Will trying DMT ruin my academic career?

Will trying DMT ruin my academic career?

Naw it'll be great

You'll drop what youre studying instantly after realizing youre it and you can do fuck all

Man this is so real. Realizing you are just a walking structure of mathematical inquiry kills me

Used to know this guy in HS who synthed his own and went batshit insane. Sadly, I think he's homeless now and I would doubt he could hold a train of thought for five minutes.


Depends on how weak willed you are desu, although plenty of great scientists have used psychedelics to their benefit

If you haven't done any psychs before, you should try LSD or mushrooms first before DMT

No, it's extremely well tolerated by the brain and there are really no known health concerns with taking it. It's not even habit forming, like most hallucinogenics the more you take it, the LESS likely you are to want to take it again.

here is a pro tip op*
Whatever you will be using I assure you it will not be DMT.

only take a tenth of whatever dose you're currently thinking of taking.

You'll most likely be doing an analogue of DMT. They are very common via the RC scene DMT is very rare.

I would not recommend it. You'll most likely have a profound spiritual experience that will make you think that studying isn't important.


No. The body metabolizes it well. Know your source and how it was made because it's likely an analogue. Don't get into I-V useage and I don't have to warn you against habit development because DMT has sort of a built-in defense against that considering it's terrifyingly intense.
Enjoy, don't fight it. You won''t win. But it will be profound.

does the body metabolize psilocybin well?

Well, it's chemically only slightly more elaborated dmt, it doesn't give you a hangover or withdrawl state and it doesn't last as long as other psychedelics and leaves the body quickly, so i'd assume yes.


Whoops, meant to tag

there are lingering effects the next day.

I've had some bad trips with cubensis but i had awful set and setting, now in two weeks i'm going to do a heroic dose with my friends in a very nice farm, in the midst of the nature and the mountains. I learned the ''truth'' about bad trips and it seems the secret its accepting it. I'm thinking of doing a heroic dosage(5g) and going through my depths, even if it's hell on earth
>Enjoy, don't fight it. You won''t win. But it will be profound.
Thank you for this user, i will keep these words in my heart throught the trip

Hallucinogens seem harmless until you see a bunch of babbling hippies hugging trees and realize it makes you literally retarded.

DMT is the greatest drug I've ever done. I did it a few times and now I don' do any drugs.

Godspeed, user.

What makes you retarded is surrounding yourself with an echochamber of babbling hippies high-fiving eachother for never growing or reading or bettering themselves or doing anything but drugs.

>what makes you retarded
This. All the drug does is alter perspective and force questions you normally wouldn't ask. That's the first step to becoming smarter. What ruins it is asking hippies those questions and getting babble answers that you never bother to look into because you're too busy looking to do more drugs.

Any terrence mckenna or other sources to help me prep for this?

Well, you know what I was just saying about babble answers by people who never properly scrutinize their ideas? Yeah. Mckenna is the king of that. Food of the gods is worth a read but mostly just go into the experience with an honest willingness to face yourself because what makes a trip turn bad is fighting it, fearing certain thoughts, or hanging out with people who's social expectations force you to be something the trip reminds you you don't want to be, that sort of thing.

ty user

A room mate in college tried DMT a few times and became a spacey mumbling bumbling dope who fixated on aliens and secret symbols allegedly from other dimensions.


I did fuckloads of LSD in my first year of med school. If anything, it made me into much more of a reductionist than a space hippie but in a good way, it helped me visualize neurophysiological processes better even after I realized that what I was imagining is happening in my brain has already happened in order to allow for me to imagine it.

I've said it in similar threads in the past but I think it's worth repeating. Psychedelics in general are a double-edged sword. If you're dumb you're gonna fall for hippie bullshit, if you're inquisitive and intelligent you might just take something from the shift in perspective.

I do enjoy Alan Watts but only because what he says makes me feel not dead inside.


The only drugs worth taking are uppers. All else is hippie garbage, and the idea that psychedelics will unlock some hidden potential in your brain is a meme. Venture at your own risk OP. I recommend working hard instead of doing drugs.

>not taking everything to the extreme
Do you even autism?

Terrance McKenna was one of the prime leaders responsible for brainwashing a generation into believing that psychedelics should be used in the way they are today—now we have "babbling hippie retards" who've wasted the potential of both their drugs and their lives.

