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Literature #89
Philosophy Skype Chat
Why do males have such a hard time separating their political alignments from their approach to literature and art as a...
Hop on the bus, see a friend in the back
Show me your writing instruments, Veeky Forums
Read excellent book
Get phone call from my daughter's school yesterday
I have just begun reading the Bible. I was not raised Christian, so I'm approaching it with an open mind...
Okay Veeky Forums, post ONE book that you think is absolutely ESSENTIAL for ANYONE to read at least once in their lives
Who wants to discuss the book that ended Philosophy?
Are libraries obsolete?
Why does Knut Hamsun never get discussed here?
What do you think of this fellow?
Post 'em
Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything...
/ssrg/ Short Story Reading Group: A Hunger Artist
What do you think about this man?
Forgot english assignment date
Wtf I hate liberals now
Who is this demon demon?
My Actual Diary
Veeky Forums Death Squads activated
What are some novels in which the protagonists overcome great obstacles and prevail?
Thomas Mann
Would anyone be able to recommend some good Norwegian literature? Whole family is from Norway...
Obama recs
What is the biggest spook of all time? My vote goes to boredom
Character is a horrible person
He was a good Gatsby, nay, the Great Gatsby
Veeky Forums approved lyricists
Are any of you guys published?
What are some of the best books on music?
Is The Oxford Shakespeare good?
ITT: God-tier Poetry
Is this right wing christian propaganda?
What are the essential cyberpunk works besides Neuromancer, Snow Crash, Blade Runner, and The Matrix?
Veeky Forums, what is the title of your diary desu ?
Did you shills even read this masterpiece?
What book should i buy if i want into chess theory/strategy?
Love Dumas
Walking down a street
Can art be detrimental to society?
Fuck your Mythology meme
Whats Veeky Forumss stance on memorizing poetry?
ITT: books that made you cry
Who /slowandsteady/ here?
I can't handle the redpill anymore. What are some books to bluepill myself?
Tfw my mom has told me i'm a natural writer my whole life
What would he say about all this?
What we need is a new literary movement that incorporates guerilla tactics the street art movement used...
Tfw to intelligent too read left-wing literature
Is he any good?
What are some books that had characters you would wife up? Who were the ladies and why...
Modern books aren't worth reading
Why doesn't Veeky Forums like contemporary literature?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
How can other philosophers even compete? This guy literally BTFO everyone before and after him
I want porn in a space opera setting
How do you pronounce Nietzsche?
Downloaded MCAT, GRE and GMAT study materials to try to make myself smarter since I'm a NEET
Name a classic by a non white male
Give me some red pilling occult literature
Where should I be on the political compass if I want to write a masterpiece?
/SWTG/ 2.0
Is it true that Africans invented books?
Bad philosophy?
Tell me Veeky Forums, what does it feel like to be loved by someone?
You will never meet a girl who is intelligent and literate (for the right reasons) and cute
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky?
Read thread read something you wrote or something someone else wrote but probably read something you wrote it's for the...
Easy book for a non-native english reader
When did you realize that you were a worthless non-genius?
Did I just buy a meme guys?
Schizoid Personality Disorder is the Apollonian affliction while Borderline Personality Disorder is the Dionysian...
University/college thread
Start smoking cigarettes to become a good writer
What is the greatest philosophy text of the 20th century?
Round and Round each time?
How do you deal with people who just keep going into discussions just to pull the "everything is subjective/reality is...
Rec books written post-nov 9 2016
Amazon sucks
Why was Meursault found guilty? He stood his ground while he felt threatened by the Arab...
Are these books essential reading?
My professor recently had a baby and he is currently reading Ulysses to her as a "bedtime story"
Why are Socrates' Monologues presented as dialogues?
Dad walks in
I've decided to renounce the degenracy of atheism and embrace God's grace
Ok, but, like, what the fuck was the point
Tfw you realize how rewarding non-fiction is
Lmao, when he gets compared to trump at the end...
Are autobiographies the worst kind of "literature"?
Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events, as some of you may know, has recently gotten a Netflix original series...
Who's the most literary Statesman of all time?
What is your favorite childhood series?
Alright Veeky Forums...
So what happed to the Jordan Peterson vs. Sam Harris podcast?
What exactly was the ring supposed to represent?
Tfw tired of being a lame ass moderate and cant decide if I want to be a radical Evola-esque traditonalist or a radical...
