>Calc I
>Calc II
>Calc III
>Linear Algebra
>Ordinary Diffeqs
>Gen Bio
>Gen Chem
>Organic Chemistry
>Physics I
>Physics II
Reminder that if you actually show up for any of these classes except on exam days you are a brainlet.
>Calc I
>Calc II
>Calc III
>Linear Algebra
>Ordinary Diffeqs
>Gen Bio
>Gen Chem
>Organic Chemistry
>Physics I
>Physics II
Reminder that if you actually show up for any of these classes except on exam days you are a brainlet.
I didn't do a single sheet of homework through engineering school.
First year out with a 65,000$ and great benefits doing design, grad school incoming.
Am I a brainlet?
>paying money to go to university
>not going to class
>not meeting new people
>literally sitting in your dorm doing nothing
youre probably the stinky kid that everybody thinks is weird
My classes complemented the text in so many ways and my professors generally required better answers than what are expected from the book in terms of rigour, understanding and notation.
>paying real money for university classes
>not attending them so you can brag about what a baller you are on Veeky Forums
> graduating without ever having spoken to or worked with anyone
> expecting to be hired after sitting on your ass for four years
This is why my company hires pajeets over people like you.
>wanting to meet other brainlets
Even if you go to Chad's kegger with a backward flat brim hat, Stacy isn't going to want your dick, user.
Even if it's easy, attending class can still be enlightening. All of the math topics in your op and anything that doesn't have "gen" in the name is usually worth going to.
>didn't attend half the lectures
>graduated with first in math
>never did a single internship
>three great job offers just from shaking hands at recruitment seminars
Stay pleb.
>he stinky kid that everybody thinks is weird
Literally me
>paying for education
>living in dormitories
>actually going to class
Amerifats, I swear.
>his physics, chem, and bio classes didn't have a lab
>his LA, Diff Eq classes didn't have some sort of final project
lol you went to a shit school
>project in LA
That's one fancy community college, my man.
>LA final project
Lol wtf, is this some pretentious capstone course crap? What is a linear algebra project? Find the determinant of a 20x20 matrix by hand?
what do you think Matlab stands for faggots?
my project was creating a FEM program from scratch.
>asking about LA
>talks about DFE
>now plowing drunk stacies at frat parties and playing LOL or WOW instead
>implying that shit isn't reduced to discrete algebra when you program it
>implying the bulk of the work isn't matrix operations
come on back any time now scrub.
>numerical analysis is LA because matrices
>Calc I
>Calc II
>Gen Bio
>Gen Chem
>Physics I
>Physics II
A non brainlet would have taken those classes in high school, where attendance is mandatory.
Agree except for Gen Chem.
AP Chem seems to not prepare students at all compared to college Gen Chem.
were you not shown taylor approximation or newtons/eulers method in calc 2?
holy fuck you did/do go to a shit school.
Yeah because you could've achieved a higher potential.
Laziness is a shit trait.
>numerical analysis is linear algebra because taylor approximation
Are you baiting or simulating insanity? Pick one, it's very confusing otherwise.
I said I was going to grad school broski; from there I will unleash the torrent of engineering mastery to such an extent that Da Vinci will shout "Brava!" from the heavens.
Thanks for replying by the way. I was waiting on that (You) all day.
I paid money for them, so I attended them. It's as simple as that.
not everyone goes to shitty state school bud
>no chem labs
Lab is a separate course. I didnt put labs in the list
>implying looking at shit prepared slides that can be googled or following a recipe to make copper nitrate with dilute chemicals is valuable anyway
chem labs are hard idk what you're talking about
Not Gen Chem labs.
Weigh shit, do basic replacement reactions, do math, get A for reporting your shit yield.
This board is such fucking garbage. Nothing but absolute shitposting in the form of shitty textbook threads, where pseuds actually recommend garbage books like the Gelfand series, or Pugh's Analysis, ironic Flat Earth threads, college major dick measuring, brainlets lamenting about being too dumb for Maths, race threads where both /pol/ and bleeding heart liberals defecate all over each other, IQ "discussions", homework threads, and low-effort shitposts like this, where brainlets brag about not going to lecture for classes they should have completed in secondary school if they had any real intellect.
And of course, on top of it all, there's the absolutely godawful moderation here that does nothing to remedy the problem.
I'm seriously convinced this is one of the worst boards on this entire site, and I largely blame undergrads. Even /v/ and /g/ are better off.
>baaw my site for autistic memeing teenagers is full of autistic memeing teenagers
Take time to analyse your whining before posting, please.
>/v/ and /g/
Visiting these boards voids your complaining privileges completely.
lol umad?
i unironically agree with this desu
>hur this board is bad
>shitposts instead of making a good thread
rally mad me thonk
People like this are why I do nothing but shitpost on Veeky Forums. Idiots thinking that any serious discussion could ever be had here should be necked. Thanks for reminding me to make a flat earth thread, dum-dum
How does one complete all of those in high school? They aren't high school topics, and if you did complete them, you probably did so in some kind of extension program (which isn't high school).
Your thread is great. Don't worry.
>he plays vidya and hangs out with autists discussing smartphones, gaming hardware and babby's first CS courses
>presumes to have any high ground in a debate about retardation
Kek. I'm not the OP. I just don't delude myself into thinking Veeky Forums is or ought to be something other than it is. If I didn't want to be here I wouldn't. If I don't like a particular thread I hide it. Either accept the fact that you like all this low-effort shit or just filter it and stop crying like a little girl.
i'm glad this post triggered all the undergrad shitposters but seriously dont make meta posts and next time just report this thread and hide it or something it's really annoying.
