Birth rates are falling.
If you think overpopulation is a problem then you've never taken a roadtrip across the US. 90% of this country is virtually uninhabited and most of it isn't even farmland. People just have this derangement where they think they need to pack themselves into big cities and then cry about overpopulation.
>implying technology advance isn't also exponentional
idiots warning about global warming and overpopulation are so funny
>it's another "the entire world fit can in the state of Texas with the population density of nyc hehehehe nothing to worry about here heh" episode
World population is the elephant in the room all ecologists seem to avoid at all costs.
Go listen to a podcast about living conditions in South and East Asia and consumption habits for some nightmare fuel and then get back to me.
Holy shit. White people, you must stop reproducing right now. Overpopulation is such a real issue.
Overpopulation is not about how much total space there is for human bodies to physically fit in.
This professor blew western civilization out of the water for siphoning all the world's wealth in the last 300 years
Why are you preventing muslims from living those places then?
Why stop them coming to the US?
Thanks for explaining the video.
Didn't watch the video?
This one is only 10 minutes.
Please educate yourself.
Just get rid of 90% of niggers, gooks and poo-in-loos and there would be no problem.
So then at what point, in your opinion, will overpopulation become a problem?
Also, answer this guy's question:
Birth control availibility and measures in third world countries will help.
Also it will help the living conditions of those already there by alot.
The highest population density is in urban Netherlands, London, parts of China, Mexico and the US. The world can sustain 10x the current population because most of the landmass is sparesly populated. If you seriously believe in overpopulation you are the definition of a brainlet and should shut up and learn.
Would you say we should educate ourselves?
So that we can site facts like:
>The world can sustain 10x the current population because most of the landmass is sparesly populated.
Everything other than sub-saharan africa is below replacement levels or will fall below in the next 10-15 years. The population will topple at around ~11 billion and begin to fall.
Taking a plane flight and flying across Russia or Africa would be a good start.
I think maybe instead of taking plane flights you just need to educate yourself, pal.
Great rebuttal.
This. There is more then enough space for all Africans and Indians in Russia and the USA. These two countries just have to accept immigration, it's for their own good.
It will rise to 10-11 billion due to Africa and then fall and settle at 9 billion. It would be interesting if it kept falling although if it fell very far down then there would be issues.
Falling implies the fertility rate reduces below 2, why do you think that would happen?
>overpopulation is about running out of space and not about limited resources
say it with me: moron
Is this an accurate representation of what USA citicens think like?
You must be over 18 as a whole to post in this board. Your mind still is not.
The birthrates of most countries once they become Western-style in their births drop below 2
pic related (data based on CIA world fact book)
Any country that is blue is below 2, every Western country that is green is at 2 exactly (just France and New Zealand). Africa alone being at 2, if they even are able to stay at or above 2, won't be enough to keep world population above 10 billion.
While these TED talks are correct in that the population will peak at 11 billion, it won't stay there because the global birthrate will fall below 2 (right now its 2.5).
Greenland and Iceland are also green on that map, they are also at 2
moore's law is disproven faggot
>Taking a plane flight
So what's the next step of your master plan?
It is? Or just ending in a few years...
Seems like it was pretty spot on for 40+years
Crashing this demographic plane.....
>don't panic
>burger education
Overpopulation is racist because it targets the rapidly growing African population. That's why Climate Change was put to the forefront instead as it would target white countries instead.
Yeah what is exponential growth and resource competition anyways?
It will be an S curve
The US is the whole world hurr
People aren't soft forced to move yo big cities for higher wages durr
That would solve so many problems it's not even funny.
>overpopulation is a problem
Who is behind this sentiment?
Neat and all, but...
He sort of skips over cause-vs-correlation for survival rate leading to smaller families.
He praises the Gates Foundation for helping more children survive to adulthood, and tells us that will result in smaller families, but doesn't say how or why.
Oh, I also found the term "peak child" today.
Apparently, the number of children in the world has topped out?
Why not 100%?
>moore's law is disproven faggot
>Seems like it was pretty spot on for 40+years
Moore's original projection was "doubles every 12 months", which he soon revised to "doubles every 18 months".
Even in the 90's this wasn't true, and if you check Wikipedia today the law is "doubles every 24 months".
But even this is misleading. Moore's law applies specifically to optimum transistor density per unit area.
Cutting a chip's base geometry in half will quadruple the number of transistors per square inch, so exponential growth per square inch is really linear improvement of component geometry.
And of course, it's a LOT harder to quantify other forms of technological growth.
You could cite printing press vs telegraph vs telephone vs t.v. vs computers vs internet and show relatively shorter gaps between advancements, but that's not as objective (or numeric) as chip density, and more subject to making the data fit your narrative.
>>burger education
>implying there aren't stupid people in every country on Earth
>That's why Climate Change was put to the forefront instead as it would target white countries instead.
It's ironic that the /pol/acks that accuse others of having a victim complex so often paint themselves as the victims.
>muh poor white people
Climate change gets more attention than population growth because population growth is already visibly fixing itself while climate change is getting worse with time.
>population growth is already visibly fixing itself
Not in my western canadian city. It just keeps growing and growing and growing and growing.
where exactly is "population growth visibly fixing itself?" I'd really like to know.
You guys and your projections...
It seems to me like you're making excuses for keeping the status quo, which has shown nothing but consistent population growth for well over 200 years.
I bet you are very happy with your lives (because you directly benefit from the status quo).
>where exactly is "population growth visibly fixing itself?"
Look at my pic Growth as a percentage of total population has been in decline since the early 1960's.
Growth as total number of new people each year has been in decline since the 1990's.
Google "peak child". Supposedly the total number of children (under 15) has already plateaued.
Are you not alive right now? Looks like the status quo is working.
>You guys and your projections...
The red line on the graph is observed data, not a projection.
>nothing but consistent population growth for well over 200 years.
It's NOT consistent. And now who's projecting?
0:07 opens with a strawman
Please tell me it gets better...
1:44 strawman intensifies as he implies the only way out of poverty is to move to the U.S.
2:57 Strawman continues to grow
Apparently "somebody" claims we're tackling world poverty by importing a million immigrants.
3:05 Apparently he's worried about the impact on our own poor people.
Isn't it funny how /pol/tards only care about poor Americans when they want to turn away poor Mexicans?
4:00 The "real heroes" are the people that don't move to the US
The issue is not 'how many people there is' but 'how many can live sustainably'.
Obviously, if we all lived like, or aspired to live like, an average urban American then it would be tremendously taxing to the world. Of course, the opposite and living like a Haitian and thinking 'we can have more!' on such poverty-like living isn't reasonable either.
There is a healthy 'sustainable' figure that we should aim to acheive but this for the moment at least is less about 'numbers of people' but 'impact of living'.
Invest in public transport, move away from fossil fuels where possible, raise taxes on gas guzzlers, stop building urban centres in the desert (like in America) and then having to consume so much water and fuel to make it 'comfortable' for the idiots who want to lvie the american dream with a backyard pool and green lawn year round.
Go back to your shitty containment board.
/pol/ is the cancer that's killing Veeky Forums.
I closed your video because he skips the bubonic plague of 1348.
The solution is painfully obvious, but who dares to call out the elephant in the room?
Hahahaha that's a funny drawing user.
>Causes society to collapse
>Most successful societies at the beginning
Isn't it ironic how the leftist denies the attacks on white civilization and white demographics, then proceeds to shit on white people.
No Achmed. The dysgenics of world population isn't something that can be called "fixing" itself.