How do I stop myself becoming racist?

Can anyone give me a perspective on race which isn't just meme opinions like "race is entirely a social construct and its just whitey's fault" or "some races are inferior and unable to integrate", it seems obvious to me that race is real and measurable so how do I express this opinion without being called a racist.

Other urls found in this thread: on black iq.pdf

Actions speak louder than words

"Every race is different and has strengths and weaknesses. The most obvious one is that melanin levels make some races more resistant to radiation from the sun than others. Likewise, things like intelligence, physical ability and creativity differ between races. Every race is good at something but bad at another."

Something like that

>Likewise, things like intelligence, physical ability and creativity differ between races. Every race is good at something but bad at another.
Except they would rightly point out that there is no hard biological evidence for this. Then again normies might think IQ is proof enough, so you might just get away with this otherwise unsubstantiated statement. Depends on how critical the person you engage with is.

Learn the difference between racism and prejudice.

Racism isn't always evil. It can give culture and history to a group of people
Prejudice, on the other hand, is always evil.

Because racism completley disregards the individual. My token black friend has an iq of 120+ and I prefer his company to a lot of my other friends. Besides, I don't use iq as a determiner of someone's value. For example, would you treat your father differently if you found out that he had a lower than average iq?

read if you read the whole thread, you'll see the evidence points towards the fact that races aren't that different at all, most variation is within groups

Race obviously isn't entirely a social construct and it plays a substantial role in human biodiversity (in my opinion) but I'd be wary of attributing any characteristic of a given individual to race, because of course, there could be the result of other components of their genetics like the smaller scale human subpopulation they're from (ethnicity/family group?), maybe some epigenetics, or it could be the result of culture, or environment, or the person's life experiences, and so on and so forth. There are a wide variety of individuals within each racial group so as long as you don't make claims about "all X" or don't treat any individual differently or make assumptions about them based purely on race, then whatever opinions you are fine t b h.

Basically racism is more about prejudice and discrimination rather than any belief you may have about the existence of genetic races.
I think race is real and measurable to some extent as well, and I've linked one of my posts from another thread here, which I think is a pretty moderate position.

Just because a lot of the variation is between groups, doesn't mean races don't exist at all.

imho the issue stems from the fact that in the term "race" in biology doesn't have a clear definition and indicates a sub-rank of the species based on genetic, geographic location and/or physiology.

Given the tendency of humans to move around over history, to mix with each other and to self-identify based (mostly) on cultural element the definition gets blurry. In particular in North American context (Jorge Ramos would Hispanic, even with blue eyes, Dikembe Mutombo is not african american even though he's black).

Do something that makes you too dumb to see patterns like get hammer and hit your forehead so you frontal lobe gets damaged.

Just learn about statistical distributions and realize that racial differences, with no affirmative action forces pushing under-qualified people to places they shouldn't be, only exist in normieland.

t. person who hammered his face in

Well if you arent racist it means you cant see patterns in human behavior so a non racist would have to be a retard by definition.

Patterns like:
Black people are impulsive
White people have savior complex
Asians have high impulse regulation
Arabs are violent
Jews are evil

Learn genetics and bioinformatics.

Stop being a guilt ridden cuck.
No other people are.
You think a north-african arab cares wether or not his opinions on blacks are ""racist"" (a word invented by a communist jew in the 20th century btw), you think a chinese person does?
No, no one cares about "racism" except guilt-ridden western cucks and non-whites who want to shut whites up and who know the extent of white guilt. Look into erdogans accusations of netherlands being nazist for not allowing turks to have a political campaign on dutch soil. No one cares, except cucks and people out to exploit them.

If you categorize groups of people under one randomly chosen umbrella like skin color, then you WILL get superior and inferior groups. You could do the same with eye color, pinky size, left handedness, etc. That makes it easy to dismiss one group in favor of another group and categorize every member of the group as inferior by default. Which is basically the basis of classical racism and modern social justice intersectionality. Two sides of the same coin.

