Are there negative long term effects to non-abusive adderall consumption...

Are there negative long term effects to non-abusive adderall consumption? Could taking a pill every day yield the productivity boost without any negative effects?

You burgers are quite lucky with drugs.
You can have all that Adderall and buy nootropics dirt cheap.

high blood pressure problems and possibility paranoia

You become dependent and unable to think without it. Stay away from drugs brainlets.

Any studies you can link about the severity of dependency?

And even so, is there any drawback aside from the cost to taking it every day? Even if you cannot stay focused without it, why not just take it?

>non-abusive adderall consumption
Fuck off m8, I lost my best friend to adderall

What was he doing with it? Replacing all meals with it?

hell I take 3

Your tolerance would increase requiring more than a pill a day to get the same effects. Otherwise, he seemed fine.

was your best friend adderall?

Tolerance breaks you brainlet
>can't into common sense

>Even if you cannot stay focused without it, why not just take it?

How old are you ?

You sound like a very naive 10 year old.

adafinil does nothing for me sadly.

I was sure someone would bring him up. Jfc what a champ


It's meth bro

how do i get my doctor to prescribe this? He is a cunt btw.

Aside from problems associated with sleep deprivation, appetite suppression, anxiogensis and cardiovascular stress, not really. In terms of drugs, adderall is relatively harmless, not markedly physically addicting and as long as you're not exceeding 60mg a day, you should be fine

I take methylphenidate as prescribed. The pharmacy didn't have any in stock for a week so I was in withdrawals during that time. For me, it took about 4 days before I started to feel more energetic.

Tell him you constantly lose focus of what youre doing at work or school, and easily lose focus. Tell him you've noticed your peers are able to maintain focus and work on a task for extended periods of time far better than you can. Tell him a doctor once recommended ritalin when you were younger after your teachers told your parents to get you to a psychiatrist because you were over-hyperactive and inattentive in class. Tell him your parents refused to fill the prescription because they were averse to putting you on psychotropic medications.
If your doctor then prescribes strattera(a non stimulant ADHD medication), fill the script but dont take it and tell him you think its giving you suicidal ideations.
Then if he gives u ritalin tell him it works, but it gives you facial tics and might be to weak.
Then if he gives you vyvanse, tell him it lasts too long into the day.
Then, he should prescribe instant release adderall .
Some faggy psychiatrists are averse to prescribing psychostimulants at all, and if thats the case just google psychiatrists and find one in a relatively lower income neighborhood who has good reviews.-Med student

>non abusive
> daily

pick one

I've been taking methylphenidate for about two years now, works like a charm.

Helps combat depression but makes me smoke like a fiend and need a beer to balance out.

I probably don't need it, but the benefits are too many to justify stopping

T. Mech. Eng.

How do I get ADHD prescribed in the UK without jumping through shit tons of hoops, am in uni btw.

I would avoid it if you you have high blood pressure

no, it's not. it's speed.

do something illegal

go to your gp.. they refer you, and in a few months you'll have a bloody long assessment. they get info from your parents etc, and look at your school reports.
so basically, you can't.

My psychiatrist proscribed me ritalin for depression and practically told me he doesn't think I have ADD but that this will be good for me anyway.

Still been hesitant to take it everyday though, its pretty good for study.

>productivity boost
kek, dude you just have to follow your agenda, it's not difficult, dont consume things your body doesnt need

It appears you are already suffering from the negative effects.

To mah bois!

srs, by modafinil it will rock your world and won't be addicting while you can use it like 5 times a week and still get solid effects (no dose increase) + it's cheap and it's half-life is like 8-12 hours

don't listen to things cockboy, he probably also takes alternative medicin and self-diagnose without going to the docter and/or follow his/her recommendation

Please don't do this. It's because of retards like you that modafinil is a pain in the ass for me to get when I actually need it for my sleep disorder.

I have taken dexedrine (basically same shit as adderall) for 5 years with some breaks in between. I have no serious side-effects so long as I stick to my minimal effective dose regimen (10-15 mg ED), take support antioxidants and engage in a healthy lifestyle. If I take more that 15 mg ED for about a week I get very anxious and start developing heart palpitations.

Sorry but Modafinil is a complete meme. I have years of experience when it comes to drug use and abuse so what would normally be a subjective experience becomes closer to an objective fact about the compound when I am discussing it.

Anyways, the main thing I noticed about Modafinil is it does not have much of an effect on people that are well rested. In other words, the supposed focus and alertness that it promotes is most effective in people that are suffering from sleep deprivation. It does virtually nothing for those who are otherwise healthy and receive adequate amounts of sleep.

What is your favorite chemical then?

I haven't used drugs in over five years and would advise against using them at all.

It doesn't do that because that's not what it's supposed to do. Modafinil helps you stay awake; it doesn't do anything else.

Modafinil is to adderall as methadone is to heroin

I'd say once/twice a week in a small dose is as much as you can reliably take without long term damage to your cognition.

Do whatever you want though.

That will take longer than finishing an undergrad. Can't I just pay him a 100 or something?

If you're taking therapeutic doses, the long-term effects you're like to see are mostly gastrointestinal.

If you also happen to be an alcohol user, benzo user, or someone with basic anxiety issues, you might find a dependence on sedatives in order to mediate the comedown, but desu it's less severe than caffeine comedown.

Other than that, you will have social impacts. Depending on the social group you already have, you might start losing some friendships because you're getting something different from the social interactions. Or you might be in a social environment that's more accommodating. It's not a bad thing, but expect to start making life choices that are different, and thus you start valuing people in a different way.

You'll probably lose weight, too, because it's hard to digest anything without stomach acid.

The only way to gauge negative effects would be to weight your current status quo at the moment. There will be changes, but I personally wouldn't call any of them negative besides the GI issues. Seriously, you have to actively be careful about that unless you want a yeast infection in your mouth. You'll probably have to change your diet and eat things like yogurt more often, carbs less often too.

Reminder that Adderall doesn't make you perform any better, but it deludes you into thinking that you are.

>Reminder that Adderall doesn't make you perform any better, but it deludes you into thinking that you are.

Yeah, this is something that many people do not understand about Adderall. It has this public image of a "smart drug" or something that helps one focus - but in reality it's just an amphetamine. You could take methamphetamine and you would have very similar effects. The side effects of obsessive behavior, alertness, etc... manifest themselves as a sort of "focus", I guess. Combine this with the neurotransmitter cascade that comes with amphetamines, you will feel great and now the physiological feedback loop begins to build.

It's all horse shit.

I used to be one of those /r/drugs faggots. I read PIHKAL. I watched Terrence McKenna. It's all complete and utter nonsense. There is nothing to gain from drug use - be it hallucinogens or narcotics. No one has any meaningful spiritual awakening or epiphany. Has ANYTHING EVER come to fruition from one of these nutcases and their insane trips inside their mind?

Anyways, I will end my autistic rant here.

You could have just said you're red-pilled at the start so I'd have known to not waste my time reading this deluded bullshit

Yes this is true.

Getting tired of these shitty threads. Just fucking use the shit you little pussy. Better yet, buy some meth. Much better shit.

I would love to know what about my statement you find to be deluded. I wasted nearly a decade of my life with this bullshit.