Apply online
>Computer screens resume for buzzwords
>If you make it past the arbitrary computer check, a nontechnical person at HR glances over your resume and checks it against a qualifications checklist they don't really understand
>If you pass this, they send you an email to do a one way video interview where text questions appear on screen and you get one take per question to answer and not seem like a sperg even though removing the conversational aspect of an interview is totally disorienting
>Your video interview is screened by software
>If your video passes the software check it moves on to HR again
>If HR likes your video they send it to the person who will actually be hiring you
>If they like your video, then, just maybe, you'll get a phone call
The modern job applicant system is a complete clusterfuck.
>EECS mustardrace
I can write a loop, and so can every other person who's ever watch a youtube video about one. People with CS degrees who can't pass the fizzbuzz test are probably just having mental panic attacks during their interview. You're forced to write hundreds of loops before you graduate. I can't believe I'm even having this conversation right now. You sound like a friend of mine who got a great programming gig through another friend before he even graduated and now he thinks his shit doesn't stink. At the entry level it's proving to be close to impossible.
>BS in Math and Physics
>just finished second year
>GPA is shit tier (less than 3)
>working in R&D for a local company who wants to have me work part time while I'm at university and hire me when I graduate
Don't apply for jobs, ever, cold email the CEO of where you want to work and tell them to hire you.
fuck, i deserve state school
Yes but the self learning programmers often dont even reach the HR because they lack a degree. I think you need to get in touch with former classmates/professors and have a short bullshit chat and pop in the fact you're still looking for a job. If you had the slightest repor with them theyll be inclined to try and get you something. And no personally i work with automation/robotics after a 2-year trade school. But im going back to school for either EE or computer science, then will i consider biomedical if im still into it.
>Yes but the self learning programmers often dont even reach the HR because they lack a degree
A friend of mine works for a tech recruiting firm, he's always offering jobs to people without degrees. He bitches about it nonstop because they're all getting paid way more than him and he's in debt from getting a useless degree. You can have certifications and projects in place of a degree. You just need something to act as proof that you're not an idiot.
Do you guys have any success stories of speaking directly to a CEO about getting a job? If so, what does that email look like?
Should look like this
>I'm a recent x graduate of x school with x degree
>here is my resume
>include a very short summary of your resume
>I see your company has problems with x, x and x and has an opening
>I have experience with these problems at x and x place and I can deal with it
>I'd like to set up a genuine interview because i have the skills you're looking for and I can prove it
I did it when I was really desperate for employment and it actually worked. It works even better if you have some kind of connection to the employer whether you went to the same school or grew up in the same town.
The bigger the company, I imagine it this becomes less and less viable.
You have to understand that grades don't mean a thing if you can get the guy to like you and once you get your foot in the door, no one will ever give a shit about GPA again
Thanks for giving me motivation to work harder.
t. grad student in EE working on autonomous driving
mine was several months of research looking at what he values in his employees, what he was doing at my age, his academic research and then tailoring my cover letter to show how my personality and skills matched up with needs within the company at that time.
I was hired the next summer heading up a neglected project, which I'm now 7 weeks into
no, not even close
>Implying they're not
Literally get offers for CS positions without applying all the time and I have a MS in AE. Offers all between 80-100k...
>BS Chemistry
Either get a PhD or learn something useful
Welp that's fun. Got a 35 on my ACT but going to state since my dad was always saying poor kids don't go to good schools and literally dictated the whole college process and now I'm paying out the ass to go to state when I could have gone to an ivy for fuckin free just like I thought before high school and just found out was true I hate you dad I hate you so much you literally ruined my life u lil bitch never trust parents
I can't just do business or some shit I'm not a Chad stem was my only chance what crazy shit should I do since my life is over
Shitty meme tbqh, CS is basically guaranteeing you a job.
At least the 'CS is for brainlets' has some truth to it.
>Literally get offers for CS positions without applying all the time and I have a MS in AE. Offers all between 80-100k...
From what school? Are you currently working or are you still in school? If you're working, in what?
>CS is basically guaranteeing you a job.
This is the biggest meme ever.
>being this much in denial
I feel bad for you.
>graduate with engineering degree with 2.7 gpa
>have an offer before graduating
>accept another offer in July
>have a great job
>they've flown me out for conferences and a few educational events/programs
>already talk of sending me back to uni for my masters
>studying a pure science or math
>not studying engineering
you fucked up OP
>got hooked up with first job in CS
>humble brags all over the internet about how it is to break into CS perpetuating the myth that it's easy to get into CS
looks like the key to success is a shitty GPA
it's really going to the right events/networking. ambition + motivation
I have a degree in math with a minor in CS. I've been applying for 8 months with NO OFFERS, not even for unpaid internships, in a huge metro. Explain to me how this is easy?
