Please, can you recommend me some book (or books) including rats? Thank you!
Please, can you recommend me some book (or books) including rats? Thank you!
Have you heard of Redwall?
It's about mouse as main protagonist. Mice are dumb and soft (compared to rats).
the Torah
Thanks OP. This had me burst out laughing.
Plague by Camus.
Rats of nimh
The Rats - James Herbert
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH - Robert C. O'brien
The Rats In The Walls - Lovecraft
Civilization and Disease
Rats, Lice and History
Bram Stoker - The Burial of the Rats
For fucks sake! It's in the title!!
The Pit and the Pendulum by Veeky Forums's beloved Edgar Allan Poe.
Atlas Shrugged.
Rats and Gargoyles by Mary Gentle
>The Rats In The Walls
Read the story again, you didn't get it.
Hey, I like to throw in a wildcard - and they certainly assumed it were rats initially.
Crime and punishment.
That nightmare is still amazingly vivid even after 10+ years after i've ended the read
any book about the holocaust (desu)
*about, not written by
'Police Rat', Roberto BolaƱo
The Black Plague series by C L Werner.
Dead Winter
Blighted Empire
Age of Sigmar
It's about a secret society of man-sized sentient rats who create a plague to try to wipe out humanity so they can take over the surface
wolf of sigmar, not age of sigmar