How close are we? Is the job of the future a biomechanical engineer or some shit? Are artificial limbs and augmentations the future?
Redpill me on the Singularity
very far away
No the more we "advance" the more complicated our society becomes and we make more mistakes. These mistakes will culminate in the destruction of society as we know it, leading the people who would have been researchers to die or become farmers/hunters/scavengers instead.
>Redpill me
gtfo pill-popping /pol/esmoker
Singularity is a meme
Kurzweil just moved the date for the singularity from 2030 to 2045.
>>Is the job of the future a biomechanical engineer
yes, maybe in 10-20 years time. Right now, the best you can hope for are extremely risky biomed startups, giving disabled people arms that will underperform real ones.
We're starting to figure out how to interface with nerves. Jobs in this right now are pretty much all academic and very risky. You might spend 5 years working on technique X only for the FDA to not approve it
But if you're hoping augmentations will be as common as iphones, not happening any time soon. Because long term safety needs to be demonstrated.
>Is the job of the future a biomechanical engineer
Even without the singularity, I tell my grandson: "by the time you're twenty, the only two jobs available will be robot repairman and real human waiter."
Then again, I'm an incurable smartass.
But who knows? I could be perfectly right.
biomechatronic engineer
biology, mechanics, and electronics combined
What kind of PhD is that?
t.non-US brainlet
We're just one disaster from the entirety of civilization collapsing. It's only a matter of time. Odds on favorite right now is famine caused by climate change
Digits for Yellowstone erupting
That wouldn't be a real disaster because it wouldn't harm first world countries, it would just slaughter all the shitty countries. The real disaster in this scenario would be if (((humanitarian organizations))) forced the US and Europe to accept hundreds of millions of helpless third worlders because of the famine.
you're an idiot.
>you're an idiot.
You can tell at a glance by the "globalist jew conspiracy" parens.
My money's on economic collapse.
The economy works fairly well most of the time despite the fact that it's the result of 7 billion people all working in their own self interests.
The whole thing just organically grew to be what it is today, with relatively little purposeful design.
As we move forward in time, people become more dependent on a functioning economy.
>2030 to 2045
that's 10 doublings,
>We're just one disaster from the entirety of civilization collapsing.
...and then what?
Humanity won't just disappear, we can start again
Maybe, there's no guarantee civilization will ever reach this stage again though. The problem is everyone now is hyper specialized, which is great when you have a global economy pumping out millions of different types of products and services. Something that breaks the supply chain can cause serious problems with the way our population is concentrated heavily in metropolitan areas though. Having a whole bunch of people die from some kind of plague, or famine or some natural disaster like a meteor strike or supervolcano will cause the entire thing to collapse in on itself because suddenly a whole lot of city dwellers are literally worthless because no-one gives a fuck about marketing consultants when there isn't enough food.
Society doesn't die so long as intelligent life exists. If earth is not hit by a meteor, we will eventually be everything OP said.
>Society doesn't die so long as intelligent life exists.
>we will eventually be everything OP said.
I'm not sure what statement you're referring to, but there's no guarantee society will ever reach a given goal.
Even without a collapse, there's no guarantee we'll ever find a cure for cancer, write a play better than Hamlet, allow most people to retire at 40, etc.
But then we can define leaves as currency
and then fight inflation by burning all the worlds trees.
Bad idea user, please be more knowledgable before posting to sci.
If we're to assume our technological capabilities continue to advance as human existence continues long after us, then wouldn't the main purpose be to send out ships of our species to land on other planets for the purpose of expanding our life elsewhere? If our population continues to rise exponentially, Earth realistically wouldn't be sufficient for us all right?
I'm hoping for a self-aware computer powerful beyond human capacity to surpass humanity as the dominant presence on Earth.
Boy, we've flown past normal cucks and went right to AI cucks, huh?
It's always been 2045....Right from his first book....
>muh ethics and muh safety always slowing down technological advancement
Why can't we test things like augmentations and new pharmaceuticals on inmates who are on death row or doing life without parole? As long as it is done on a 100% voluntary basis I don't see why that can't be an option. Compensate them with some perks like better food and other creature comforts to give them an incentive to volunteer. Muh ethics and safety becomes a not-argument if they are choosing to be guinea pigs.
Fuck you
And it'd be incredibly more difficult for whatever's left of humanity to rebuild due to most if not all of the easily accessible natural resources being used up.
Using the "redpill" terminology makes me immediately resent your disgusting existence and I have zero inclination to help you in any way.
I hope something bad happens to you very soon which results in your removal from this world.
*tips fedora*
Truly a euphoric comment my dear sir. It seems both you and I share the very same principles!