Which first?

which first?


The greeks

Get a light bulb.

The King James Bible

GR then IJ.

And name it Byron

have you actually read any other books?
correct answer

Read something from E.L. James before, he is a great writer and will make you understand better Infinite Jest.

IJ. It's not enough to understand a work correctly, because that is meaningless and bland if it doesn't come out of error. This is the first step towards a dialectic in which you synthesize the two into a novel understanding which transcends the technical meaning of either work. Starting with the greeks is a meme that should be subverted even in its most abstract form.

im reading infinite jest right now. havent read GR but IJ is pretty easy to follow so start with that first

IJ is easier to understand

Post essential greeks

Then make him eat shit

Well memed friendo

Neither. They're both terrible.

OP, are you familiar w/ hard literature? or are you just reading for the memes? If not, my guy, go back and read some high modernism, some Victorian lit, some Dostoevsky. This will heighten your enjoyment that much more I promise.

If I'm just being an asshole (which I mean like that's likely): Start with IJ first. It's an "easier" read, a more obvious read, and kinda deals with a lot of similar stuff as GRAVITYS RAINBOW.

That being said, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW is prolly like the most incredible book I've ever read, as meme-worthy as yall make that out to be.

Both books are great, and you're for sure in for a treat regardless of which path you take.

Coprophagia has never been represented so beautifully

opinion disregarded

What, you've never built a fire before? Start with the smaller one.

Meh, I've seen/written better.

Prove it

I'm glad you said it. I was about to type it myself.

The passage that lost him the Pulitzer and made it go to one :')

Worth it imho the metaphorical stuff he's worked into that passage with the reference to corpses and the sexual nature of the act and the interplay between those two things is great