Was Nietzsche a fraud?
Describe Yourself in 3 Fictional Characters, Veeky Forums edition
Turns out I literally have a disability where I can't create images in my mind as I read
Flannery O'Connor
Hello Veeky Forums, tell me the last book that you read, not necessarily completed but read from
Master of paradoxs
Is it possible to teach a class on critical theory to high schoolers...
Write what's on your mind
Do y'all use E-Readers?
Why does Veeky Forums hate and meme upon Ben Stiller's character Samual Harris...
Modern art is shit
Language and Reality?
How should I prepare to read the Iliad and the Odyssey?
Tl;dr: Thoughts on Catch 22?
The right wing doesn't have any good philoso
Why does right wing literature get no respect around here?
Write something wallacian
Which books expanded your mind the most?
Why did you keep on writing after you realized that you would never be published and you would never have anything...
What the fuck is wrong with "booktubers"?
Hyperion Reading Group
Rec novels <200 pages
/comc/ Day 27 The Count of Monte Cristo Read-through
Please, can you recommend me some book (or books) including rats? Thank you!
Trump's favorite book is the Bible
Left-wing politics & history share thread
How to stop subvocalizing?
A Series of Unfortunate Events
I think modern art's almost total pre-occupation with subjectivism has led to anarchy and sterility in the arts...
Why aren't you living the literary lifestyle Veeky Forums?
How old were you when you grew out of reading fiction?
I don't connect with ethno-nationalism at all, but it dominates the discourse in my country...
/ssrg/ Short Story Reading Group: Araby
Is the reactionary's approach to feminist literature of rejecting the discourse of gender critique and theory in full...
So Veeky Forums
Got these today because I'm a conformist pleb
Veeky Forums, what is the best book you have ever read
How the fuck is a person supposed to read a book this long?
What were the sophists and why did Plato and Socrates hated them so much?
So where do I stop with the Greeks?
Hello, recently started reading some books about political theory...
What is the most American literatute? The works that most embody the idea and actualization of the nation?
Writing "deep" things is a waste of time. Stories, poems, limericks, haikus. Thoughts. All of it. It's all the same...
These are the books I've come across most often here. I've never read them. Will reading them change my life in any way?
Your favorite lines from anything
Can one truly justify reading as a main hobby in rapidly moving 21th century where life has so much more to offer than...
Will reading political books make you more intelligent?
My father is an elite reader, Everytime I go see him...
Random Writing Thread
Post the plot: Guess the book
'''ITT:''' rate me & my shelf
Thomas Pynchon's pictures Thread
Holy fucking shit dude
Near Future Hard Sci-Fi/Cyberpunk
Hello, Veeky Forums. Could you please recommend me any books about buddhism...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Who has read Jordan Peterson's Maps of Meaning? And is it worth reading?
Tfw you get a AAA offer from Oxford to study Literature and you've not even read Finnegan's Wake
After years of shitposting on Veeky Forums...
English is not my first language, propose me something thats good and easy to comprehend
Are there universal human truths?
Tfw don't know how to channel the intense passion one feels over seeing a beautiful woman towards literary and...
Does he navigate around his mansion by pedalling furiously on an undersized tricycle?
I am dead inside. What should I read to change this?
Tfw transcended the desire for sexual intercourse
Should I read Paradise Lost even though I am not religious and never read the Bible? Is it still worth it?
Which first?
I cannot handle how literally me this shit is, its freaking me out. Every user needs to read this
How did she keeped her head in the oven while it got hot?
Do you ever stop to think really hard and realize that the universe is your will?
ITT: We write a David Markson novel
Someone walks up to you and says that art is inherently subjective and you can't objectively prove that something like...
We must have either a regular slavery — that is, an undisguised despotism, or real liberty...
Read Through Voting Thread
I don't remember most of what I've read. I retain the gist bu no more. Am I retarded...
As it were
Hey Veeky Forums
Green text the new plot of your novel, i'ts not like it's going anywhere
Why do i find fiction so pointless to read?
So this book allegedly sucks. What should I read instead?
What should I read first? Crime and Punishment or The Bros. Karamazov?
Infinite Jest and the Sierpinski Triangle
Help me trim down my bookshelf, Veeky Forums
You are gonna buy Nestle Milo's book, right user?
Veeky Forumserary merit of Veeky Forums posts
Fav poet of 20th century: Yeats, TS Eliot, or Heaney
New Atheism Doubt
Is the fact that most male literature is written out of attempting to appease to women and to expound on the element of...