Even though group A might be on average inferior to group B, members of group A might still be superior to most members of group B.
E.g. you will find black mathematics professors and you will find a lot of white retards. The group categorization is the lazy man's view of the world. It might be useful for split second decisions, but how often do you have to make those? Most of the time you have enough time to judge the individual.

>races aren't that different at all, most variation is within groups

What you're describing is called apophenia. I bet you believe this rock was carved by aliens too. If you don't believe it, you're obviously too smart and you should smash your head in with a hammer.

There is proof, for literally every single one of those points in areas from neurobiology, genetics, physiology, social science and epidemiolgy. No race is totally useless, even aborigines have great visual spatial processing.

Wait you were serious with lol

If being a racist is being correct, then stop caring about being called a racist. You will be called a racist for anything other than expressing a negative view of whites and a positive view of other races anyway.

I keep quiet on the whole thing but i have an irish friend who came to this country and got labelled a racist permanently because he once referred to a girl as "black".

Races not being different is feel good nonsense, our behavior is crafted by our geography just all animals on this rock you are not special.

Blacks are impulsive due to how simple living in Africa is for hominids in general. Whites have savior complexes due to mutations that made their empathy centers go out of control. Asians have higher impulse control due to having more evolved brains than both whites and blacks. Jews are evil due to evolving a form of racial sociopathy(ME JEW ONLY MATTER), while arabs are violent due to inbreeding replicating genes that lead to psychosis.

>how do I express this opinion without being called a racist.

You don't, we are living in a culture of heavy censorship regarding this question. If you want to learn about it for the sake of intellectual curiosity look into physical anthropology, genetics and neuroscience.

I am interested in facts, not racial agendas.

I'm sorry, but white people can be plenty racist as proven ITT. You thinking white people are somehow less racist genetically or more altruistic is just you being wrong.

North africans aren't arabs.

Yes Im serious.

> more evolved
You're a moron. I agree that there are huge racial differences but a black brain is just as 'evolved' as any other, as is a termite brain. There is no direction to evolution.

White people are more altruistic and have more development in the areas of the brain associated with empathy and social control.

>Whites have savior complexes due to mutations that made their empathy centers go out of control.

Yes, white people have the altruism gene.

So good. I'm guessing you aren't white?

Of course.

I guess your brain isn't as developed then.

Sometimes when an enemy has massacred your own people and constantly sown dissent and hatred you need to suppress feelings.

Not sure that applied to anything i said.

>Muh nazis
The simple fact Germany accepted jews shows they are controlled more by their morality than with logic and reason. Europe is trying to kill itself because whites are incapable of not being puppets to their moral reasoning.
Asians are objectively the smartest race of humans on earth because they have no records of inbreeding that leads to their higher intelligence. Asians also act the most civilized compared to other races sure they have weird customs but they are the most civilized humans as their religions have yet to cause mass conflict and destruction like Caucasoids.

>labelled a racist permanently
Damn, was it in permanent ink?
>because he once referred to a girl as "black".
I'm sure there's more context. I call black people black all the time.

It's idiotic how much the people with the brains of a duck on this board put value on IQ. It's been proved by several scientists for decades how it doesn't determine a person's intelligence (which is cut into several subcategories) completely, but gives somewhat of an estimate of their performances. Things as little as what kind of a school you're in affects IQ already by several points and what you're eating. Now compare people from Europe, for example, who enjoy not only good, but the BEST nutrition and the BEST school systems to African kids who lack both almost completely. I can't believe the logic of some people on this board.

Sometimes I seriously wonder if I'm talking with bots.

No, he literally asked when some people were talking about a girl: "is she the black girl in the year?" and there was a death pall. That was 3 years ago and people still say he's a bit of a racist, despite never saying anything else - he's actually annoyingly left wing.

>Sometimes when an enemy has massacred your own people and constantly sown dissent and hatred you need to suppress feelings.

