Explode a mountajn

How fast would you have to throw a rock in order to explode a mountain?

As fast as Id have to to escape my depression

Well only 1 m/s given that it's the right density.

Speed of light because E = mc^2

More than 5, less than 13.

This. OP is a fag

Super hihg speed.



Square root of two times of binding energy of a mountain divided by the rock's mass

The rock couldn't hold up to the stresses required

it would have to be made out of at least diamond


Your "rock" would have to weigh at least 3 tons and you would have to throw it at 0.99C.

I'm not shitting you, I did the math.

Also I did the math for Everest, because "mountain" is too generic, they are all different.

the rock would disintegrate instantaneously, before hitting the mountain

we would have to remove the earth's atmosphere first

well, yes, IRL you would pretty much incinerate the atmosphere (and everything else) if you threw it that fast.

Really fast! Am i the smartest on this board, or am i?


0 m/s if you just drop a mountain sized rock onto it from like 10 m.

you would just create even bigger mountain with that