does Veeky Forums read books that Make America Great?

pic related

No. Stop supporting this sexist, racist, incestuous, lying, idiotic child molestor. Look, frogman. Trump is the lowest of the low. If you support him, you're a basement-dwelling virgin mouthbreathing retard who reads fake news and is mad that women would rather fuck Muslims and Mexicans than you. Fuck you. You people are ruining this country.

Just stop. You probably don't even read. Go back to /pol/ or whatever shithole you crawled out of. Veeky Forums is for intellectuals, not rednecks. Your kind don't belong here.


Make America (US) great someday.

First, I don't want America to be great, it must be destroyed to recreate a legitimate hierarchy controlled by well-bred men. Second, it was never great.

>Lets go all the way back in time.
>That will bring good literature back.

Stop swallowing those pills, please.


Haven't read it but heard of Goldman and curious. What do the ships on the cover have to do with anarchism? Are they a metaphor from one of her essays?


here's another MAGA book. Anyone read it? She makes some legitimately great points.

>Ann Coulter

y'all are sheep going to the slaughter waving flags, chanting USA wearing tacky MAGA hats

y'all are cucks

luckily, this country is going to be dragged back to greatness anyway, so be thankful you live here

Naw. Probably just a generic cover. Sailors are laborers too though, so not so bad.

Here's another

>spent last 2 months only on pol
>time to go back

Have you read For the Common Good by Cobb and Daly?

No he's a shitty author.

>im just going to repeat words ive been told are sure to annoy and not provide any argumeng haha i am a political master mind.

Think for yourself faggo

but he didn't write it

>pic related

I have never heard of it till now. Sounds alright. Thanks.

Pic is unrelated. A joke. If not, take it as such.

I really want /pol/ to leave. This isn't a joke anymore. It's just continuation of retardation. This, the other girl's threads where Coutler says "READ IT BEFORE LIBERALS BAN IT" like they're really persecuted victims.

I want retarded people to go away. Seriously. Please. It's getting ridiculous.

I know, user.

you're in for four years of it, bucko

>I have never heard of it till now. Sounds alright. Thanks.
It's an interesting approach to economics, calls into question the "growth" economy. A mix of environmental conservation and spiritual enlightenment of society. It reminds me more of Georgism than Communism but they approach economics from a similar position as Marx.

I've been here longer than you, nigger. Learn to live with people who have different viewpoints.

Think I inadvertently did a fist pump reading this.

>Learn to live with people who have different viewpoints.
There's a difference between having a different viewpoint, and shoehorning your opinion into unrelated subjects. If you want to talk politics stay on /pol/

Different viewpoints, fine - I'd be happy to discuss actually talented conservative writers like Chesterton or whatever all day - but a 371st "lol did you read Trump's book?" thread is worthless.

It's a troll thread. The reason this thread exists isn't because some guy on an overwhelmingly conservative/reactionary website thinks it's going to upset fellow conservatives, and it obviously isn't to talk about the book.

It's to annoy you. I wouldn't be surprised if the OP doesn't give a fuck about Trump. I'm not racist and I called you a nigger just to piss you off because you dislike /pol/.

Being annoyed by /pol/ is an immediate sign that you are ruffleable. That's why people post shit threads like this. Though trolling is a constant, so he'd probably have posted something either way.

People talk about all sorts of dumb off-topic shit here because they want to talk to their home board about shit that interests them. It's why you have painting/movie/music crossboarding threads. It's not good, but it's not some unique /pol/ phenomenon.

Again, your asspain about /pol/ shit SPECIFICALLY is exactly why people post things like this. Whining about it like a bitch does nothing. No mods are listening to you.

This was horribly written. I was disappointed because I thought the premise was fascinating, unfortunately I've read Stephen King novels with better prose.

Hands too small. Makes it tough to fantasize about him jerking me off while saying 'YOOOGE'.

B-bububububububuubhbunhbubn jbubjbjbbbbvubububububbububububububbububububububnubububububuhbubhbububbuvbhbub hbubhbjbbhbhbjbjbbbubbbibububububububububububuhbubhbubjbubhbuhvuuhbububububuh

>If you support him, you're a basement-dwelling virgin mouthbreathing retard who reads fake news and is mad that women would rather fuck Muslims and Mexicans than you.
You played your hand too early, too strong.

Great shitposts require subtlety, nuance that makes them seem believable.

Back in 2008 we had a similar group of people who shat their interest into any thread regardless of how related it was, and claimed persecution when they were told to fuck off

We called them "furries"

yeah but I fugg'ed your mom lma frekin' o

Back in 2008? You're still here
