/QGG/ Quantum gravity general

In your opinion, what would a paper have to have in it for (((respectable))) people to say:
>This paper describes a working theory of quantum gravity

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It would have to describe a working theory of quantum gravity.

The search is over. Verlinde nailed it.

to which paper do you refer?

-An author who is not schizophrenic
-lack of schizophrenic word salad, delusions of grandeur, and conspiracy theories
-a coherent and scientific hypothesis

It would likely have some reference to concepts that have testable consequences like spectral dimension while also talking about how these would be Incorporated into the larger cosmological picture where a QG would be relevant, a good place where this would occur is in the early universe.


a working theory of quantum gravity

>edgy irrelevant bible quote
Surely no schizophrenic would ever do this
you must be sane after all

I said *lack* of delusions of grandeur

Back to vi/x/ra with you

I look forward to discussing this with you in person

Oooh I'm so scared, moron.

>The search is over. Verlinde nailed it.


> Verlinde's de Sitter MOND is highly incomplete, to say the least

>The Dutch media brutally overhype a generic speculative idea

>I wouldn't okay this wrong piece of work as an undergraduate term paper but he got 6.5 millions of euros for this absolutely worthless pile of feces so many people who are impressed by the money but don't have an idea about science – which includes virtually all journalists – started to think that Verlinde is a top physicist. And he may have decided that he must justify the award by producing even greater piles of bogus hype.

>Someone else may find some crisp ideas that make the same or similar picture convincing – e.g. derive the volume-extensive entanglement entropy terms in de Sitter space from string theory etc. But without such an advance, I think that Erik Verlinde's preprint is a mediocre vague paper that everyone may ignore and it's too bad that the science media act differently. By the way, if you care, Frank Wilczek has attended a talk by Erik Verlinde and his words were harsher than mine.


Citing Motl to show that someone is wrong is like Trump tweeting that someone is overly spray-tanned.

How about you adress his points? Not those cited here, actual points he makes in his article.

Be Renormalizable. Recover the entire Standard Model in appropriate limits. Make experimentally verifiable predictions.

>this paper is wrong and the author is a fucking moron compared to me. but also, this is quite similar to an idea of mine,

got to love Lubos
>tfw too smart to get tenured


All those butthurt crackpots. Gotta love Motl for this.


Dude, I love his theory, but it's far from complete. If he can make it work properly, it'll definitely be the most beautiful theory ever composed.

Fuck off back to vixra.

>I wouldn't okay this wrong piece of work as an undergraduate term paper

Well, you could do that if you would actually work in academia Motl. Instead of that you're a Veeky Forums tier speculative pennystock trader with no lasting contributions to science.

>no lasting contributions
Except for his matrix formulation of string theory, which he did as an undergrad.

I bet you already knew that you were someone I was already going to kill before I even found out about your
>le fuck off back to le schizo vixra

We have our own user over in /mg/ trying to figure out ways to fill in the blanks for Verlinde's theory. I give it 5 years, and it will be complete.

>string theory

Discard whatever you want, it's the most promising theory we have. Surely, the most brilliant physicists of our generation have evaluated the options and, as you can see, they chose string theory, much to the brainlets' despair. People barely came to terms with QM, as evidenced by the amount of people still fighting against copenhagen. Nobody (except for Motl) expects them to understand strings.

I feel pretty good about identifying the requirement for the maximum action path in my own theory after seven years of philosophical analysis. I estimate that a modest collaboration of experts who among them have experience creating what is called "acceptable science" probably should have found it in weeks not years through turning the crank on the new idea in the models they had already developed. I'm glad I had so much time to think about it. I might not have noticed all that stuff if I had been quickly assimilated by the borg of science.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Why are you even making these threads? You get laughed at every time you do.

I do it to pass the time while I'm waiting to extirpate your execrable race from the face of the whole Earth forever.

Yes, very intimidating.

It's not my intention to intimidate you.

God's a pussy and won't do shit [math] SPOILER %he also don't real [/math]

Did you forget to take your clozapine again?

I'm aware of that. Your posts are pretty indicative of the fact that you have no intention or ability to do anything aside from making a joke of yourself.