Why does anything exist?

Why does anything exist?

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>because nothing is impossible

God created it. Any other answer is a desperate attempt to avoid the obvious.

According to known laws of physics, no "thing" should be able to exist - out of a soup of photons, equal amounts of matter and antimatter should appear, and those should keep on annihilating eachother back into photons, in an eternal back-and-forth.

Why was this symmetry broken is one of the unanswered questions of physics.


because you wouldn't ask if it didn't exist

The idea that equal amounts of matter and antimatter should exist is not a law of nature. Laws are empirical. What you are talking about is a result derived from quantum field theory. Its really obvious at this point that quantum field theory has some yet unrecognized theory-breaking flaw and no physicist on the planet would tell you otherwise. For now its the best we got and that is all anyone can say.

Space Jews.

I suggest you re-read my post.

>known laws of physics
>unanswered questions of physics

because atomic decay of muons results in biased mass production.

Because it can and can't.

We are all part of the universe, we want to exist, therefore the universe/us make things exist.

dude philosophy bro

I dont want to exist though

Cause worst case scenario you at least have nothing, wich is something.

now all you have to do is define god and his motivations.

to entertain god
- Terry A. Davis


We are part of the universe and think.
Therefore we and the universe exists.

When you can no longer think.
The universe no longer exists.
Therefore you and the universe no longer exist.

The main question to be asked is: When did the Universe acquire its first thinker and what were they thinking?

Because Wile E. Coyote hasn't looked down yet.

Why doesn't anything exist?

I kinda like Orson Scott Cards idea that consciousness is the fundamental unit of reality

Hardly a scientific theory but awareness pretty much breaks any non-magical theory of reality anyway


>what were they thinking?

>another brainlet engineer that thinks they teach coelho's bullshit in philosophy courses

what was the first thing that ever existed and how did it come into being?

"Nothing" doesn't exist.

If nothing can't exist does that mean everything you can think of does exist by virtue of the fact that it can't not exist?

who created God?

learn english shithead

A very basic and good question but the truth is we don't know, there is no evidence or any compelling theory for what is going on. Rather like the hard problem of consciousness.

Some argue that we would not be here to think about this therefore "we are the universe observing itself" but that sounds like confusing cause and effect.

What do you think is going on?

There is no why, only how. Why is the question of men, not nature. The only true response for 'why' nature is, is that it isn't some other way instead.

I don't think there's much of a "why." Someone some years back made a post that included a really compelling argument as to why existence is the default state instead of non-existence, but I can't remember exactly what it was.

I see you're new at this. Don't call it God, but i suppose you can if it makes you feel smart to regurgitate r/atheism arguments badly. The first cause argument requires that everything that had a beginning to have had a cause. Thus every event and object that has ever existed had a beginning and a cause... until you arrive at the logically required first cause that did NOT have a beginning and thus was uncaused because it is infinite and exists outside time as we understand it. If you assume (like you just did) that there was no first cause you must also assume the universe timeless and time is infinite. This of course ruined your whole argument when the evidence for the big bang (beginning) was solidified.

There is a massive void in knowledge about this. At best we can ask "what happened before the big bang" or "is there some overarching pattern in the laws of physics", but would that even explain existence itself?

This is the best post in the thread. All other posts are shit compared to this. And you faggots couldn't even throw the poor user a (you).

You're all animals, wallowing uncomprehendingly in the shadow of beauty and reason. Pigs ignorant to the sky. Disgusting.


This is a good argument in favor of a multiverse

I don't doubt there must be a prime mover, but this is likely something akin to infinity or something beyond time and space, as you said