Here's my present to you

Here's my present to you

It's shit, I want something else.

In all honesty, it's really badly written and its author clearly thinks they have more figured out than they actually do. They ought to keep this shit inside until they work out their internal contradictions.

I don't claim to have anything figured out. This is merely a reflection of my thoughts at the time of writing.

For the sake of the spirit of sympathetic understanding, I will replace the use of "religion" with "party" in this quote.

"In the third century B.C., the great Buddhist Emperor Asoka of India, following this noble example of tolerance and understanding, honoured and supported all other parties in his vast empire. In one of his Edicts carved on rock, the original of which may read even today, the Emperor declared:
'One should not honour only one's own party and condemn the party of others, but one should honour other's parties for this or that reason. So doing, one helps one's own party to grow and renders service to the party of others too. In acting otherwise one digs the grave of one's own party and also does harm to other parties. Whosoever honours his own party and condemns other parties, does so indeed through devotion to his own party, thinking "I will glorify my own party." But on the contrary, in doing so he injures his own party more gravely. So concord is good: Let all listen, and be willing to listen to the doctrines professed by others.'"

Nice quote.

what does this have to do with literature again?


It's writing. Checkmate atheists.

>conservatism vs liberalism
Stopped reading here. Your dichotomies are shit.

I'm not impressed by your denouncement.

Party B believes it should be able to kill and rape members of party A.

Leader of party A says to honor party B. To help it grow.

What a coincidence
Nobody is impressed by your purple masturbation either


>Buddhist Emperor Asoka of India,

Can anyone give me a quick history lesson of the relationship between indian buddhism and asian buddhism? I always thought it was an asian thing, but buddha was an indian?

Granted if religion B is founded on absolute peace, and would never harm a fly

And religion A the same, but one believes in the tree god that made it all and one believes the rock god is chief in charge:

then yeah, maybe no need to make war, and maybe that is what was >implying

you're allowed to write inane drive like this to help yourself figure out your beliefs, just don't post it like it will help someone else

tldr purple hurts my eyes

they are dumb thoughts unworthy of tabulation so stop posting them

This is literally a copy and paste from your tumblr
Plz, go back.

>he fell for the left/right dichotomy
>he hasn't transcended this

lmao fucking inhumane piles of shit. What you just said shows nothing but that you're self righteous trash.

Are you OP?

You guys are fucking idiots