BENefits to READing?

An user told me there are practical benefits to reading, I think they meant like mentally, but I asked them to clarify and they never responded, do you know what these benefits are?

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Reading increases your vocabulary which improves your ability to describe the world. Being better able to describe equips you to make more insightful observations. Look up the prison of language if you want more info.

Every book you read makes your willy 0.001" bigger

It's like cold showers and not watching porn. You'll just be better for it.

Obviously if you read more words you'll know more words. And if I read a book about chairs I'll know more about chairs. But I'm thinking of benefits more... indirect.
I was thinking about like it improves your memory or something like that, does it do that user?

the more you read the faster you read and the more you read

the more you read, you'll get either: improved empathy or knowledge (or anything if you read harry potter your whole life)

and it increases your textual comprehension (and we communicate mainly through words)

you can write better texts

when you're reading some parts of the brain are active and exercising, and it probably means something good (at least better than the alternative of not read)

How about you read the rest of my post after the first sentence.
>Being better able to describe the world equips you to make more insightful observations.
If you don't know the correct words your ability to understand the world will be poor.

Fuck off Christcuck moralfag.

fuck i meant nothing
as you can see i don't read very much

Even reading Harry Potter must be better than reading nothing at all. You should at least pick up that empathy part you mentioned in the same line.

Okay ignore the science and keep watching porn. I was just trying to help, user.

>Okay ignore the science and keep watching porn. I was just trying to help, user.
Thanks for outing yourself as a retard. I was about to listen to you until you mentioned that there's science behind not watching porn and masturbating. Now I can rest easy calling you a dipshit, dipshit.

What about cold showers? Is there any science behind that being beneficial?

It's just like any other addiction, user. It's one you'll use any reason and block any evidence to comfortably continue with. I'm just trying to help, no need to be cruel.

of course, the first time you read harry maybe you'll absorb something
but if you also need to move on, you can't read YA your whole life just like you cant make addition forever in math, your brain need challenges and struggle to evolve

Yes actually, a basic 'benefits of cold showers' google search will show you more than I could type out here.

Be warned, it's hard to work up the courage to get in for the first few days but if I can do it you can too :)

You just keep digging, dipshit.

Okay well I clearly won't be the one to convince you, carry on in your ways friend :)

Cold showers must be easier for women, I can't stand the feeling of my balls trying to rocket punch my gut

>le smily face of deflection
Get your broscience about cold showers and jerking off out of here.

It's difficult, I admit, but in my opinion the physical and mental health benefits are very worth being cold for five minutes a day. Funny image, I laughed moderately :)
Say what you want, friend but Google 'your brain on porn' some time, even just to prove me wrong. You may be interested in the read! I read it last year to prove to myself that it was pseudo science but here I am now, haven't watched porn since 2015 and I haven't masturbated since July. I personally feel better about myself in general (among other benefits) but maybe it's just me. Give it a try friend! :)

"Your Brain on Porn" is pseudoscientific garbage. I don't give shit about how long you haven't looked at your cock, keep your fetish shit to yourself.

You mean like this?

Of you don't like it, you can ignore my post, friend. I urge you one last time to reconsider, however. Merely give it a glance.

If a man is convinced that the gutter he lies in is a palace, one couldn't beg him to leave it. :)
Sure :)

its simple dude, just try not to watch porn for a month
you don't need to stop fapping, just try to stay far from porn

Don't waste your time user... like my father when I was growing up, he will use anything, any reason any argument, to not only 'prove' to us that he isn't addicted, but that we are stupid for believing so, when in reality we only mean to help. :)

I used to not watch porn and was constantly anxious and could barely have social interactions. It turns out I just needed to blow a load to calm down. Now I'm much more functional while masturbating TO PORN mornings and nights.

This post is what is known as "a lie." :)

You guys are like a fucking cult. Any anecdote that disagrees is a lie, any that does is gospel. I'll bet you're straight edge and totally abstinent just to cover every vice. It must be easy to do nothing all day then brag about all those things you didn't do, like masturbate.

"And what did you do today?"
"I will tell you what I did not do. I did not touch my penis nor even look at it, even to urinate (mind the damp shoes). I also did not drink any alcohol nor smoke any plant, I daresay I didn't even look at a glass of milk (too spicy, upsets the taste buds). To me, today was another day of freedom."
"Sir I believe you to be the most virtuous man I have had the pleasure of meeting."

Did you even read the article?

I drink actually. Smoke too. Just trying to help you out friend :)
No, it looked too long and I am watching season 1 of Law & Order on DVD with my family

>No, it looked too long and I am watching season 1 of Law & Order on DVD with my family
You're a total pleb, dipshit.

I enjoy family time and find this to be quality television. At least it isn't SVU ;)

Get some help

wtf man...

At least I don't watch porn

you watch Law and Order ... with your family ...
You're in no position to judge.

you forgot your smiley you little shit

I truly do not understand what the problem is

how appropriate for a conversation about reading on Veeky Forums to rapidly devolve into a conversation about whether or not should we jack it

Of course the answer is no, you shouldn't :)

i'm going to cut my dick off and make you fuck yourself with it

Exactly the type of twisted fantasy someone addicted to porn would dream up. Im here for you user :)

The greatest benefit of reading is that you realize 99% of your stupid thoughts have been thought before you were even born.

Why do you end every post with a smiley? It's creepy as fuck.

My name is Ben, and I was thinking about just reading.

Are you fucking with me right now? Stop triggering my fckn paranoia.

Does it bother you user? Knowing men of the west are addicted to pornography bothers me :)

There is literally no effective difference between watching porn regularly and having sex regularly. To your body it's the same thing.

Stop masturbating Ben. Keep your seed inside you. :)

I feel like im the inspiration for The Truman Show right now

Do what makes you feel best user. It isn't the same for me, however. :)

Are you a female(male) with a large penis (feminine)? Then you would be the inspiration for me favorite The Truman Show adaptation (hentai). :)

False flag. This poster is not me. He is a degenerate and an imposter. :)

It will teach you to capitalise words correctly.

Capitalist pig.

i know how to capitalize, if your talking abt the title of the post i just wanted to capitalize some letters to show EMPHASIS one those LETters as if i was talking to you personally

Holy Christ man. I'm not sure reading will HElp you

Haaha whaaaaaat

just don't masturbate and whatever is frickin' wrong with you will go away, you freak. :)

Boy my smileys really triggered you, didn't it masturbatey? :)

8==D ~ ~ ~ (:

Smiling Creep
Scared to masturbate
You cultish freak
Afraid of his shameful desire
He cages his own fleshy pile
Living in shame of his passion's flame
Thy passion is named: James Joyce Fart Porn
That Smiling Creep

It doesn't even rhyme you goofball! If you didn't watch porn it would've rhymed and been much better! :)

poetry doesn't need to rhyme, you chucklefuck. why are you even on a literature board?

You are mad :)

It's okay user this guy's clearly autistic