Is it possible to live off translating books?
So there's a War of the Worlds sequel novel coming out in a few days, an actual authorized one...
Kindly recommend me some works that will help me get started on practising meditation
What does Veeky Forums think of Voltaire?
What is your favorite children's book?
Greetings intlellectuals
Hey dudes so I'm a paper fetishist but finally thinking of buying one of these satanic devices...
What are some actual good self-help books?
He believes in God
ITT: The best non-fiction you've ever read
Modern art is shit! t-tolstoy told me it was!
Literary tattoos
Be an aspiring scholar
How do we create a valid foundation for ethics?
What makes you drop a book?
I'm at the bookstore, what should I get
I want to try something. Write a haiku while looking at this painting
Reading this now. It's absolutely amazing. Are those who bash it on this board just a bunch of fucking idiots?
The upcoming generation will know nothing about poetry outside of slam poetry
What are some essential art reads...
What are some good books about the concept of god
I want to start reading a series of unfortunate events but don't know whether I need to read the first 3 books...
What did he mean by this?
Can Veeky Forums tell me books about medieval trade and politics...
Tfw you accidentally see a poem she wrote about you
This series has approached succesfully the topics and subjects that concerns people today...
Does Veeky Forums like Redwall?
I want to try something
Who is the Bach of literature?
I'm sitting at the library working on my novel
My local book store pushing the wordsworth hard
Why isn't Against the Day discussed more, even though it is Mr Pynchon's supreme masterwork?
During his service years, Mattis was considered to be an intellectual among the upper ranks...
Is Stirner really a legit revolutionary thinker or have I been meme'd...
Where do we go from here?
Tales from the Bookstore (or library)
Oh you bought another book, son? Let me see, I want to read the blurb
Gimme some war recommendations Veeky Forums!
I would like to learn German, but I want to learn it properly, rather than using sites like Duolingo...
Call me Ishmael
Is he, dare I say it, our guy?
Name one good writer who didn't suffer from a mental illness or a disease
Hot female writers thread
Only god tier opening lines are allowed in this thread, I'll start with a classic
What's your excuse for not being a postfeminist, Veeky Forums?
Dostevsky is better than Tolstoy
What does Veeky Forums think of him? Why isn't he /ourguy/ like /mu/? He's a thinker
Is living a life of luxury only looked down on by those who can't afford it...
Musical Literature
Have you read The Invisibles? What did you think of it? Personally I think it's the greatest comic series there is
Is it even worth it to try to become a writer when even the best of writers end up having really boring and...
So who is the best of, or the best example of the tortured genius artist/writer...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Was it rape or did Lolita actually wanted to fuck him?
/shelf/ thread general
Who are some more good german writers besides pic related
Great books written by female authors
It worth the 20 bucks?
My younger brother won't read more than 5-10 pages of a book before dropping it for something else
Are there any other genre writers who can write as well as James Ellroy?
Why is he always sad?
The Future of Literature
Read a lot of literature
Reading the sun also rises at sunrise
What happened to the christfags on lit...
How do you feel about sex in literature?
Good descriptions of anal sex?
Noam Chomsky
Why did Socrates act like such an asshole at his trial?
Whenever you read a cancer booklet or website or whatever, they always list depression among the side effects of cancer...
So what was Voltaire trying to say exactly?
How do you begin learning how to write lyrics for music?
Is he the ultimate con artist?
How do i into mao?
Friend asks what I've been reading
What should I read next?
Why do men disparage female authors, when writing in itself is an inherently effeminate and emasculating act?
How is this? From what I understand it has a much different approach to 'feminism' than what we often see
Is it wrong to use drugs to write a novel?
Be honest Veeky Forums, how is he going to fare against Sam Harris tomorrow?
What's wrong with Empiricism? All meaningful information is empirical
Well spoken
What is essential femenist literature
Translingual prosody thread
"And in the end... there was, truly, War and Peace."
Do men have a sort of inverse "mansplaining" culture unto themselves...
What does lit up think of Patrick Rothfuss?
Post-modernism thread
War is hell
What did he mean by this?
I didn't understand it
Hey, I'm a byron. I go by byron seventh. It's my first time in Veeky Forums...
Start reading this book to make fun of it
Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with...
When achilles kills hector
Experimental Literature Thread Go
Union of Egoists
Thoughts on this cunt?
