I have just begun reading the Bible. I was not raised Christian, so I'm approaching it with an open mind. I am reading the King James version. Anything I should know or keep in mind as I read?
Bible general I guess.
I have just begun reading the Bible. I was not raised Christian, so I'm approaching it with an open mind. I am reading the King James version. Anything I should know or keep in mind as I read?
Bible general I guess.
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Bear in mind that it was written by desert-dwelling, goat-fucking sandniggers
Bear in mind that it was translated by one of the faggiest people to walk this gay Earth
WTF is the Holy Spirit?
Read a study bible, seriously.
You're not going to get most of it if you don't.
James did not translate himself, retard. It was translated by a committee of scholars.
There is a Norton Critical Edition of the King James Bible. It published in two volumes (one Old Testament, one New) and is titled "The English Bible." It is thoroughly annotated. I'd suggest getting that.
Also there is an Oxford World Classics edition of the King James. It has notes as well and would of course be cheaper. The Norton notes might be too overwhelming as they go into great detail. Oxford's would be more manageable.
They killed people for fucking goats.
I wouldn't recommend KJV, it's just an anglo meme.
This, really.
I'm reading The KJV New Testament for literary reasons and enjoy it so far. I read most of the Tanach in school and I don't have the time or will to read the Bible from the beginning now.
This isn't really true. Paul for example was an educated Roman.
Welcome to Veeky Forums, good sir!
Why did Adam have to tell God that he ate the apple? Wouldn't God know?
Why read king james version?
Try pic related instead
>Anything I should know or keep in mind as I read?
that it's the unadulterated Word of God
It should be read with multiple versions at a time. It can be difficult to make sense of some parts, so look at respected translations and draw your own conclusions.
I liked John Piper's sermons.
Never change, /pol/.
Are there any "literary" Old Testament/Tanakh translations? There are several for the New Testament (Lattimore, Barnstone) but I couldn't find any for the old testament. I didn't search very far, though.
I guess it's harder, since there are more "literary" Greek scholars than Hebrew scholars
the jewish study bible is pretty good for the Hebrew Bible
He's not wrong, bud.
Also, Plato.
>not reading the original Hebrew
>I am reading the King James version
robert alter
Reminder that if you don't accept the complete, literal truth of the Bible you look like this
>the complete, literal truth of the Bible
>not an american fedora notion
very funny post. I advise OP not to think about it as facts but not to look for metaphors either. Think about religion as of math. Math doesn't exist either - 2+2=4, but it's only our perception, in the end there's only matter, 4 is in your mind. Religion tries to be like math, to explain the world and give people an artificial logic system. Perhaps math is better at it, but they do touch different areas.
It's not stupid to understand or even use the logic system of Christianity. It would be overweening to think that our version of modern rational logic has monopoly for truth or wisdom and that it can answer any question that can be answered, that you can't think of anything valuable if you're not using this exact way of thinking. So let your mind play a bit, you don't need to believe in order to consider world through bible.
Also, remember that every european intelectual and philosopher for over 1000 years was a priest. Only an idiot would cross all of them just because muh atheism. Many of them talked about things different than God, but often it turns out that you do need to master Bible in order to see what they wanted to say.
The journey of discovering god is the journey of self discovery
- me
Does Jesus mean himself when he says "the Son of man"?
>Implying the reason Adam told God was because he didn't already know. Not because he wanted to alleviate his guilt.
You fundamentally do not understand this text.
>Implying you would only need to know Hebrew to read the Bible in its original language.
I am a god - me
we are all sons of man
to be fair this part is not so important
what's important is that every human is a sinner and will always be a sinner, he has to work to fix the evil that he makes though, as there would not be evil without men, that is the only thing left to do
I don't think it really matters why he said that to the God. the story would be the same if God instantly said he knew
but God is not a man
What amount of the original scriptures were lost to time?
>I'm an Anglo American who can't interpret texts of self-reflection in any way other than the most autistically literal way humanly possible
Nope--read it again.
48.2% plus all the pictures and the afterword by Jesus.
>goat-fucking sandniggers
That's why it's GOAT
wtf I hate Jesus now
Yes. See Matt. 16:13, "Jesus... asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?"
"You are gods." -Jesus (John 10:34).
Man is created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-27). So God is in the image of man, also.
A lot. Even in Jeremiah's time the Hebrew scriptures were being tampered with. See Jer. 8:8, "the false pen of the scribe certainly works falsehood." Paul's epistles also allude to other letters he wrote that are lost to time. The Bible is in no sense complete. Ignore any fundamentalists who would tell you it is.
Exactly correct tbqph.
The Ignatious version (and other Catholic versions) has more to it, what the Protestants refer to as the "Apocrypha." I prefer Ignatious because it's a more direct translation.
Thanks for this post!
I'm doing that, it's good fun so far.
I'm currently about 15% in, and the Jews are moving from place to place slaughtering people. Most recent discovery: while I find quite a bit of what God says is pretty morally repellent, he seems surprisingly good about soldier's rights. (His own soldiers, of course)
>Man is created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-27). So God is in the image of man, also.
That doesn't necessarily follow. You see, God is a shapeshifter; man is created in one of his images. And we're lucky too: it's one of the prettier ones, actually.
What's so morally repellant thus far?
Of the top of my head, mainly the killing of men, women and children in several places. Stoning people to death for disobeying their parents and being drunk.
Revelations is so epic; better than any apocalypse moveies
jesus dies! SpOiLErs!
>tfw aramaic is your first language
I'm reading The New Testament, still on Matthew but I love it and it's absolutely comfy.
I have a question though, if someone really wants to adhere to Jesus' teachings, isn't Messianic Judaism the right religion to follow rather than Christianity?
Also, what do you guys think of Gnosticism?
No. To really adhere to Jesus' teachings and what he came to tell us, you stay pretty far away from any big religious organization.
>Thats modalism, patrick!
Messianic Judaism is definitely not the way to follow Jesus. You'll see it later on in the NT, but Jesus' death fulfilled the law of Moses. That's why Christians don't need to circumcise their boys, and why we can eat pork and shellfish.
Gnosticism is a perversion of Christianity's deeper insights. It points out things Christianity has forgotten, and so merits study, but as a whole Gnosticism is a lie. Matter being the evil (see image) is inconsistent with God choosing to become incarnate.
To really adhere to Jesus' teachings, you need to follow the apostles he gave the keys of his church to.
>tfw there's someone else out there who saw that video
i love you
but, circulcision was never something god told everyone to do, he told ONE GUY to do it to himself, and that guy decided to get everyone else to do it.
also, legion did nothing wrong.
Here to rep the Harper-Collins study bible. It's spectacular.
God never commanded everyone to do it, but he did command all Israelites to do it (Lev. 12:3). It's not like he told Abraham to do it and everyone else just did it because it seemed fun.
Spoiler Alert Jesus dies at the end.
He actually comes back at the end.
>christcucks btfo
>being a catholicuck
You're supposed to get high, then open it at a random page, random passage, and then consider that passage as if it were a direct message from God.
I tried this and all I got was some family tree shit. Do I need to be high?
Read the King James Version or be cast forever into the bottomless pit of Veeky Forums contrarian Hell.
Just recite it till your tongue gets tangled and then giggle to yourself.