Read "Manufacturing the Deadhead by Gnostic Media" and you'll see what I mean. I have nothing against LSD and other psychedelics. But the drug's "role" or "context" has been permanently corrupted to the point where you're likely to do damage to yourself, thanks to be de-conditioning psychological effects, by living in the environment that is associated with psychedelic use.

Maybe psychedelics are supposed to free us. Maybe they teach us the truth. But I can tell you that all of this has been effectively neutralized in today's society.

Normies ree.

Schizophrenics are drawn to drug use, but drug use can't make you schizophrenic, this is a long since refuted canard.

Who said anything about schizophrenia? Babbling hippies aren't schizophrenic, but they are the product of drug abuse, more specifically psychedelic drugs. We've all met these idiots in our life, and they should serve as a cautionary tale.

Also, nothing has been refuted regarding the development of schizophrenia following drug use. This remains an open question.

>cautionary tale
Against ideological echochambers and refusing to examine one's ideas properly. Drugs didn't do that shit.

There are many ideological echo-chambers in the world. Any political rally is just that. But those don't turn people into degenerates.

That's because this particular echochamber is one of stagnance and refusal to grow or develop skills. The drugs still don't "turn" anyone into anything, but social circles gathered around drugs, friendships that are entirely drug-dependent, and people who's entire identity is drugs, congregate together and high-five each other for being degenerates and emotionally and intellectually stagnate.

Still, a person who occasionally takes a psychedelic doesn't get "turned" into anything except for someone who experienced something really intense at one point and took from it whatever they were going to take from it.

Pretty sure that's what my old highschool buddies think happened to me. Instead I just had a massive anxiety attack from weed and am now too embarrassed to ever speak to anyone I used to know, the DMT actually helped me though.

Oh boy, here comes that fucking existential anxiety again.

Same here. I was homeless and schizotypal for years. When I stopped tripping, stopped drinking, and quit cigs, and replaced all that with books, I went on to be basically functional although a lot more cynical than most people. I'm premed now and making all As and Bs and I've worked out almost every day for years. Anyone who says drugs make you anything, suck my dick. I still smoke weed when I can find it and it's not slowing me down.

You extract DMT

Post body

it occurs naturally in many plants but can be very easily synthesized aswell. but yeah i think its usually extracted

yup, but cmon man drugs are soo coool 420 blazee it1!1

Truth. And I will add that LSD is much more managable than mushrooms for a newb

Don't do this to me, man
Not now

Excessive mind-altering substances break a human down desu. I want to try DMT as well, having never done drugs before at all, simply because I want to see what my psyche has to say about aliens.

Enjoy teeth grinding and dehydration.

Pretty much.

But rather then lose interest in the thing you're studying I think you'll just lose interest in the ego stroking that is academia. At least that's how I feel. I do shit because I want to not because it's "important" or cutting edge.

>hugging trees
That tree was my friend and I loved him

Do both. Best bath I've ever had lasted four hours on a mix of MDMA and LSD.

Only if you let it.

hippies were retards before drugs too. meanwhile the guy who invented LSD tripped plenty of times himself.

>he can't even extract his own DMT


>What is Magnesium supplementation and Drinking more water

Gee, son.

>You'll drop what youre studying instantly after realizing youre it and you can do fuck all
Now when you say "youre it", in respect to what? Yourself? The world?

>and the idea that psychedelics will unlock some hidden potential in your brain is a meme.
No one claims it'll make you touch god's penis here, all they do is change the state of your mind to think in an unfamiliar way to add dynamic to your thought. You're probably hanging onto something you refuse to be critical over right now all while telling yourself you're extremely "aware"

5gs isn't heroic lol. Thats not even a quarter oz.

Get some cacti. Legal to grow. And if you do your research you can find a really potent one thats strong @6-8gs.

Mescaline is great.

Ive got root bark but haven't extracted the dmt yet. Cant wait to try :D

>implying OP can

Take Terrence with a grain of salt. Him focusing on those machine elves really kept him away from shattering his ego
Pic related. I've listened to some of Alans lectures during my peak on mesc with my eyes closed obvi. Most euphoric thing ever

And you think you don't do that?

LSD made me a happier person.
It also made me realize that there's a lot more to life than seeking approval and chasing prestige. So I guess it did ruin my academic career, in a manner of speaking.

Have a trip sitter, make sure you don't have anything to do for at least a day afterwards, do your research, and be open to changing as a person. Psychedelics drop you into your "inner ocean," and you sure as hell need to know how to swim down there.