It's proof that white people aren't more altruistic or less capable of being racist.
Genes don't change over 50 years.

School and diet don't raise it that much, whereas your parents are the greatest determinents of school performance and IQ and in turn adoption studies show the same IQ trends. Sorry carl.

> he genuinely thinks a hanging is as bad as it gets
Wow. Go live in sudan.

Your a fucking retard IQs test cant scale intelligence beyond 115 but lower it can. IQ test are not made to find smart people they are made to find the morons in your population.
If whites are not the most empathetic race on earth explain why they are LITERALLY THE ONLY KNOWN BREED OF HUMANS THAT COLLECTIVELY WORKS TO KILL THEMSELVES OUT OF GUILT?

Europeans have barely any inbreeding either. But regardless saying they are more civilized stil doesn't make them 'more evolved'. Next you say they don't cause mass conflict and destruction, yet almost all the highest casualty genocides and wars have taken place in asia. Learn some fucking history.

I thought racist was derived from the french "raciste". To which "20th century communist jew" are you referring?

Let's not bring shitty youtubers into this

you need to calm yourself down, /pol/

>School and diet don't raise it that much

>on adoption studies

Read this

even if you disagree with his conclusions at least you'll get to see more than one adoption study

Also on black iq.pdf

>literally starts the sentence with "Your a fucking retard"

You're easily the most ironic poster on this thread. You're just some angry white kid with the confidence of a 10-year-old girl who wants to feel special by bragging about how well people who fucking look like him perform.

> not less capable of being racist
> the one race that ended slavery then went out of its way to force other races to follow suit
> some of which only did so in the last few decades
> a race which has made it a priority to welcome others into their lands and be tolerant
> the only race which by far and large has no residual widespread racism

Grow the fuck up you sheltered teenager.

>But regardless saying they are more civilized stil doesn't make them 'more evolved'
Uh yes that does make them more evolved, because civilized behavior is an indication your brain has impulse regulation which is a trait of a higher cognition brain.

Outside of War Asians are generally peaceful and very civilized, its only white people who could make this hedonistic monkey culture due to their inferior brains asians would never create filth like this.

> has no counter argument when his garbage is challenged

Yeah, well, the point is it's not always been like this.

Hence, it's not genetic.

Maybe he's a racist tho. Or people are just shitty. I know a girl who was called a slut for years but she was a virgin.

> charting IQ across decades blissfully unaware that its not a static value
And your opposing essay at every turn relies on margins of error and even "iq tests arent valid because of cultural differences", please read what you post next time. It's useless nonsense.

but I'm not the poster you responded to.

Wait, you read both papers in 4 minutes?

I thought you wanted to be educated and learn?

guess not

No, it quite literally doesn't make them more evolved. A lobster has more DNA than us, that's a better metric of being """more evolved""", even though once again evolution is not a targeted process. Also bravo for saying "out of war", so they just focus their extreme sadism and anger into bursts like the autists they are.

If one race learns to talk at 10 months and another at 2 years, it's facetious to say "well its not genetic because they both couldnt talk at one stage". You cna guarantee that before any of those events there was a long period of social change concerning it, and before that a long period of moderation in racist attitude probably leading entirely back to never as aggressive an atittude as others.

I read the first entirely, then didn't read the second on the basis of what intellecutually bankrupt nonsense the first you considered valid was.

Sorry, you mark yourself as stupid and you lose your place.

Evolved means cognitively advanced you idiot.

Go to any asian country notice the low violent crime rate.
Not even Han Chinese are autistic on average.

well, ok

sorry it doesn't meet your high standards

No evolved means selectively killed and propogated to match an environment. It has no content to it. A dog is just as evolved as you whether you seem to like it or not.


>korea and netherlands have the same iq
one of the many flaws there

People are just shitty and buy so much into the hivemind of being "socially correct" that they jump on a chance of demonizing. So essentially you will be called racist, best not to worry about it and certainly don't apologize. Same with a virgin being called a slut, it's to try bring her down and make sure no-one else can positiviely evaluate her for that quality.