What the actual fuck
If Dante is to Italian
Name a more autistic character than the Underground Man
She is better then you
Havent seen a proper /crit/ thread in a while...
Should I lay down the big bucks and buy a signed first edition copy of Blood Meridian ($10...
Hey Veeky Forums, my sister is in quite a rut right now and she wanted me to recommend her some books
/ssrg/ Short Story Reading Group: The Yellow Wall Paper
If I subscribe now to national geographic will I get the gender issue?
Can't stand these cunts
What are some books that are anti sjw(cuck)?
ITT: Garbage books people talk about incessantly
I write "just" too much. Like: Just do x, they just do this, this is just that
Post a picture, get book recommendations like that picture
Why the fuck isn't this book taught in school...
Have you earned money as a writer?
John Williams
Are The Lord of the Rings books children books? Should I feal bad about reading them as an adult?
Isn't it about time something literary comes based on video games...
Friendly Reminder to abandon Academia and obtaining a Literary degree in favour of self-eduction
Do people just read the classics - Plato...
Where did Nick Land say that
Today I've made the decision to quit drinking
Goodreads thread!
Le 19th century Russian novels xD
Post your novel's first sentence. Discuss and rate others
They aresaid to be the founding fathers of Western philosophy, whose ideas underpin civilised society
Can you recommend me a list of 10 to 15 classics that I can simply read once to say that I have and then never bother...
How am I supposed to take the literary community seriously when there was so much "death of the republic!!!" over...
Why do we still care about Postmodernism when it was BTFO in the 90s?
Literary confession thread
Why do you guys and other people like poetry at all? It rhymes, but what's so good about that? Why is that good...
Is there any literature with merit that argues against fapping to porn (sissy hypnosis to be exact)?
Just paid $50 euros for this what am I in for?
Books that can make you insane
Pls no bully
This is Earth's Moon
Has Australia ever published any noteworthy literature? Will it ever?
No stack and recent purchases thread?
First day of lit class
What the hell did you just say about me, you big phony? I’ll have you know I was kicked out of Pencey Prep...
Know Brow
Is she the greatest poet of our time?
What must it have been like writing The Comedy? I can't even comprehend the profundity of the experience...
ITT: the first book you fell in love with
The weird frontier between internet culture and the continental tradition
Daily reminder that 99% of you really suck at writing. You'll never go anywhere. Your analysis of works are laughable...
V. Thread
How do I avoid being kicked out of University for doing something very embarrassing last year?
What is this cover supposed to signify? It looks like a dungeon map for Skyrim
The queen of Veeky Forums is working on her new book whats its gonna be about?
Which writer have you read the most works by?
Here's a rap David wrote in 1994
When War and Peace meet in the book
ITT: We write the most fucked up poems we can think of, I'll start
Where do you do most of your reading, Veeky Forums?
Sup Melbourne Veeky Forums where you all at?
What books can I read to help resist drumpf?
Who is the greatest songwriter?
Where do I start with this fat ugly faggot?
4 year old that read 1000 books named librarian for the day at library of congress
How do I analyze and dissect a poem?
Redpill me on David Foster Wallace Veeky Forums
Did he actually kill and torture all those people or was it just in his imagination?
Any good books on overcoming anti-Semitism...
I have roughly $45 to spend on a book, including a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card
What is Veeky Forums's opinion of pic related?
What is the absolute peak of literature? Something like the Sistine Chapel equivalent of literature...
Also, I really hate all of this politically correct, cultural studies bullshit...
Why great classic composers were more productive than great writers?
Is Bukowski Right? BIM.jpg
Question for psychology enthusiasts. Is there a book that will explain what exactly a person is...
A ship is about to be sent to space just before the earth collapses at the hands of a giant meteorite which will wipe...
Stop browsing Veeky Forums and go write a thousand words you faggot
You have a child
Languages you can speak
Already the 13th of january
What is your Myers-Briggs personality type Veeky Forums?
Litdalgos, conoceis alguna revista literaria española que valga la pena?
Please recommend books on bunnos
First day of my lit class
/comc/ Day 22 The Count of Monte Cristo Read-through
What is happiness to you Veeky Forums?
Things we thought when we were fourteen:
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom
Be redpilled
Judge Holden
The Western Canon
Bookish Girls
In your best prose, write a confessing love letter to the woman you secretly love
Hi Veeky Forums, just a reminder for all Melbournians that the Fed Square Book Market meetup is tomorrow
How do i get a gf when i hate every girl i meet?
