
What books can help me understand misanthropy?

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The Misanthrope

Gulliver's Travels

Just study history and current events

meh, that's barely scratching the surface of misanthropy

Obligatory CATHR


just read books in all your waking time and never socialize and you'll understand what a misanthrope is

my diary desu

Houellebecq Whatever
No longer human

Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry

Hermann Hesse - Steppenwolf

>Houellebecq Whatever
I agree.

>No longer human
I really don't know how you get misanthropy from this book. It's about mental illness and addiction.

I would add pretty much all of Celine's oeuvre, especially Death on Credit (funny misanthropy) and Journey (depressing misanthropy).

Jealousy by Peter Van Sommers

I find Journey quite funny. It's like a comic where the main character keeps getting into shitty situation after shitty situation just because.

So like an inverse of Candide?

My Twisted World

What's the name of the author?

Catch 22 does the trick.

Always go to goodreads from now on to search categories. Good reads has all the miscellaneous book categories your looking for.


Seeing a list of Goodreads' top rated books was enough to turn me off of the site for good.

Catcher in the Rye probably. misanthropy isn't good and makes you a hypocrite is basically all u need to know tho

>isn't good
Sure thing, Plato.
>makes you a hypocrite
Being a human while complaining about humans?

Notes from Underground
Brave New World
Burmese Days
The Count of Monte Cristo
Any social/cognitive psychology textbook.
Seconding these, particularly My Twisted World even if you intended it ironically.