*Blocks your path*

*Blocks your path*

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wow, what a shitty thread


Nothing a good shovel could manage.

Path blocked successfully, turn 360 degrees and walk away.

how many radiations does this thing emit a second?
my guess is 2

I freaked out just looking at the picture.
If you were close enough to see this you were dead.

Enough to kill you in 2 days

all of them.
The elephant foot was so radioactive that it spontaneously generated radioactive dust:

At the time that picture was taken, it would have given enough radiation to make you a dead man walking in a couple of minutes.

something something get right up to it and you got about 1 minute before organs start to fail and 3 minutes in you are dead.

Yeah ima go around it

if this is true then how did they take the picture?

sometimes you scientist dont have any idea about the mistakes and inconsistencies you make.

Ever heard of mirrors? And dont even pretend like you dont know how you got all those mirrors in there to photograph it

jegmade atiests :--^^^--DDDDD

>captcha: toilets training

*promptly drops dead..?* u___uU_O_OOOO!!!

Tcherobyl was fucked up

for clearing the roof they had robots but they failed because of the radiaton

so they used soliders with selfmade lead suits

they run on the roof threw one shovel down and then run back and then the next one came

*Builds concrete sarcophagus*

Ah, you can tell whoever wrote this was having fun

>turns 360 degrees
>360 degrees is just a full circle
>you say you walk away
If you walked you would just walk right into the Elephant Foot (Extremely radioactive fuel mixed with concrete basically)

Very subtle.

They took the picture then they fucking died.

>waits for radiation to decrease
lateral thinking boys

Degrees = temperature haha lmao you idiot

I think that would take millions of years
I'm not sure though cause I can't find the time it would take for that to happen on google and I have little to no knowledge about radioactivity

I read an article about Elephant Foot mentioning that the radiation reached safe levels after a few years because the mixture had cooled, causing it to essentially encase itself

>russian nuclear scientist eating lunch while examining a large fragment of chernobyl corium, he died 3 minutes later from leukemia

I'm not sure if it meant safe as in "You can now get close to it with a lot of protection" or "You can now get close to it with no protection at all"

Considering how things were run, this is very likely.

fuck booth my path and this who, area, bury it in massive amounts of concrete for miles. also the guy who took the photo died super hard. basically lets drop a mountain on the fucker

Bullshit, there are pictures of people operating near there and they were still alive last decade.

The former.

Well, he DID say "could" instead of "could not".

>Copyright 2001 Columbia Pictures

> this guy took 200000 Roentgen in 70s and is still alive
check and mate

>people predicted it would travel 10000 km in a China Syndrome
>ends up 10m below in the basement

Can't believe 2 retards fell for that bait.

Talking of reactor meltdown artifacts... have they even found out the current physical locations of melted fukushima reactor cores? Pretty hilarious shit and the whole thing is still being played down like nothing of consequence.

Trucker's face damaged by the sun, right?

The kicker is, he's actually 53.

Random chance. Imagine 30 people being shot at. Most will have some injury but a few will have the god of luck on their side.

You're not foolin' me, troll.

You guys should check out this link:


List of all the radiation accidents that have occurred.

Its scary how many time people die because some dumbshit nurse administers the wrong amount of radiation during radiotherapy, or something wrong with the kit

eg: During the period May 2004 to May 2005, 23 patients at the Jean Monnet d'Epinal hospital in Epinal, France, received radiation overdoses during radiotherapy. The treatments were for prostate cancer and were reportedly about 20% too high. The first symptoms related to radiation overexposure emerged in the summer of 2005. One patient died 25 June 2006 as a result of his radiation exposure, and 13 others have shown localized radiation injury. Of the remaining patients, 6 show no radiation-related symptoms and 3 died of causes unrelated to the radiation exposures. In July 2006 an investigation was initiated which concluded in September that a software problem was at fault, combined with inadequate staff training with the software.

Heres a good one:

At a facility for irradiating traditional Chinese medicine, five male workers entered the irradiation room and were exposed to the cobalt-60 source. The workers were exposed from 5-15 minutes each, about 0.8-1.5 meters from the source. They developed nausea and vomiting about 30 minutes later, exhibiting facial blushing, blepharal hyperemia, and drunken appearance. All five were transferred to a Beijing hospital 14 hours after exposure. Two victims (doses 1240 and 340 rad) developed acute gastrointestinal radiation sickness with severe bone marrow damage; the other three (doses 250, 220, and 210 rads) developed moderate bone marrow radiation sickness.

>played down like nothing of consequence

Nuclear accidents producing corium:

Three Mile Island (USA) 1979-03-25
Chernobyl (Ukraine) 1986-04-26
Fukushima Daiichi (Japan) 2011-03-11

$100 Billion: Fukushima most expensive industrial accident in history
Westinghouse files for bankruptcy

No he's right, I was one of them and I'm fucking dead now.

I don't think I comprehended a single word of this.

>attempt to self-induce abortion using x-ray machine