Write what's on your mind
James Joyce Critique
Do white males use their patriarchal omnipresence...
When did you realize that the next cultural movement will be backward-looking and a "return to tradition," Veeky Forums?
Post entries from your diary desu
Poetry Critique Thread
Looks at bookshelf
Can't stand this cunt
What's up Veeky Forums, I work at a Chapters bookstore and I haven't made any books my staff pick yet...
What comes after postmodernism?
Really makes you think
Hey Veeky Forums, pleb here. What are some entry-level philosophy books? I have began reading pic related...
I have emailed over 200 professors throughout the entirety of the USA asking them questions on very high-level...
What the fuck is wrong with Razumikhin? Does he have manic depression or some shit? Am I supposed to like him...
Is there a book that's not based on some retarded religious pablum or alt right alex jones conspiracy bullshit (crazy...
I want to write a story about an obsessive Bryonic otaku weirdo who is madly in love with a beautiful girl and is...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Tfw my mums says she likes my book
Why did the curators of the Bible include such interestingly contradicting texts in the final product? For instance...
Tfw you want to dedicate your life to Philosophy but the only way to make such a living is to engage in the corrupt...
Do you guys think this is worth reading?
What's you favorite film adaptation? For me, I'd say it's either The Great Gatsby from 2013 or American Psycho...
How do I stop subvocalizing?
The phenomenology of spirit
Name one thing he was wrong about
Any good literature on the "proper" use of psychedelics?
Gay books
Have you given up on keeping track of memes / culture / science...
This piece of shit
Kafka burned 90% of his work
Rate me
Have you ever considered becoming a librarian, Veeky Forums?
Writer Encouragement
Did he just use literature and metaphor in order to predict the future? Can I do this and predict my own future?
Does Veeky Forums like jonathan franzen?
So how do Stirnerists actually live?
What does it take to be a writer?
Which do you, in general prefer? Penguin Classics or Oxford Worlds Classics for classic literature and philosophy...
Do Americans actually clap after reading a book?
Are there any philosophers that support omnicide or am I the first one?
Why is egoism, self-centrism and the lack of morality so ridiculed by most philosophers...
Taking a required special educatiok course for my teaching degree
I want to read the four great classical novels of Chinese literature
Why are poorly written books so popular?
On a scale of 0 to 10 rate the quality of each statement
What is the male equivalent of this...
Hi Veeky Forums, following on from yesterdays successful thread:
Why the FUCK aren't you learning another language?
If you could make the girl you want to grow old with read and understand ONE book, which would you choose?
Write what's on your mind
What is some essential fascist literature?
Post a sample of your writing, and other anons will tell you what writer you resemble the most
Recipient of the 2015 National Poetry Society competition from
New Sincerity
Why do westerners today keep on seeking recourse to eastern "philosophy" and religion to alleviate their spirituality...
Did he just have autism?
We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness
Say 5 bad things about your favourite book
Just picked up pic related
Describe pic related in your best prose
Someone abused me and told me to start up a philosophy general thread
What's his name again?
Recently discovered this book. I have heard good things about it. Is it worth reading?
When you start talking about transcendentalism and she blocks you
Thoughts on pic related?
What the fuck, this is it? What happened to Orin, he got murdered by the leafs? What about Pemulis...
I read lots of pages of fanged noumena and now my brain is fucked up
Yfw you realize God exists
Name one thing Martin Luther was wrong about
What does lit think of pic related
I have never read a book (ever). I'm 22. What would be something good to start off with?
The Lord of the Rings
It just occurred to me, most philosophers, even major ones...
This is the best novel ever why aren't you guys reading it
Just as the Bradys were getting locked in jail, Lara randomly asked me, “Have you ever gotten a blowjob?”
Which words piss you off?
Name one thing Aristotle was ever wrong about
Is it possible to read his schizophrenic ramblings as a sane person and actually learn anything...
What's your philosophy on life?
Why does he make nu-males and women so sullen and insecure?
Oh, you like reading too? Haha. I'm reading game of thrones at the minute actually, what sort of thing do you like? :)
How do I write a male character?
So, what's up with Ayn Rand? Why was hating her such a big meme for the longest time?
How's your handwriting Veeky Forums?
Is this book a meme? or is it an important piece of Veeky Forumserature?