Someone posted this thread on Veeky Forums and now they're laughing at us
This, except the part about v.
I remember this board being actually good a ocuple of years ago though, what happened?
Wow, this is good science and math!
I thought Veeky Forums was the smart board. What happened, guys?
thanks i won't forget, father
>Have an A in Thermodynamics, it just werks™
>Have a C in Linear Algebra because fuck you
Everyone told me it would be the other way around
Newshits and redditors thinking that serious discussion has no place in low-traffic "academic" boards because they read that Veeky Forums is nothing but memes
You probably can regurgitate shit easily but lack. abstarct reasoning necessary for proofs
Possibly, its easy to conceptualize most of Thermo but I struggle to retain math lecture. I wish I could just say I'm one of those kids that skip studying and are surprised they're struggling.
>t. 3 year old ""oldfag"" that came for le ebin frog memes and vidya generals
Veeky Forums was always awful. You were just younger and didn't yet absorb what little useful knowledge this shithole offers.
>t. newfag
Veeky Forums used to have plenty of actual scientific discussion before all the under-age redditors, such as OP, started spamming the place to shit.
Unless you are "le aspergers photographic memory kid XD" not going to class is just irresponsible and childish. People like you are just the dumb fucks who never learned proper study habits
I knew some newshit embryo would get offended
The fact that you can't even recognize the quality difference on this board shows that you weren't even around during 2010
t. Started browsing 4 years ago
>only been on Veeky Forums since 2010
Veeky Forums was made in 2010 you fucking mouth-breather
Seriously consider necking yourself.
>can't even recognize the quality difference
Your honeymoon period wasn't objectively any different, user. Stop deluding yourself.
This place has gone to shit after /pol/ and /r9k/ replaced /b/ as entry point and reddit grew out of little entertainment site into the forum of the internet.
>actual bait hasn't been swept after more than 10 minutes
No wonder they took janitor applications.
spot the new posters
>it's just le ebin funny maymay site cuck newfags kek xD
Summer child, go play outside.
Lol this thread is great
>The state pays for my education with its own hard-earned money, I don't want to waste it by not going to class!
I said to myself mockingly as I trudged to class anyway.
>not making relationships
Here's why you don't have a job
If you are so smrt then why don't you leave?
here's the (YOU) you so badly need
>not becoming self-employed and building particle accelerators out of power blenders and microwaves
>go to ivy league
>want to do engineering after
>end up in finance
Even if I hadn't shown up to lecture, I don't think it would have mattered
You actually thought Veeky Forums was a smart board? lel
I think you went to a meme college. Try that at a real University.
Just barely got a 2.0 in calc III showing up 6 days so im getting there
Attendance is accounted into your grade at a real uni?
Reminder that OP is a faggot.
I self read everything from the books. Why would I listen a brainlet whomstev'th makes it more complicated than it really is.
That hit too close to home. Shut up asshole I fucking hate you!
>I even left the gold sticker on, for extra swag
>Pay for uni
>Don't go to class occasionally to shoot the shit with your hombres
You're going to die sad and alone
>he has to pay for uni
it's really dumb to pay for all of those classes and not show up. if you don't have a relationship with your profs and schoolmates you're doing yourself a disservice. i don't understand why anyone would glorify the shutin lifestyle
Yeah, you are right on that regard. Some professors are able to keep things in your head in other forms that you may not have known. That is a really cool thing, in my opinion. Going to Physics and Calculus classes are always a lot of fun. However, I always had really good professors.
it's weird that nerds think they're better than others, when it is most obviously not the case. that "Chad" gymbro probably has better mental clarity than you could hope for. keep writing off people for arbitrary reasons, though, and enjoy your solitude.
>going to a community college
shiggy diggy
a number of my math and CS courses have in class assignments as the herd thins. and you need to pass every component of the course to pass the course. you would be throwing away grades and literally fail if you missed too many of them
Sure, but general attendance is not enforced in anything but plebbiest of pleb unis afaik.
i agree with everything but the last part; Veeky Forums is still one of the best boards on the site
>Burger Duke
>Taco Gong
Yeah... I'll try that new triple quesalupa quarter pounder. A medium coke too.
>Shiggy diggy
Is this really coming back or are you just reposting it in every thread?
Fags who barely started browsing will disagree with this but you're right.
Any decent university/institute requires you to attend a minimum number of classes per subject.
>coming back
>implying it ever went away
No you wont
you don't have the work ethic to do it, you lazy nigger
Improve yourself or you will face suffering and failure
Have you even gone to college? You sound like a bitter retarded high schooler with no friends who thinks he is a genius just because he is nerdy. "Meeting people" does not mean putting your social life first or going to keggers.
My school gave an automatic F for the course if you miss 3 classes, unless you were literally dying in the hospital. I went to a private college though, I don't know if state schools are like that.
>engineering school
>not programming your own video games that require a deep understanding of math in order to even comprehend what is going on, let alone play the game at a high level
>Calc I
>Calc II
>Calc III
>Linear Algebra
>Ordinary Diffeqs
>Physics I
>Physics II
I went to all of them, because I didn't want to buy the textbook for any of them
Got As in everything except diffeq, which was a B
Holy shit, /r9k/ needs to stop leaking into this board
brainlets btfo
>He uses the term Chad and Stacy
Holy hell this is peak autism.