Favourite topological spaces

Post them boys

A dog

accept no substitutes

Sierpinski because why not

The walking quiver, aka the von Neumann ordinal 3.

The door space

these have very interesting properties


Trivial one, followed by discrete, followed by Euclidean in 2D

the Cantor set
the circle
the interval

As long as it's locally compact and abelian then it doesn't matter to me, serves my purposes just fine.

Ur moms pussy

zariski cos i proved its compact in an exam on general topology

Do you know of any topological space whose existence is equivalent to some large cardinal?

[math]\mathbb R[/math]

Technically not a "topological space", but Schemes over F_q w/ etale topology.


For me it's the McChicken, the best topological space

coffee donut


If k is any ordinal, then k is a topological space under the order topology. So just let k be whatever large cardinal you want.

Lmao, has this meme started to spread outside of Veeky Forums?

The only topology on the empty set, because it's just so concise.


is there a help1.png?

any set whose cardinality is equal to the large cardinal in question, with the indiscrete topology

looks like a classification of 2-surfaces, hence the 2

K but I meant not so obvious spaces. More like some weird thing on the reals or whatever. One that the existence of the topology would depend on a large cardinal, not the universe of the space.

>Favourite topological spaces
metric spaces...