What is the correct religion to live by?
If irony is a one-to-one relationship between the thing being ironised and the one doing the irony...
Is my 2017 reading list missing anything, Veeky Forums?
What books do you recommend that can be read in a day?
Name one thing Plato was ever wrong about
Why do writers habitually idolize women?
How do I get started in philosophy Veeky Forums? I have some philosophers in mind that I want to learn more about...
Do you know any erotic literature that is actually enjoyable to read?
Are there any books or novels that evoke the same mood as the "videogame" Dear Esther?
ITT: pictures that are worth entire novels
Inner glass structure, imagination and shattering the mind, a sledge hammer to the brain and gore...
ITT: desktops of Veeky Forums
Why does Veeky Forums prefer conservative writers to liberal writers?
Are you guys afraid to read McElroy or something?
A question to the Nietzsche connoisseurs: If he was alive and sane today, what contemporary art would he enjoy...
Why are there NO great female philosophers?
How to be aware of your ignorance as socrates was?
Hi Veeky Forums, I'm bored. Anyone in Melbourne want to meet up and go to the Federarion Square book market on Saturday?
This is a literary masterpiece
Stacks thread
Got any University Stories
Are there any good works on the concept of post-truth?
Who are some people who wrote good literature despite now being viewed as "wrong" by history...
The Nu School
Say you're CIA, how long would it take to proof-read a 22 page document?
Hey Veeky Forums. So I was watching The Shining the other day, and I was particularly captivated by the Room 237 scene...
Obama just quoted to kill a mockingbird during his farewell address. is he Veeky Forums?
Students demand philosophers are removed from syllabus because they are white
My ex-boyfriend is a douche, why do I want him back? So I was with this guy for only 3 months...
Is this really that difficult?
What is the real "red pill"?
Why do you not study etymology?
Why did he go insane?
The pretension that literature readers espouse on their chosen consumeristic hobby is shocking...
I think im in love bros
In your best prose, write a confessing love letter to the woman you secretly love
Tarantino is the Pynchon of film
ITT: Recommend some lit graphic novels
Does the Spanish Language have any good literature...
What's the best word that describes this?
What's your favourite story in Dubliners that's not called The Dead? Tell my why
Look at all the books I've read: The Author
Who's up for a pissing contest Veeky Forums?
What is Shakespeare's magnum opus?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
I hate being a human, Veeky Forums. i hate my flesh and body. i hate the boredom and loneliness...
Has Veeky Forums read any of these?
Post the longest doorstopper you ever completed
Let's get a recent purchases thread going here lads
So Norm is kind of losing his mind on twitter and has been the last 24 hours
Reading the scribbles of Latin American """intellectuals"""
Who has the best friendship in all of fiction?
Hey Veeky Forums
I am primarily the creator of a new code of morality which has so far been believed impossible - namely...
He thinks he has a chance making it as an author or philosopher
Does Veeky Forums still play with toys (action figures, toy soldiers, lego, etc.)?
What books will help me understand that the alt-right and /pol/ is not right on every issue and that Western society is...
Yay I got published
I heard you guys like big words.Can anyone help me understand what this means?
Fill in the blanks
/wprg/ Day 19: War and Peace Reading Group
What are some autistic/quirky things you do while reading?
Why have English majors become so liberal?
Is publishing controversial erotica a no no...
Any good Jewish literature?
25 most difficult books you'll ever read
What is the meaning of life?
Veeky Forums humor thread
University of London students are demanding that thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, Voltaire...
Studying Philosophy in university
What single one book should I base my entire life and worldview on?
Does this book actually elaborate more on its themes and statements or is it just a "short collection" of Nietzsche's...
Is Twin Peaks Veeky Forums?
Modern Adaptations
Why doesn't he like DFW?
Isn't it about time you read The Tunnel, user?
What the fuck is this shit I'm reading?
What pen or pencil does Veeky Forums use to write with?
Who do you read because you enjoy them, and who do you read to impress people. Be honest
Funny books
Which one is right Veeky Forums?
They call me....the stranger
Writing advice thread
I used to read 1000 pages in one hour
What is your genuine opinion of Salinger's work?
Post books no one over 18 should bother reading
I have read the books The Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises...
Slavoj Zizek, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux get together for a round-table discussion
Here's my present to you
Greatest Philosophers through the Centuries
I need the help of a German fag
What news sites or blogs do you read?
