The Paris Accord

The US withdrawal from this agreement will not significantly affect the temperature of the globe. Even assuming global warming is caused by human CO2 emissions, the majority of this damage comes from China and India. The overwhelming majority of these nations suffers a terrible living standard. If they keep industrialising and attempting to reach the standard of living USA enjoys, they will cause complete destruction and a heat apocalypse (assuming global warming is man-caused). Again, this is just China and India. Add to that Africa and the Middle East, and you have 70% of the world population living like shit and trying to reach our level. If they do, the consequences will be catastrophic.

What confuses me the most is why do academics not talk about this issue? Richard Muller, a well-known physics professor, outlined the issue with third world CO2 emissions but "scientists" like Bill Nye still keep saying overpopulation in those nations isn’t an issue and the masses buy it. How do we educate brainlets on this issue?

Other urls found in this thread:,

“We do expect that the temperature will rise another 1.5°C in the next 50 years, from continued carbon dioxide releases predominantly from China, India, and the developing world. They need more energy to improve the standard of living of their people, so we need to help them produce energy with low carbon emissions. That means nuclear, energy conservation, and natural gas.”

Bump. Are you scared of real science brainlets?

Just kill them all and let this planet burn desu. Please do it right this time.

It's just the retarded trump outrage of the week.

When people realize that the deal does absolutely nothing, they will calm down.

>im to retarded to check the catalog

Go away /pol/ution, go away dumb phoneposter

>Even assuming global warming is caused by human CO2 emissions

I guess 95% of people who's job it is to study the climate all just happen to assume that, better not try

Bill Nye was still pushing a serious issue. He himself actually says that climate change is ruining crops in the areas you mentioned. This means that people in rural areas have to flood into the big cities because they cannot rely on the crops anymore. They go to the cities for work, but with a large influx of people, there simply is not enough work. And then, in regions like the middle east, with extremist groups raping and taking the remaining resources in these rural areas, anyone left on the outskirts are left to die or to join these extremist groups. Bill Nye had a fairly reasonable explanation.

Also, overpopulation is no issue. The population is not gonna keep building up. Modern scientists have concluded that the population should settle at around 9 billion people.

>9 billion
Humans can raise their population easy, with modern tech too
we don't need to hand the world over to low IQ rapid breeders

>the majority of this damage comes from China and India


>Modern scientists have concluded that the population should settle at around 9 billion people.
You realize that due to "charity" the only thing that will stop population growth is starvation, right?

You realize you're an idiot, right? Population growth in Africa is already slowing, what makes the difference is educating girls and providing access to birth control.

>what makes the difference is educating girls
Um, racist and sexist much?

>What confuses me the most is why do academics not talk about this issue?
Because it's easy enough to reverse climate change if you're willing to take an enormous economic and resource hit.

Anyone who's taken 2nd year thermo knows how to shed entropy. The planet earth as a system is no different from any other entropy balance. The problem is its too expensive. (of course we ignore unpredictability, but losing a few species here and there is already inevitable, we understand control theory well enough to enforce negative feedback on chaotic systems (cf. any biochemical PFR reactor, especially algal growth reactors if you don't want to take my word for it)).

The realistic options are to keep going at the current pace and hope technology improves fast enough so that we can produce energy and products at much higher efficiencies or to let a few billion people starve, kill thousands of research fields and fix the problem in the next 5 years.

Can you see why we're focusing on our own research instead of getting involved with normies trying to argue about things they barely understand? We're on the clock in ways that populists don't need to know about.



Paris deal would have been totally ineffective at curbing carbon emissions. It's literally just lefties melting down as another aspect of their religion is stripped away by literally hitler

Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas.

Population growth is only "slowing" in Africa and ME because of immigration to the first world.

The only thing that will stop growth is a fucking halt on medicinal advancements. The whole reason for a boom in population is because modern medicine has resulted in lesser infant mortality rates. Not because people aren't fucking starving...

I agree, but hopefully the general public can forget their moral dissention with genetic modification on newborn babies. That way, we can finally use CRISPR to modify neural pathways to make people smarter. So, humanity won't have to be thwarted by religious fallacy or plain delusion.

back to you schizo freak

This, just look at the work put in by Jurassic time-traveling scientists to save the planet.

The US does contribute a significant deal to causing CO2 emissions, remember also that a lot of the emissions that India and China cause are because the western world imports their goods.

The biggest problem with US pulling out is the signal it sends to the rest of the world but this is more of a political question than a scientific one.

I'd watch that movie desu.

US and EU emissions individually >> India

And the past emissions that caused the warming thus far are overwhelmingly US and EU

...where they live a life 100x more carbon heavy than in their shit countries, contributing heavily to pollution. Was the wall an ecological initiative?

this. cut foreign aid completely. if they can't support themselves, they can starve.


never happening, too much 'literally Hitler!!1' snowflakes to even consider that as a possibility.

Well, that is the thing really, it is real science that reduces emissions, not speeches and other professional hot air emitters.

>It's just the retarded trump outrage of the week.
A lot of people are still bitter about the election. That is all.
>When people realize that the deal does absolutely nothing, they will calm down.
The biggest issue is China: the CO2 quotas would have meant vast sums going to China to fund unclear projects allegedly aiming to reduce their CO2 emissions. In the most corrupt regime on this planet. Yeah, right.

