Data Science

actual science or meme?

It depends. Data science is a relatively broad term. If you mean marketing team that does "data science" by looking at a spreadsheet and deciding what sold more, then no. If you mean a computer engineer who's using data science to more efficiently program an ALU, or write a kernel or something, then ya, it's a science.

Refining, adding to and using the Scientific Method can be considered employing 'Data Science' too. Many words have multiple meanings, depending on who is using them and the context. In fact, most words in all fields of anything (STEM, humanities, etc), have formally-defined, technical meanings, and more general meanings that outside of those fields, you would readily use in very different ways. Like 'force' or 'energy' or 'logic', for basic examples.

>If you mean marketing team that does "data science" by looking at a spreadsheet and deciding what sold more, then no.
Not a data sciencefag but those people typically create statistical models that attempt to interpret large amounts of data. The interpretation you gave in your post is laughably wrong.

Nowadays disciplines like Machine Learning are sometimes also considered a part of data science even though they originated in computer science/artificial intelligence. Though often the data science people have a better grasp of the statistical theory side of things while the computer science people have a better grasp of the theory in general.

Machine learning/neural nets and all those shiny nuggets are part of predictive modelling.

I'd say it all boils down to finding solutions of some weird differential equation representing the model.

What's the difference between data science and statistics?

Honest question no bully

There isn't really any.
Data science is a part of statistics.
You have some data, you wanna fins ways to tidy them up and be easier to understand and work with, and the you want to infer stuff from themw so that you can decide about stuff that depend on them.

Just learn from map reduce papers, hadoop, distributed computing basics, traditional relational approach and some statistics.

ta da

you can now apply for ds jobs.

All science is data science. Everything else is philosophy and engineering.

>Be excel sheet hustler
>call myself a "data scientist"
>start adding "deep learning" and "AI" to my resume
>get raises every year
>wow management with "neural nets" and "business intelligence"
>all I do is run linear regression in excel

this is literally my plan

>map reduce papers, hadoop,

if I a dime for every CS undergrad who tried bragging about this kind of stuff.

actually though

data science really should just be called "Applied Statistics"

>What's the difference between data science and statistics?
>data science really should just be called "Applied Statistics"

It's (Computer-aided) Statistics

So basically "Data Science" is just a bunch of Brainlets that just use Excel Spreadsheets all a day (+ a little of Monkey Code in R & Phyton)

And any person with a bare minimum knowledge of Excel can be a Data Scientist, a Job can easily replaced by AI Machines.

you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. go back to crying about how privileged people are who make more money than you talking sheiiiit with your black friends

This is what dumb people think smart people look like.

I work in industry. Not a data scientist myself but I work with some.

They basically do A/B testing of features and try to figure out what increases revenue. Machine learning is very minimal.

Depends on what your industry is and what they're needed for.

True. There certainly are dudes doing legitamate work in data science.

Typically these people have PhDs and a computational/statistical background. They are not the brogrammers who took a Coursera course and plastered their resume with "Big data" and "Data Science"