Netherlands has 100, south korea has 106 - more or less validly represented there.

why the fuck do you even care? do you study humans? if not, why the fuck do you care? other than maybe some pacific islanders, everyone is basically the same

> tfw IQ of 53 but we're all one race :^)

>How do I stop myself becoming racist?
don't live around black people. thats how liberals do it.

Because demonstrably that isn't true, in terms of IQ, crime rates, neurobiology, greater biology and general medicine. The fact that people like you walk around under some blissful, sheltered impression that we're basically the same is why people should care. Ignorance should always be challenged.

top kek but sadly true.

> go to top 10 uni
> meet that one black student who got there
> he's unsurprisingly nice and intelligent
> the 1 black student in my 99% white university can be extrapolated out to the wider race!
> all black people are kind geniuses btfo racists! im going to vote for more muslims!

I lived in the projects with black people and I think they're okay.

You know what I mean.

> race is real and measurable
If you believe that a man is stupider or inferior because of the color of his skin, then you are, by definition, a racist.

>>> /pol/

Until tomorrow when you post the same damn thread again.

>in terms of IQ
IQ is heavily affected by the environment, not reliable at all. if anything, it shows that these "races" don't have access to education, which isn't necessarily their fault
>crime rates
entirely environmental
>neurobiology, greater biology and general medicine
listing fields related to the problem counts as an argument?
>The fact that people like you walk around under some blissful, sheltered impression that we're basically the same is why people should care. Ignorance should always be challenged.
You seem pretty spooked.

> if a scientific verifiable view doesnt agree with me it cant be discussed on Veeky Forums
Wew lad. Not who you were replying to but you arent winning over the audience.

Blacks have higher testosterone, smaller prefrontal cortex and higher warrior gene incidence. All adding to make them more impulsive, more selfish and more violent. Leading to their representation in criminal statistics in EVERY nation with a black population, including their home ones.

Also IQ is not very affected by non-genetic features, diet affects it by a proposed peak of about 12 points and that doesnt explain either the fact that some blacks historically had very good diets, or their difference today in the west.


Sauce or fake data?

Just because you enjoy calling other people stupid online where you can be a safe, Internet ninja doesn't make it true. Sorry.

Yeah, truly a peer reviewed journal source if ever I've seen one.

dutch soil was a social construct

Not him but its true.

You cant win arguments by responding after people have long left and acting like they've run away you slime.

You can stop visiting /pol/ and you can also stop posting your /pol/ threads here in an attempt to justify your beliefs.

>Can anyone give me a perspective on race which isn't just meme opinions

The current understanding of race is the grouping of human genes in a certain manner that result in a certain physiological structure. When a population share that physiological structure and grouping of genes they can in turn be categorized as a race. The differences between two or more races can be viewed as the amount of genes they do not share (thus distance) or the dis-similarities in physical traits between those populations.

Where people tend to falter in their personal analysis of race is forgetting that for the most part every population is working with the same biological tool set genetics wise. And any short comings in their tool set can be made up in acquisition of genes via sexual admixture, mutation or virus vectors by horizontal gene transfer. This is what allows us as a species to survive.

Because they forget or possibly choose to ignore it they come to ill-fated conclusions that certain races are inferior or superior to others because of differences in expression. And when those certain races express actions counter clockwise to their thought process they deem it as some form of luck or abnormality when in truth it is merely an eventuality due to again sharing those same biological tools from the start.

This is especially true if some form of uniform conditioning is being spread on all races. A good example is the encroachment of industrialization and/ or automation in everyone's economy.

FYI, I personally share the view race is a human construct because like math we choose arbitrary lines and gains to make it easier for our own mental process. There is nothing stopping race from being seen as a fluid continuum of biological variables that maintains within a species until a complete disconnect via speciation occurs. In a way that view is easier but I understand some cannot ignore the visual distinctions in front of them.