I can pass a fizzbuzz test too, just like anyone else with a pulse, but 99% of the time I don't even make that far. I haven't even had an in person interview.
I've had my resume reviewed by multiple people who work as programmers, and by my gf, who works as an HR manager. I'm not particularly social, but I'm not a basement dweller either, I have friends and I'm in a normal relationship with a women.
Where's my guaranteed job everyone in this thread harps on about?
UT Arlington. Literally OP's school's bitch but all of the defense contractors are nearby so better for ae. I'm currently working as SE
How did you land your first job?
Got it after my bs. Was a small company. Went through my school's career office. Was more of a ME position though. I did make some python scripts and small c# apps to automate things as I saw fit
Apply outside your city? Internships usually give you a housing/relocation stipend on top of your salary so location isn't an issue.
Does your resume not link a portfolio/github on it or something? What kind of personal projects do you have?
I cannot stress enough this right here. Even if you don't know what you are doing as long as you make other people feel comfortable about the fact that you can figure it out together it is more worth it than being capable and making people worry.
Networking or at least basic communications and interest and showing some sort of passion or drive is half of the equation. If you want a job ask your fucking prof to write a letter of recommendation. My profs was fucking throwing these around and giving people jobs left and right in my class because he liked helping competent people. I got one too.
This is the hard part for me.
Im awesome at networking and communicating using sockets and protocols but not so much when im dealing with people instead of binary
>HR sees resume
>male white
good ole canada
>BSc in biochem
>applied to 50+ jobs on Indeed
>get one response
>did interview
>said they'd call back 1 week later
>1 week later
brb kms rn onii chan
>no interviews
Your resume is shitty.
Given that you haven't mentioned any prior internship experience, all you can do at this point is fill up on those personal projects.
>getting interviews, but can't convert to offers
Cram Leetcode, work on social skills.
Also, quit being a momma's boy and consider relocation.
Seriously, the amount of bitching about the CS market is unreal. Would you fags rather be in fields like engineering and law?
Aaron? Is that you? Shit man. Learn how to program. I told you to do it when we met last year
>could of
>math is hard
call them you fucking sperg. i've had that happen where they dont call, and i call them and get hired.
>first year computer/software engineer
>multiple jobb offers already
>unpaid internships
Truly a land a of the free
Is working for a startup useful in undergrad if you can't find a real internship?
>implying 35 ACT is enough for Ivy
I hope you're black, else that is straight bs (unless you're not including other credentials)
it's only been 8 business days
I don't want to jump the gun while they're still reviewing apps. It's a small lab facility so the CEO does the hiring. At the very latest, should I call on Friday?
My dad graduated with a 2.7 in civil engineering and is now making 200k+ out in Cali
Why didn't you study chemical engineering?
>studied BSc chemistry
>realised all I can do is make paint and soap
Chemistry is a fucking cock-tease, you can do/make so many cool things but 99% of chemists are either in academia clinging to the biological sciences for relevance (molecular bio), making soap or off in a sales position.
Chemistry was a fucking mistake man, I'll probably go into grad school to become a geneticist or try again as an engineer.
>be non-retard
>3.5-3.7 gpa math/cs
>sophomore from non-shit school
>apply to 50 jobs
>interning in SF at big company
stop fucking around and expecting shit to fall on your lap.. work on your resume and interview prep
Lol 160k for programming certificate.
In Europe we can train a high school student to practicing doctor, including practicals, with that money.
same in Australia, americucks are just stitched up at every turn
>Given that you haven't mentioned any prior internship experience, all you can do at this point is fill up on those personal projects.
Does this work?
I have a good GPA, but no work experience or references (super autist, never networked). It's also been several years since I graduated and I spent my time underemployed working a completely irrelevant job that I got through family connections (yep I'm retarded).
Is there any hope for me, or I should I just be an hero?
>Picks one of the most common stem majors that is completely overridden with failures that couldn't get into med school.
What did you think was going to happen you retard?
Well boys don't feel bad my GPA is complete shit. I'm probably more fucked than all of you.
Damn this hit too close to home.
I don't get some of the anons on this thread, if you went to university for the sole purpose of getting a job why not do degrees with work placement (tech) degrees?
With a B+ average or greater your often guaranteed a position in the business you work for at least this is the case with engineering and tech undergrads.
Lads, you need to KNOW people if you want work. Go on to meetup.com right now and find at least one relevant group and join it. Go to their meetups regularly (you don't have to go to every single one, but go at least once a month. as often as possible if you're serious). Talk to the people there. Find out what they know, let them know what you're good at. You have to put yourself in a position where you can get opportunities. They don't just fall in your lap from bumfuck nowhere.
33+ is in practice enough for an Ivy dipshit. Once you can get beyond 3.8 and 33/1500 it unironically becomes all about essays and ECs