Coffee abuse in mathematics

Recently I've been reading about the life of Paul Erdos and how he would abuse coffee and amphetamines and considered those two things fundamental to being able to produce new theorems.

I am right now training to be a mathematician and I really don't want to miss out on what soon may be my best years. Right now I only drink one cup a day in the mornings to wake up as university starts pretty early but I wouldn't have a problem with increasing this dose. I don't really care that much about my health, I just want to be a great mathematician.

How much coffee should I be drinking daily?

Fuck off and study.


I am already studying. But imagine you were an athlete who didn't use steroids, when everyone else is using steroids. It would be stupid not to also do steroids.

I just need to know, is Paul just an odd one out or do all mathematicians do drugs? Can you do top tier math without drugs?

i usually drink a pot or so a day. desu stims help a lot with math. i make the most progress when i do coke/speed/etc while chugging coffee and vaping. ive gotten insane amounts of stuff done fast and was excited about it. clears up brain fog and all that. addiction is a bitch though keep thay in mind. like a serious bitch. ive tried to quit like h and speed several times and get through withdrawal then cave and relapse. you'll probably become a slave to substance. honestly even if i get sober i cant stand it anymore. im about to get more drugs after forcing myself to get clean and all the depression, aches, shits, and anger that comes with it. that being said, if you are willing to fuck yourself up severely have fun. i honestly kind of need stims to work or i just fuck off and play dota for 16 hours thanjs to my autistic obseasions. get an adhd diagnosis or learn about the wonders of the internet age. i did loads of new graph theory work while on a huge dose of phenmetrazine and chugging coffee. very erdos esque.
t. math phd student

Fuck man, I don't know if I could do the harder shit. I don't know anyone who can deal me that kind of stuff and I'm afraid to even look.

Do you think you could get the same effects of coke by just abusing coffee, in terms of math progress? Or do I absolutely need to do coke. Do you know any mathematicians who are known to do coke? I want to make sure I am taking the drugs of the best. Not that I don't trust you, but I don't really know if you are succesful or not as a mathematician. I know Erdos used amphetamines but that was when he was like 58. I am still young so maybe I don't need to go that hard yet.

Paul Erdos was very smart, but he most likely just had confirmation bias. I mean, if coffee's effect on the brain was similar to that of steroids on the muscles, people would be banned from drinking it before serious math competitions.

>if coffee's effect on the brain was similar to that of steroids on the muscles, people would be banned from drinking it before serious math competitions.

Not really. When it comes to enhancements in competitions there are two ways. You either let everyone do it, or you ban everyone from doing. In math competitions they chose letting everyone do it. In the IMO they even offer you coffee before the time starts so it is a fair competitions. Everyone can take their hit.

>Paul Erdos was very smart, but he most likely just had confirmation bias.

I refuse to believe that Paul Erdos would commit logical fallacies. I mean, not only was he a top tier mathematician, he was also an agnostic atheist which is the top tier belief when it comes to the universe. Not only that but everything he said about everything made him sound like he was absolutely 100% cognitively woke about everything. He would not make a silly mistake like confirmation bias.


Simply put, I am being optimistic. If the wokest human being that has ever existed, who was mathematically woke, intellectually woke, philosophically woke, religiously woke, socially woke and politically woke could commit a mistake then the rest of us are fucking doomed to a life of mediocrity and cancer.

i am a methmatician and i can confirm it works wonders
fuck coffee
get harder shit
no i am not kidding

no coke is shit, you want adderal or ritalin
amphetamines are fine if you keep it low

i think he mostly did it because he was old and probably actually was adhd/sperg and i am too. i dont know of anyone else with coke. its less good. more paranoid energy than focus energy but it helps.
you dont absolutely need it. im just highly degenerate, it helps me since i have focus issues. coffee definitely cannot produce as extreme of an effect. it stimulates but has a totally different action and negative side effects pop up too fast (jitters etc).
none of my other phd student friends do stims openly but they do drink lots of coffee and a lot drink lots of booze and one does smack off and on.
honestly just avoid the degeneracy it can be really hard on you and make life a grey rainy road with no light or colors. i tell people only consider in sort of life or death situations

> abuse

I drink 4 liters of Mtn Dew a day.

The simple fact that you're so fucking retarded you think coffee is an amphetamine-tier drug excludes you from ever being a "great mathematician".

Coffee is a drink. Children can buy it. The majority of people drink it. If it was capable of giving people magical results you'd be in a department full of Erdoses.

I bet all the great mathematicians spent entire afternoons pondering about the usefulness of substance abuse for the improvement of their careers

>I don't really care that much about my health

With that and your suspicion of coffee improving mathematical performance, you should chug the stuff regardless? Since health is of no concern, why wouldn't you?