> Blacks have higher testosterone
Wew lad. Aren't we good at throwing around the made up factoids today?

> smaller prefrontal cortex
Muh brain.

> higher warrior gene incidence
Oh, is that why Africans developed and used the atomic bomb, and brought the world to the brink of nuclear destruction? My bad.

> race doesnt exist because we can breed it away
Hello moshe

>have higher testosterone, smaller prefrontal cortex and higher warrior gene incidence.
where is the sauce for this claim

>Oh, is that why Africans developed and used the atomic bomb, and brought the world to the brink of nuclear destruction? My bad
This board is supposed to be full of critical thinkers but of you seem to very stupid.

If whites were as violent as blacks Europe would have always had Africa tier violent crime since its inception. You would see white teenagers go out of schools beating the shit out of eachother and vandalising property. You would see hordes of white teenagers loitering and attacking humans for no reason at all.

Think for once you fucking retard.

Saying "muh brain" is quite literally the stupidest response i have ever seen on this website.

Finally war and violence are ever decreasing and we live in the safest point of human history. Nukes have been part of that.

people dont even know what racism is, for them everything is racism. you cant argue with them about anything.

War has no correlation to racial violence either, its violent crime that has a correlation to racial genetic violence. That is why white countries generally have low crime rates, middle eastern coutnries have medium crime rates while nigger countries have high crime rates.

Based on Lynn and Vanhanen, 2002. Their conclusions relate IQ to quality of education, not race.

> You cant win arguments by responding after people have long left
That's what our little /pol/tard shitposter does. He just posts an IQ thread. If he's asked to support his views, or he doesn't get the attention he wants, he'll crawl back in his hole for a day, and post the same shit again tomorrow.

> he thinks nuclear research and tactical decisions are made by warrior genes and higher interpersonal violence.

Those are only achievements that can be made with understanding and social peace. You dont develop nuclear weapons when angry, you're too busy kicking in the head off the guy who disrespected you by asking to be left alone. It's actually quite a nice natural safeguard that you need to be peaceful to cooperate long enough to develop damaging things.

Then Lynn is wrong because for some dumb reason this board that fellates over their genetic higher intellect over others that was not due to education somehow believes this nonsense that education makes you smart. No education makes you knowledgeable.

/pol/ in disguise, move along everyone.

Here is their strategy:
>pretend to be liberal
>make preachy progressive posts
>back it up with nothing
>make everyone think progressivism is some sort of religion not based in science

Don't fall for the bait.

Except thid thread has bren characterized by good arguments for racism, then left wingers giving irrelevant responses then leaving. As for lynns justification, that has no bearing. For one how else do you get published, secondly we know that not to be true, instead we have sheer population evidence for genetic, racial differences in cognition.

>Unironically uses the word cuck
>It was da joos all along

I think you're on the wrong board buddy. And please tell your /pol/tard friends that if you hate victim groups so much, stop acting like a fucking victim all the time. All you do is complain about how Jews are keeping you down. Grow a pair.

well as a starting point for conversation

What do you think is the difference between races?

Holy fuck i had an anyeurism at the start there.

Well, that has been the tactic in the last few years since Lynn and Rushton were found out to be frauds.

And since more and more people started learning about the actual science on race, IQ, genes etc.

They have NO actual argumentation.


next idea.

Oh source on the adjustment I made in the picture
more than a couple MRI studies mentioned in the article

the original pic had whites on par with asians, somehow

Blood makeup
Tissue density
Bone density
Hair Follicle shape
Skin Thickness
Iris Makeup
Cranial Shape
Muscle Fiber Percentage
Skin Fat Percentage
Body Hair Percentage

> found to be frauds
Except they havent, literally not once. Instead we have a weird sort of bubble idea that the left here tell themselves they have until they all believe it

stop being a jew and realize race is just skin colour + culture

Disease incidence