What's on your backlog, user-kun?
He buys his books from Amazon®
Trouble with montaigne
Brothers, I have returned from a harsh winter to find no oats within the boundaries of my forest
Where do I start with feminist philosophy and theory?
Academia BTFO Rage Thread
/rkg/ Rupi Kaur General
Is creativity something you can train? And if so: what are ways to do so?
Just finished Asimov's 'The Stars, Like Dust'
Any good communist fiction?
Is Roberto Bolaño overrated?
How can I rid myself of guilt so I can cheat on my gf freely
ITT: Popular literature that's so bad its popularity offends you
RIP Liquid Man
It was while gliding through these latter waters that one serene and moonlight night...
What are you literary regrets?
Has there ever been an honest autobiography? Aren't they all just full of embellishment and lies?
Was Cosette the first loli in literature ?
Recommend some russian literature
Is black literature good? What should I start with?
Do you have to be a normie to write for normies?
What does Veeky Forums think of audiobooks
English literature degrees
If capitalism is the real enemy, why does it seem like it's always leftists ruining literature and poetry...
Simple shit, you gotta read to this before you can be considered a man
When exactly did French Philosophy go to shit?
Is there any book that explores the theme of porn addiction?
Hi , Veeky Forums! Future psychiatrist here...
10 little niggers
Edgar Allan Poe? More like Edgar Allan No
Why didn't he pull himself off the cross? Why didn't he eat the bread in the desert...
What are some good stories about chocolate?
Tfw rejected for publication again
Name ONE good book by a female?
River Offices
Is young adult fiction the lowest form of art?
What books should I read first?
Are Americans or Europeans more well read? I would say Americans are...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Fresh ideology get it while its hot
Really makes me think
/r9k/ and /pol/ are really giving you guys a run for your money
Tell me this and tell me no more
Ok, since basically Veeky Forums is a women board. How and where should I approach a literary qt?
What's the definitive work written by a criminal about their motivations? Manson in his Own Words...
What would be her real-world literary favorites, Veeky Forums?
Do you pay attention to people who use the phrase "white bro"?
Did anything significant come out in the 21st century yet? Not just in literature, but art in general?
30+ pages of exposition
Post an album/band get a book recommendation
How do I get my friends to like literature?
This is the current state of literature
What do I say?
Why haven't you read the greatest short story ever written?
Wrote a 3,500 word short story for a competition I think I can win
So when will penguin publish mein kampf?
Attention Veeky Forumsizens
Official Bible Discourse Thread
Hey Veeky Forums newfag here. Just got out of a relationship, so now i have some extra time on my hands...
I'm reading through Beyond Good and Evil and having trouble understanding aphorism 40
Oats is now a normie meme
Does anyone actually read on here?
Does anyone here speak spanish?
Author is a woman
Do you like her?
Have you ever tried reading a book that turned out to be too difficult for you to read?
This is cool as hell. Should I buy these...
How can you plebians even compare? Her literary taste is top-tier
The Iliad
I got into an argument with my boyfriend about gender and literature...
Gringos plagiarios
Hurrr consumerism and being a wage cuck are sacred <3
What other places do you visit to discuss Veeky Forumserature?
ITT: favourite short reads
Tfw smoked enough weed that i can't write well anymore
According to you, what's the most unlikely, unimaginable thing that could happen right now?
Damn, Judge Holden looks like THAT??
How can one religion have contributed so much to philosophy?
Currently reading this for the first time...
What is love?
Jordan Peterson
Be dumb posh British broad
Best birthday present ever
If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you
I don't know if it's just me, but I seem to come across anti-bourgeois opinions if a lot of the literature I read...
Fuck your mother
Are there any good books with obese protagonists?
How come all religions are critiqued except for Buddhism?
Stack thread
Is there any mangá worthy reading?
Can one find meaning in life?
Age-appropriate reading list
Anyone interested in starting an artistic/literary movement?
What should you read first: Plato or Aristotle
Favorite books
Are you really supposed to write about only what you know?
Why is there no contemporary African fantasy? No retarded /pol/posters please...
Warhammer Novels
So what's your favorite Lovecraft story?
"In effect to allow people born the wrong gender be the gender of their choice would effectively redeem the onwards...
Literary confession thread
How Veeky Forums are you, user?
Critique thread bitches
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
If you had to say that one of King's books was worth reading, which one would you choose?
Has a book ever made you mad? if so, what happened?