...or you could just do your fancy integrals off the back of water, sleep and healthy food?

I heard Einstein considered sniffing glue to develop his theory of relativity

What's about these memes with russians and proofs? Are russians the only mathematicians who do prove the theorems?

Holy shit this stuff about Erdos making a mistake is deadass some of the most autistic shit I've read on Veeky Forums in a while.

Listen, buddy. Erdos was an amazing mathematician, sure, but he was also a human being. The ability to do math is also such a subjective thing when you're the one doing it that you can't really measure it in any way, making confirmation bias really easy to do even if you were a perfectly logical person.

The even more fucked up thing is that you seem to think genius in math is equivalent to being a genius in everything else. Veeky Forums likes to meme about this sort of stuff, but the truth is, you can be a genius at math and a dumbass at life. The system of logic in life and in math are very different and it's impossible to completely consolidate the two. There's a story about Einstein, that he never used shaving cream and had cuts all over his face, then someone gave him some and he never bothered to buy more when it ran out. Feynman told a story in his autobiography about how he felt a sudden urge to drink at a bar with no one around that he knew, a sudden, almost inescapable want to just drink, not to be social but just drink, and he took this as a sign of alcoholism and quit drinking on the spot. Moral of the story is, geniuses can be dumbasses, too (I know I used physicists, but that's because I have an interest in physics. I'm pretty sure math has its share of examples). Moreover, amphetamines are addictive. Erdos' body probably craved the drugs and his mind rationalized it afterwards. That area of judgement is beyond logic, beyond thinking, it has to do with your body and what it physically needs with addiction.

And about your last post (), that's just a terrifyingly misguided view of life. Everyone makes mistakes. Your ability (or wokeness) lies in getting things right most of the time. To put it another way, geniuses can be dumbasses, but the inverse is true: dumbasses can be geniuses.

This and get enough sleep. Those are the two biggest factors. Coffee and amphetamines won't do shit unless you're 50 and have adhd like Erdos did.

Stupidest thread I've read this month
Unironically consider suicide OP

Food sleep and exercise are far better. Try melatonin if all your fapping to anime porno is keeping you up.

I love coffee though but only as a nice morning desert, like chocolate milk

What an idiot.

I never implied coffee is an amphetamine tier drug. But there is quote from a friend of Paul that says that mathematicians are a machine to turn coffee into theorems.

So we can think of coffee is solar power. It is not harmful, and it is reliable if set up right. But then came along Erdos with fucking fossil fuels (amphetamines).

I want to know if I can become a great mathematician by just increasing my amount of daily solar power, or will I need to eventually hit the gasoline?

Paul always talked about amphetamines with his friends, and would comment on how it would be impossible for him to do anything without amphetamines. He did it and was so open about it (which means he talked about it to everyone) so much that his friends even made him bet he couldn't stay off the drug for a month.

So by pondering the same things Erdos pondered sometime I am in the right path.

>he believes in the sky daddy

topkek nice science m8.

>believing in a god: 10 IQ max
>non-religious / neutral: 70 IQ max
> atheist: 130 IQ max
> agnostic atheist (which means you don't believe there is a god, but don't know there is a god): uncapped IQ, minimum IQ is 700.

When I was the age of your IQ, my IQ was higher than yours.

I drink about five cups a day. Still find myself procrastinating sometimes. Idk, you get used to it. do whatever makes you happy

>Paul always talked about amphetamines with his friends, and would comment on how it would be impossible for him to do anything without amphetamines.
Dude wasn't even taking pills until 1971. He spent the majority of his mathematical career completely sober.

>He drank copious amounts of coffee and also used amphetamines almost continuously after 1971 until his death in 1996.

>drank copious amount of coffee

That is why I am not only asking about amphetamines. I am mainly talking about increasing my intake of coffee. But for some reason everyone wanted to talk about the amphetamines because I guess we /edgyteens/ now.

I replied to a post talking exclusively about amphetamines you fuckwit. does not mention coffee once.

The only people interested in talking about coffee are the ones laughing at you for thinking you can drink magic beans and become Paul Erdos. You know why? Because coffee is a commercial beverage and its physiological effects are minor and boring.

>I replied to a post talking exclusively about amphetamines you fuckwit. (You) does not mention coffee once.

Yeah, but I was replying to someone who implied that big mathematicians never ponder the use of drugs for their career gains.

Unfortunately Erdos doesn't have quotes about coffee, but he does have quotes about amphetamines, so that is why I used that example. He talked about drugs to increase his success, but mainly talked only amphetamines.

> laughing at you for thinking you can drink magic beans and become Paul Erdos.

You won't laugh when I become Paul Erdos though.

Jesus christ you're more autistic than I am, and that's saying something dude