V. threat time. I just started and am already getting hit in the feely wheelies. What am I in for?
V. Thread
Not about V. , but if i had trouble following some parts of lot 49 should i explore the rest of pynchon or just give up. I hear thats his easiest.
It's his shortest, but not his easiest. For easy, go with Inherent Vice / Bleeding Edge. They're decent. I think TCOL49 is meant to be read twice, for what it's worth.
Why the fucking fuck is the cover so vaporwave?
A vicarious romp, a tour de farce
Think Beckett. Think Wallace. Think Gaddis. Think.
it is not his easiest. Crying is honestly a lot closer to the difficulty of Gravity's Rainbow than his later works
>Transcends the good/bad dichotomy.
>Hold your horses, David Foster Wallace!
The most accurate description of a nose job in all literature.
Why is this so funny?
V. taught me everything I needed or ever wanted to know about good literature.
Please elaborate. I read and liked it but haven't gotten a chance to discuss it
In the end V. Is just about finding V- the confusion, the journey, knowing if it even exists and just when it seems to converge a new mystery or clue or whatever
Also what was up with the horrific descriptions in the part about south west africa?
remember when she moved her hips after the whole regiment raped her young, nubile body?
I don't remember
V is power.
Think Vatican, think Virgin Mary, think Venus (as in Birth of). Especially the last one.
There are plenty of references to her Greek counterpart, Aphrodite, and one (right at the end) to the Phoenician equivalent, Astarte. Those godess' respective societies were all the power centres of the western world at their height.
Veronica/Victoria's transfiguration from beautiful woman to machine (and there are parallels between her body in Valletta and the internal schematics of a V1 rocket) is a comment on where the power centre has come to lie in the modern age.
I've described it in a horribly reductive and flakey way, I'm very tired, but the question of what V is definitely has an answer.
Hmm thanks
Does anyone else think that the less you put to Pynchons books the more you get out?
When I just read it as a series of fuckeries and japes it starts to make sense, when I actually try and connect things It doesnt
what about when the chick who's attracted to him goes off after he refuses her and gets gangbanged by the local boys in town, only to be either murdered or severely beaten by her own brother?
Can you explain all that stuff with the guy trying to convert rats? Was that one rat called V?
I honestly preferred the Sick Crew adventures over the historical, Stencil, is-this-V-the-V chapters. I've only read it once however so I'll try again maybe some time this year.
Honestly preferred CoL49. Brilliant novella.
Yes I remember that. How is that relevant?
V stands for vaporwave you non reading ignorant fuck. Where in the fuck do u think the name came from?
Both of those are way more complex. Whole orders of magnitude more.
I wish some people never learned to read and/or shitpost.
You're clearly flaming, but I'm interested to hear you attempt to discuss how IV is 'whole orders of magnitude' more complex than V.
The stage is yours. A shitpost counts as conceding.
>IV is 'whole orders of magnitude' more complex than V.
Than Lot49 he said
>both of those are way more complex
Get comprehending, buddy
Very good stuff, user. it's your easiest introduction to the pynchon world.
Do you trek with those quads?