I don't understand how space and time are linked

I don't understand how space and time are linked

Everyone always brings up the photon with light clock and traveling at the speed of light the photon will travel a longer distance which makes the clock tick slower but isn't that just an illusion? Time isn't mobing slower, your body doesn't depend on how long photons take to move.

Time isn't real

The thing to understand here is that time is a "real" thing. It's not an illusion, it's not a human invention. It's a discovered property just like distance or mass.

We can observe the physics of slower time, too! Imagine an unstable particle launched from the sun at a really high speed. In fact, this speed is so fast that the particle experiences half the time that a stationary observer experiences. If the particle has a half life of 1 second, and 500 particles are launched from the sun at a detector, and the stationary observer sees the particles hit the detector 2 seconds after being launched, how many particles will the detector detect?

The answer is 250. Even if we saw 2 seconds pass, the particles only saw one second pass, so they only reduce by 1 half.

and since photons are going at C they experience no time. from their perspective they are absorbed the moment they are created

not OP, but what about strong or weak interaction that have limited range?
shouldn't their particles move at lightspeed aswell, and thus live forever and have infitinte range, since time doesn't pass for them?

here's the thing: temporal compression, time dilation, is what needs to happen to make different frames of references work

that speed of light, C, a constant used in a lot of physics, maxwell's equations for example, would become a variable if it were not for time dilation

in the example of I throw a ball at 20mph out of a vehicle moving at 40 mph the ball would move at 20mph for me (the driver) but move at 60mph for a bystander at the side of the road, both are valid frames of reference.

for physics to work the same way from both frames of reference though, the light coming out of the headlights has to be coming out at speed C for both frames of reference (not C + 40) and to do that, you need time dilation. Atoms would start doing funky things I guess.

So if time was a constant, C would become a variable and you'd need to find something to measure C against, THE frame of reference.

When einstein sits on a train that is leaving the station and is looking at the clock. the atoms arrive slower and slower to his eyes as the train speeds up. it's not an illusion, time is slowing down.

Develope please

if v = distance/time,

from a photon's perspective, v = c.
How is it possible that time = 0 if velocity and distance are both not zero?
Am I assuming something wrong?

my bad, replace "from a photon's perspective, v = c." with "for a photon"

>I don't understand how space and time are linked


Space and time in Special relativity are related, between different observers, by the Lorentz transformations.

If two co-moving observers in two different reference frames are observing the same event, then the Lorentz transformation tells you what space and time coordinates will be assigned to the event for one observer as a function of the coordinates of the other observer as well as the relative velocity of the two observers.

v is not distance over time, look up special relativity.

Hey guys i just saw something and it made me think.

If i build a spacecraft that can reach nearly light speed and i orbit the Earth lets say for 1 month, when i come back down more then 1 month will pass (like 3-4 months) so this is the closease thing to a time machine we can build right?

Time is the movement of objects and energy, changing variables life keeps going because what comes around comes around. It's an endless cycle powered by the power of the overlord master. eh i can't explain it better than that, but it's a force keeping everything going supported by other structures and laws. when we say 3 a.m we are referring to the position of the pointers on a clock, lol. i think it's simple, but maybe the definition, time has a lot of interpretations, and it probably does.

if there was no space, nothing would have structure and life wouldn't be possible. space is the backbone of the universe.

A photon interacting with you is timeless.
As far as it's concerned, time doesn't exist between the time it was emitted from a star's atom and when it hit your retina.
Even if said emission time was 14 Billions years ago.
Time is not real.

congratulations you just reinvented the twin paradox

>I don't understand
...of course not, because

>orbit the earth at nearly light speed

Massless particles like the photon or graviton will travel at the speed of light

ΔE*Δt >= hbar (a constant)* 1/2 heisenberg uncertainty can be used to describe the range of a force.


>but isn't that just an illusion?
What do you mean by that? You have a clock going at a certain rate, then it starts moving relative to you and now it's ticking slower. One of the postulates of relativity is that there's no experiment that will show whether or not you have absolute motion, so all clocks must also do this, not just light clocks

>what about strong or weak interaction that have limited range?
>shouldn't their particles move at lightspeed aswell, and thus live forever and have infitinte range
Force carriers for the strong and weak force (gluons and the W/Z bosons) have mass so must move less than C

Einstein and his watch seem to be slowing down for the observer still at the station. For the people in the train, everything seems normal within the train.

sure, but I hope you don't think this is feasible. you need to be going well over .9c for even miniscule time dilation to occur.

>I don't understand how space and time are linked
Substitute distance for the word "space".
It takes time to travel a distance.
Time is one side of a coin, distance the other.
Both are inner connected to each other.
If the space side is bigger the time side would be smaller, if the time side got bigger you would be traveling less through space.

space is like a big deformable ghost crystal lattice where each point tries to experience time most similar to it's neighbors

time is just a measure of energy, which is the real star of space-time.

I pass the time by watching animated gifs loop over and over.