How do we stop the plight of French Philosophy?
How do we stop the plight of French Philosophy?
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French Philosophy is Good, Actually.
what you need to understand is that "intelligence" is a quantifier of one's ability to fit into a dehumanizing capitalist system, and that the attempt to categorize it as a measure of "health" is an attempt to naturalize that process of dehumanization.
Good, finally someone said it.
The French have ruined philosophy and intellectual thought for the past 100 years.
>Good, finally someone said it.
having a very poor understanding of critical theory is one of lit's favourite hobbies what are you talking about
So this is the designated /pol/ general or what
I wonder who's behind this post
Let the AIDS virus take its course
Hi Veeky Forums, meet Rene Guenon, you two have so much in common
Then explain why so many intelligent people in academia are anti capitalist. Im not anti capitalist, but being intelligent doest mean youre a good capitalist
>for the past 100 years.
There hasn't been a single worthwhile French philosopher since Rousseau.
What does it mean to be human?
that's just marxism in a new dress
Because smart left wing people tend to have intellect and thus end up at academia
While smart right wing people become lawyers and shit
fucking retard
Foucault, Derrida, and Sartre have had a profound impact on intellectual pursuits in any field
>in any field
What about Henri Poincare, Ferdinand de Saussure, Auguste Comte and Jules Vuillemin?
Saussure was Swiss and not really a philosopher.
I think it's a symptom of a wider cultural malaise. Just look at the way the French cheerfully embrace being cuckolded, how their birthrates are plummeting, how they've allowed themselves to be invaded by the dregs of Africa. This cultural neurosis affects most of the western world, it's just more obvious in France. At this point I don't think there's any hope, just buckle up and eat a kebab and enjoy the death throes of civilization as best you can.
guenon is pretty good actually but i am pretty sure that isn't him in your picture. i am pretty sure it is pic related
What the fuck is with influx of /pol/ posters to Veeky Forums?
For the last 2-3 years this board used to be almost entirely leftist or Christian with marginal presence of right-wingers and then suddenly shit like this is in every thread.
/pol/ is like /b/ with infographics. I don't post on /pol/.
Veeky Forums is the only place where you can have a serious discussion about any sort of politics.
The 'reddit socialist takeover of Veeky Forums' screenshot was posted 7000 times on /pol/ and /r9k/, so now they're waging ideological war here.
Sage and report all non-literature related posts
French """philosophy"" is a blight on the discipline because it is possessed by the twin tyrannies of general accessibility and seductive nonsense. Can't even begin to tell how many times I've heard some fucking pseud stroking their own misplaced superiority by namedropping Camus or Sartre in class. It's shameful and reflects the value (lack thereof) of the tradition.
>Veeky Forums is the only place where you can have a serious discussion about any sort of politics.
Veeky Forums also. If you ignore conspiracy/fringe theory threads, of course.
3 years ago Veeky Forums was already complaining about /pol/ posters on their board.
So, what french philosophers have you guys read?
It doesn't matter. French philosophy = anti-rationality, anti-science, anti-logic.
They support women and minorities, which is wrong and against common decency and the redpill
I-i can't even tell shitposting from ironic shitposting any more...
I blame the jews
*tips fedora
bet you think pre-marital sex is acceptable, degenerates
i think sex shouldn't be legal actually
Oh no, people have different political opinions than you!
not even between two heterosexual white redpilled conservative national socialist white nationalist Aryan ubermenschen?
Numale cuck
Supporting women and minorities is something else than rejecting the entire cultural framework because it's not perfect. No civilization has been better towards women and minorites than the west.
>No civilization has been better towards women and minorites than the west.
And that's why Western civilization is crumbling right now (and I am prospectless and alone)
This is a shitpost thread now, please refrain from posting seriously
Fucking cuck
i love the foucault vs chomsky debate, because it showcases arrogant they both are; bright, well versed, and entirely unable to establish a dialogue because they're so fucking full of themselves.
the real cancer of the 20th century is individualism, not any particular splinter group
Source of this quote?
nah its women and men with scarves
That's the case with most debates between two intellectuals. Everybody is so caught up in their own framework that they just talk past eachother.
The Derrida-Searle debate is a prime example of this too.
>the real cancer of the 20th century is individualism
What about cultural marxism?
>3 years ago Veeky Forums was already complaining about /pol/ posters on their board.
I remember that but it was not as half as numerous.
>Truth, Power, Self: An Interview with Michel Foucault - October 25th, 1982.
>From: Martin, L.H. et al (1988) Technologies of the Self: A Seminar with Michel Foucault.
>London: Tavistock. pp.9-15.
same difference