>climate change is ruining crops in the areas
Strangely I have never seen any discussions about changing to crops more suited to a warmer climate. Instead the world is coming to an end. Again.

>Population growth in Africa is already slowing
This is Veeky Forums You should have realised already that the second derivative can be negative for a long time before the first derivative goes negative.

It is always strange to see people thing vast piles of signed papers actually accomplishes things. "Peace inour time," he said, and was mighty proud of it.

>And the past emissions
So what?

>Was the wall an ecological initiative?
Trump is a true visionary when it comes to saving the environment.

This better be a trollpost.

>Even assuming global warming is caused by human CO2 emissions, the majority of this damage comes from China and India
Where do you fuckers get this shit from? depending on exactly how you count them, the USA is either #1, #2 or #3 for emissions. Having one of the largest emitters on the planet pull out of making any kind of commitment at all is a major problem.

> The overwhelming majority of these nations suffers a terrible living standard. If they keep industrialising and attempting to reach the standard of living USA enjoys, they will cause complete destruction
Right, which is why it's important to have nations like the USA set an example for how you produce clean energy economically. Because otherwise those nations are going to "stick with what works", and that's coal and oil.

>Paris deal would have been totally ineffective at curbing carbon emissions.
It would have been at start, and it would have a framework to start building proper treaties.. "Fuck you all, I'm going home" isn't a step forward, not matter how you spin it.

>Strangely I have never seen any discussions about changing to crops more suited to a warmer climate.
That's probably because you haven't read anything.

>That's probably because you haven't read anything.
Oh but I do.

And politicians sure get a lot of opportunity for blowing hot air. And it is never about solutions other than what will take us back to the stone age.

JERBS in West Virginia are more important than even pretending to get a handle on the climate change problem, OP

>We can't cut carbon emissions THINK ABOUT THE ECONOMY
>Short term economic gain is worth long term economic loss, death, famine, ecological destruction and millions of forever lost species

>this isn't hysterics this is serious business

But what about Appalachian coal jobs?! God damn globalist!

except for the creatures that wouldn't be able to migrate to satisfy redneck America's beaner paranoia
>tfw innocent wolves would starve because muh big dick wall even though most mex immigrants come via plane or bus anyway

It would be hysterics if it wasn't based on science.
>What do you mean if I shoot myself I will die? You are just being crazy and hysterical

>It would be hysterics if it wasn't based on science.
"science" is a globalist delusion meant to undermine Real Americans, duh

How are carbon emissions causing the end of the world? AFAIK, last time carbon peaked in the atmosphere, the world was covered in rainforest.

The last time CO2 peaked was not comparable to the current level of CO2.

But hey nothing bad could happen if we go back to a climate before humans even existed and leave the one we evolved into for hundreds of thousands of years, right?

>Paris Accord

Trump leaving the Paris Accord is virtue signaling as much as joining it was.


>America first!
>See guys I make deals!

>leave deal
>See guys I make deals!

what did user-kun mean by this?

By that logic everything is virtual signals you moron.

Richard Muller also says that Global Warming is real and that humans are the cause of it.

The world ought to impose sanctions against America and stop them trading overseas.

>says he's open to renegotiation
>no renegotiation ever comes
not his fault

Did you know that even the Paris convention does not have any sanctions in it?

Also from what I read the auditing is made by the respective nations which means zero credibility when it comes from China.

Much of the "handling" of the CO2 issue is buying CO2 quotaqs. I will leave it to you to guess where that money goes. You could also guess who set up the system.

You would be surprised, briefly.

Neither. It's because access to birth control, plus feminism to give independence to women to use that birth control, plus the current standard of living where having kids is super expensive, money wise, for the parents.


We are soo fucked then.

What's gonna stop population rise is education and wealth. All data points show a correlation between poverty and fertility. Rapid population growth stopped in the west and it's currently stopping in third world countries too.


And which is the cause and which is the effect?

I agree, US industry is quite simply irrelevant nowadays. China is the biggest worry.

Don't most these countries produce things for corporations here in the USA that you people use because our companies outsource to have things made there because of laws that are here but not there?

Go ahead and bust these countries, have fund degrading your own standard of living. IF it is caused by man, then man must leave this shit behind, but you people will never want to. Trump is right though about one thing in this whole thing. It's just an excuse to make more money. And the creation of alternative fuel sources required to replace what we have now would also put pollutants into the air because we'd have to use the current technology to accomplish it.

America being OVER 19 trillion dollars of debt,, and trump pulling out is actually a fucking smart move FOR YOU PEOPLE. Considering the people all these countries owe money to don't even hail to a country.

News flash, most people kill over money, as shitty shit our government has done and when the reaper comes to sow the money he has lent out, guess what's gonna happen future slave?

Ain't no slave? Then genocide, "to save the planet"

Want to save the planet? Stop using your fucking computers and electricity to make yourselves comfortable. Americans have become soft and dumb because of it. And the irony in all this is that people are now starting to believe what is posted here. Funny, considering they manufacture parts to your fucking computers, iphones, and other stupid bullshit, because of shitty business practices brought on by shitty governments.

Trump pulling out is actually for the best interest of the American people. I mean, when big oil was fighting so hard against alternative fuels and now they're putting out propaganda about how they're going to do it... It's very surprising to me how no one puts two and two together.

But whatever, I retreat because people never have an open mind. Stop believing things from your fast moving picture boxes.