Who are the worst "scientist" frauds?

Who are the worst "scientist" frauds?

Richard Lynn, Andrew Wakefield, Gilles-Éric Séralini and Samuel Hahnemann come to mind.

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>Richard Lynn
Not a fraud. Sorry your jimmies are rustled SJW.
Stop trying to astroturf.

>Who are the worst "scientist" frauds?
all the climate "scientists"


Evolutionists are the biggest fraud, after that climate change scientists. Then any space travel nonsense would come after that.

not even a polack but it has to be steven jay gould

Douglas Axe.

Feynman, for using mathematical legerdemain to bamboozle physicists into accepting renormalization. In QED he calls renormalization a 'shell game' and a 'dippy process' and 'hocus-pocus' which is 'not mathematically legitimate'. Renormalization is an obviously erroneous procedure and yet it remains one of the foundational pillars of modern quantum theory.

>Samuel Hahnemann
At least homeopathy was harmless, unlike the mainstream treatments back then which were often actively harmful.

>Richard Lynn
His errors are as nothing compared to the other people you group him with. The worst liar amongst anybody in the IQ debates is Nisbett, who willfully lies all the time in his papers. Hell, Lynn isn't even the most flawed on the hereditarian side, that would be Rushton, who tries to shoehorn other data into his life history theory. The worst liar to ever write about anything related to racial IQ differences is Stephen Jay Gould, who literally was found to have falsified data in 2011.

I will say Gould, then Nisbett.

He OVERestimated minority IQs.

Hispanics should be around 82 instead of 88, as measured by all other studies.

Bogdanoff Brothers



No Fraud List is Complete without the epic Bogdanoff Brothers.



new to this board so forgive me if every single person on here has already seen this

Your and others personal incredulity doesn't indicate fraud on their part.
No fraud has been proven.
Stop being such a memelord.
Learn to think.
If you have a legitimate criticism (like I do), then post them.
Don't just throw out "these cuz I believe!" bullshit.

Bertrand Russell.

I'm a hereditarian, but I wouldn't really say that. His biggest mistake is systematically underestimating black African IQs, which I believe go from 69 to 81 after correcting his error. A Hispanic IQ of 89 in the USA is supported by SAT, ACT, NAEP, and PISA scores, so his 88 seems about right.

Rushton is the worst hereditarian because he shoehorned blacks as having larger penis sizes in order to fit his life history theory (when they probably have between a 0 and 0.25 inch advantage over whites) and he was caught trying to basically fabricate sex differences in IQ (which are about 2 points, mostly visuo-spatial, and he was trying to claim like 6 or 7) when he wouldn't weight studies in a meta-analysis by sample size.

This is peanuts, though, compared to Nisbett, who cites the Eyefirth study as if it didn't confirm hereditarianism, frequently makes the "malleability=environmental cause" fallacy in his response papers, and thought that skin color in African Americans was a good enough proxy for European admixture for a lack of IQ correlation to be indicative of an environmental cause. Some of these aren't so much fraudulent as they are him just being plain dumb.

Stephen Jay Gould is known to have outrightly falsified Samuel Morton's skull data in the Mismeasure of Man. He also didn't understand the point of statistical g and also didn't understand factor analysis. He probably didn't come up with punctuated equilibria with Niles Eldredge, either, but that's a more controversial thing to believe. His massive fraud on racial issues is not controversial. He is both fraudulent and a brainlet, and he fooled the popular press by writing long, overindulgent, and meandering passages in popular books.

Flynn has also lied by omission when he picked only standardized scores that showed a decrease in IQ gaps in his 2006 paper with Dickens, when the propensity of standardized IQ scores show a decrease in the gap of a paltry 0.04SD/decade, and stagnating.

whats wrong with their fucking faces?

Failed Plastic Surgeries

You may not like it, but the bottom pic is the ideal male form.

Growth hormone injections abuse
(not kidding)

>homeopathy was/is harmless
Yeah, because giving excessively expensive water and sugar to actual sick people instead of a proper treatment, lying that he doesn't need one, sure does no harm.

There was no proper treatment back then.

And it was always a fraud, a fraud that harms people; at the time he developed his "theory" and 200 years later.


Homeopathy can be dangerous. A tiny Homeopathic portion of certain Poisons can be Deadly.

A very dangerous compound used in Homeopathy is Arsenic trioxide (called Arsenicum album by Homeopaths)

They use Chemicals that even in tiny amounts can cause diseases, cancer or death by poisoning

Tiny portions of Arsenic, Cyanide, Benzine, Asbestos, Heavy Metals (as Lead, Cadmium), Radioactive Elements (as Polonium, Radium, Uranium, Cesium), etc.


Woit and Smolin

Stephen J Gould
"The Mismeasure of Man" is all bullshit. He didn't even look at the skulls.


We need a eugenics program to deal with poltards desu.

bump /pol/ threads

Dr. Wakefield will be proved right in time. And remember he wasn't anti-vaccine, he wanted the single measles vaccine given rather than MMR. Before the herping and the derping starts.

Look at the latest gut biome and neurology research, autism, adhd, parkinson's, it's huge.

пять днeй

Tremendous, many such cases. Sad!

дaeшь мeня кpaткoe излoжeниe oб этих люди

Newton. His "universal" law of gravitation doesn't even work for very big, very small or very fast things.


Tesla, Rushton, Lynn, Dr Oz

>when your math is off by a factor of 100