>Kafka burned 90% of his work
Imagine how many great works of literature we lost
>Kafka burned 90% of his work
Imagine how many great works of literature we lost
Other urls found in this thread:
how Kafkaesque
good, his writing is shit
>tfw you're a book and you don't have any choice in getting burned or not.
Came here to reply to your This with a This
*tokes* Bro, holy...
Do you think his friend Max Brod, who Kafka asked to burn the remainder of his work, but Brod decided to publish it anyway is an asshole?
yeah OP, all those great works, those cutting edge reviews, lost forever
btw what does "Kafka" mean?
Max Brod published his own work under the name Kafka knowing that posthumous releases garner more attention than ones from alive authors.
Either /pol/ or reddit
you'd know.
>Max Brod
>not a super hot broad
yes yes yes, soooo much thiis
ha it dies with you, you lonely faggot, nobody wants to play with you
fuck off
it was probably all smut
Why is Veeky Forums so shit now?
>Kafka burned 90% of his work
If he burned most of his work and all that survived was the remaining stuff, then doesn't that probably mean he didn't burn it because he felt it has some sort of special importance that he would feel guilty burning himself? Isn't that why he gave the taste of burning his work to a friend, who fortunately didn't burn it?
He wanted the remainder burnt as well.
Did you not read what I just wrote? Fuck you.
> Reading comprehension
he was on hi deathbed you stupid fucks
he needed someone else to burn the remainder
>everything I don't agree with is /pol/
This is the equivalent of being about to die and suddenly remembering... Oh shit, someone has to go delete my browser history.
So entrust his closest friend and biggest advocate of his work to destroy his work?
>tfw you wake up to find you are a copy of Kafka's Collected Stories
Yes, trust his best friend would do his wishes, otherwise he wouldnt have said it
you dense tard
He never burned his porn stash though
Blame the mods
Is Kafka the most influential writer of the 20th century?
Think about it, what other writer has been so influential, not just in themes other writers adapt to their own works, but also in various other media, tv, movies, music etc
You can point to Joyce perhaps as the King of 20th century literature, but I dont think anyone can surpass Kafka in terms of wide dissemination of ideas and themes
It's because you're simply not well read enough.
You're not alone
This is a vague sentiment with no value.
Expand or elaborate on this otherwise I am going to take you for a mindless shitposter.
Actually, i do. Ambrosio still carried out Grisóstomo's last wish, even though Don Quijote and the others wanted to read his poems
What makes you think I care?
Was the Metamorphosis really that great? If that's in the top 10% of his work than I think we're good.
>If that's in the top 10% of his work than I think we're good.
he literally only has like 3 books and one of them was unfinished
I rest my case
Hes has a lot of short stories
>Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums and the internet as a whole is shit and you know why, you just won't vocalise it.
They are shit.
>Was the Metamorphosis really that great?
No. In the Penal Colony is waaay better, for starters. Most well known entry-level material by great writers isn't always great
>Franz Kafka, of all people, had a collection of surprisingly dirty pornography.
>It included images of a hedgehog-style creature performing fellatio, golem-like male creatures grasping women's breasts with their claw-like hands and a picture of a baby emerging from a sliced-open leg.
Kafka was deep into erotic sonic fanfiction, no wonder he burned most of his work. It'd be the modern day equivalent of deleting your browsing history/hard drive
>It included images of a hedgehog-style creature performing fellatio, golem-like male creatures grasping women's breasts with their claw-like hands and a picture of a baby emerging from a sliced-open leg.
What the hell Franz
I'm into some weird shit and even that's a bit weird for me
You're not a real patrician unless you have some Mozart tier fetishes. Genius lies in the thin neutral ground between the inspiration only truly disturbing fantasies entail and the knuckle-dragging of men who give themselves entirely over to desire.
No Kafka was just attention whoring. He wanted it published but didn't want people to know that he wanted it, like a fucking woman fishing for compliments.
He could've burned that shit himself.
Yes and no. To Kafka he kind of was an asshole, but in the grand scheme of things he sacrificed his own believability and intergrity for the sake of world literature.
he shoulda burned all of it lmao
>of all people
now what on earth did he mean by this?
What do you think we lost of his burned works? A novel more profound than the trial?
He had a gf.
Kek. Kys.
Or Kafka burned a ton of actually mediocre work and only left us with the stuff he couldn't possibly bear to burn himself, possibly didn't want burned, effectively giving us a "selected kafka" so we don't have to wade through all the mild shite
Anything by Kafka would be good
You've only made that assessment based on your experience with his non-burned work.
Ive read his burnt work
It's possible that his style isn't as important as the message his books carry.
its a bird
I read a bit of his works in school. I still don't understand the whole turning into bug thing, or maybe I forgot it.
It means jackdaw, which is a kind of bird.
Funnily if you go back far enough in his family tree, he has a "Borges"
If Kafka thought it was shit it must've been worse than shit honestly.
He felt like an insect, so he became one. And in his struggle to provide for his family, he became the cause of their ruin. The best thing he could do for them was just give up. Just my cursory analysis, but it seems like a sort of paradoxical theme that runs through his work.
The struggle for meaning in an absurd world is, in itself, an absurd struggle, so it's best to just give up if you no longer wish to suffer. But that's not the same as saying that the struggle itself isn't inherently meaningful.
Are you 12?
Is The Trial good?
read it
I will, just wondering your opinion
It's pretty depressive, though you would have guessed that already
One interesting thing is that the novel screams unfinished at parts. Yet that strengthens the novel's mystery and, in my opinion, makes it all better.
Its actually quite humorous
Don't think there is any consensus on what it really is
It pushes the mystery theme to the extreme, kinda
Boring, disturbing, hilarious. Kafka's style is both very dry and absurd, and his writing oscillates between those three moods. Near the end (the last scene with Huld, the priest, and the Before the Law parable) the novel comes together in a beautiful and profound way.
Maybe I missed something (or I'm forgetting), but what parts stuck out as blatantly unfinished? I felt like The Castle was much more obviously an unfinished work, but maybe that's just because it has fewer interesting scenes and set pieces than The Trial.
Hmm let me remember some
There was the end of chapter 8, felt like the chapter was just cut off
The fact that some characters were never seen again, like the painter
Felt like things needed to be explained just weren't, and I don't think it was Kafka's intention this time around. Not crossing out the possiblity that, while not intended, he liked the unfinished version of the novel and then decided to keep it like that.
Also the story jumps from like 6 months to a year in the last chapter
Read the last 3 chapters again and you'll understand what I mean
Ah, I remember all of that. Maybe none of it felt out of place because it fit the mood of the book.