How does one attempt to be a Bwo? what techniques do i use to allow intensities to travel thru me?
What are some good books that will help me learn Japanese?
Is this the first shounen manga ever?
Can't stand this cunt
Post your favorite Veeky Forums illustrations
Huh interesting
Is this true?
Does anyone have the pic?
What is the really essential, core of atheist literature...
Preparations for this bad boy
What does Veeky Forums think of eReaders...
When were you enlightened by marxism?
Veeky Forums takes an IQ test
Best of Borges
Veeky Forums images
If I were your dream literary girl, how would you seduce me with your words, user?
How True Is This Image?
The Hobbit in Sindarin
Are there any forums that discuss art film? I mean I love /tv/ but it's so far from discussing films as art
/wprg/ Day 16: War and Peace Reading Group
"Don Quixote and Sancho get their asses beat LOL"
So Veeky Forums. What's your view on Materialism? Specifically Historical Materialism?
Le copy everything Tolstoy said and rehash it as my own
How well versed are you in your country's literary tradition? Do you pass it over in favour of exotic foreign lit?
What does Veeky Forums think about Stoicism?
Says he loves The Kid as a son
I just marathoned the first 50 pages of "The Stand" by "Stephen King", did I like it?
Is Notes from Underground a suitable starting point for Dostoevsky?
If i read more will get wittier around girls
What's inside, Veeky Forums?
Penguin Classics Cover Generator
I don't consider myself an avid reader, but i enjoy it. what i don't get is poetry. in fact...
Ayn Rand
He actually went to University and wasted his money getting an "elite education" when all the books are freely...
What's a comfy book I can keep on my nightstand to read each night before i fall asleep
Name Your Favorite Philosopher
Reading settis
Holy shit, what now, Veeky Forums?
Someone I love lost their father (he killed himself) and I want to give them some books that could make their grief...
Ebook sharing / requests
Farmer with IQ between 195 and 210 with "theory of everything"
I can't see why everyone loves this, am I missing something?
Daily reminder
Is competitive sport just a simulation of war?
BENefits to READing?
A Day of Birds
There are plenty of Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums dog names, but what about cat names...
Is there a connection between mental illness and creativity?
Veeky Forums, what book has offered you the greatest introspection on life and its meaning? I feel lost
Guys, intellectually I'm all spooked out. I can't stand philosophy because of all the unfalsifiable garbage...
There's an argument going for why the actual Literary Canon has mostly white male authors (i.e...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
The underground man
The country I live in is now going through an economical and political crisis. There's riots everywhere
I just read Tolstoy's The Kreutzer Sonata
Wrote in French, translated his own work into his native English
We can at least agree on THIS, right?
Best mind altering substances for reading? pic related
Anyone else became /moral/ this year?
Woah, ignoring all the political aspects of the picture...
Teaching a graduate course on persuasion in marketing/business/advertising this spring, looking for suggestions
Where does your favorite book of all time rank on this list?
Why is he the G.O.A.T?
What makes Tolstoy so good?
So this is the final boss of Philosophy...woah
Christian mysticism, please
Learning German
How important for you is the cover artwork...
What's your favorite tale of his?
This website is dying and we shouldn't try to save it. Is there ANYWHERE else good to discuss literature?
Prove him wrong
Ask me anything
Why produce new things (art) when there's so much of everything already?
80 pages in and nothing happened, I'm kinda worried desu
How to start with the greeks
Bad Books
In a 1915 letter to his publisher, he [Kafka] stipulated, “The insect is not to be drawn...
*describes the landscape*
Does Veeky Forums have any experience with "writer" girls?
ITT: Greatest books of all time
Is anybody on this nigga's level?
What does Veeky Forums think about the President's books, are they worth reading?
At what point does a personal "collection" become a "library"? What to you constitutes a library- e.g...
Walking with fresh cup of coffee into my room
Share your contrarian literary opinions
Are there books about boys becoming girls?
Is this the average Veeky Forums user?
What are you currently writing, user?
How to write sex scenes without making your book an erotica novel?
Have the French ruined philosophy?
Is theatre still alive?
G.R.R.Martin ASOIAF "Game of thrones" General thread
See those hysterical lit videos on youtube
Whatchya reading, user?
How to kys
How do we stop the plight of French Philosophy?
Is Gene Wolfe the greatest living writer?
Veeky Forums approved youtube channels?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games