Emotion is a more complex process than logic

Emotion is a more complex process than logic.


>logic isnt complex
brainlet detected

What does that even mean. How is complexity defined?
Compute complexity(logic) and complexity (emotion) to prove the inequality.

Emotion has randomness.
This can be misinterpreted as complexity.

>emotion isnt more complex than logic
brainlet detected

Where can i get watermelonium that pure?

How so? We have pinpointed emotional systems and pathways in the brain and how they effect other systems in the body to produce a change in behavior. While cognitive logic has not been pinpointed whatsoever and the pathways less understood.

nice trips

>no u
brainlet detected

a solution being complex is not a good thing

>using logic in an emotion based argument
brainlet detected

And that might be why it is wrong so often.

Animals have emotion. It's not exactly an impressive achievement.


>Animals have logic. It's not exactly an impressive achievement.

>he thinks he can certainly describe which emotion he is feeling now
brainlet detected

Logic is an emotional state.
Emotions are based on logical states.

human ARE animals duh

Emotion is backend, low-level but high-potency thought processes, whereas logic is frontend, high-level and mid to low potency

>he can't certainly describe the emotion he is feeling
you brainlets make me feel a mixture of pity and disgust

Thinking there is any distinction between the two is a disease called philosophy which you can keep contained to

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Emotion and logic are processes that occur in the brain. Regardless of if they happen in different areas of the brain they are still the same processes. Making a distinction between them is purely philosophical.
>inb4 materialist
You mean pragmatist

Next thing you'll be arguing that verbal processing and face recognition are the same thing because they're both processes that occur in the brain. This clearly isn't your area of expertise, so I suggest keeping your misinformed opinions to yourself, lest you embarrass yourself more.

Tourmaline bro

Where in that does it even imply that logic is not complex?

>complex means better
that's where you're wrong kiddo

I literally came here to post watermelonium. I tip my hat to you for beating me to it.

Nor is that even implied by the statement OP posts.

you should have ended your post with hurr durr

We are fast approaching the poit where all posts on Veeky Forums should end with "HURR DURR"

that's why we are way smarter than any animal is or computer will be, they literally don't have freedom

That's very questionable.

>using philological constructions of his mind to describe sensations
shiggydiggy brainlet

nice elbaite


ITT we see how much fallacy can be humanly introduced into an argument

That's an emotional fallacy!

Needless complexity is for brainlets, though. Non-brainlets like me keep things as simple and efficient as possible.

It's easy, just a thousand dollars for a piece that size.

>anything at all, that has ever existed
> random
pick one

No, there is nothing random about emotion.

In fact, there is no difference between logic and emotion. The distinction is arbitrary and meaningless.
