Who has the best friendship in all of fiction?
Who has the best friendship in all of fiction?
Ishmael and Queequeg
Easily Don Quixote and Sancho Panza
Can't even argue
Ray Smith and Japhy Ryder
Achilles and patrocolus
Friends with benefits are the best friends
Jesus and Judas
Samwise and Frodo
Enzian and Tchitcherine
Ada and Van
Narcissus and Goldmund
Thomas Bernhard and Paul Wittgenstein in Wittgenstein's Nephew
Mason and Dixon
Best in what sense? The greatest example of close friends? Or a friendship that added the most to the work it's featured in?
These. First two posters in a thread have actually got it right for once.
Honorable mentions:
Belano and Lima
Simone and the unnamed narrator
Merteuil and Valmont
My dick and your mother.
>Simone and the unnamed narrator
I wouldn't call their relationship "friendship." They're more like partners in crime, in both the literal and colloquial senses.
Gus and Call
Holmes and Watson
gilgamesh and enkidu
I have no idea who any of these people are or what books they're from, stop being so French
genuinely good answers (although whether Mason and Dixon will stand the test of time is to be seen, I think it will)
lol wtf it's a bit deeper than a friendship and it's not even that compelling (on purpose)
genuinely plebby answer
Candide and Professor Pangloss.
(Calvin and Hobbes)
Oblomov and Zakhar
This. I can't think of any better fictional friends in any medium.
Upon reflection, I can't either.
plus avtandil and tariel in the knight in panther's skin
Great answer. Makes me feel sad
>People not acknowledging the Goku and Vegeta of Sumer
Don't feel sad, user. I've been slowly picking up Calvin and Hobbes books again. I don't know what happened to the books I had when I was a kid. I think my parents must have donated them when I moved away. When I came back they were all gone. But man, I am having so much fun re-reading them now. It's still so brilliant and insightful, so much more so than I was able to grasp as a child and yet I can still enjoy it just the same.
Oh what I'd give for Bill Watterson to come out of retirement with Calvin and Hobbes again, but I understand why he won't and I'm glad they haven't been bastardized by Hollywood and consumer bull shit.
+ david and jonathan
Cassidy, Kerouac, and Ginsberg
Their conversations are among the best things I've ever read
>glad they haven't been bastardized by Hollywood and consumer bull shit.
But it has with bullshit like this
>he hasn't read Story of the Eye
>he hasn't read Dangerous Liaisons
"Genuinely plebby answer"
Sherlock and Moriarty
Dumbledore and Grindelwald
Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojiro
Gandalf and the Balrog
Socrates and all the Athenians he argues with
Diarmuid and the Boar
Perseus and Medusa
>One worthy rival is worth 100 friends.
Oh, I should have also added...
Sisyphus and the Rock
Ellie and Joel
Le tree dog and spikeman
Bury nice and bury ebil
What books are those 3 friend sets from?
Great question OP
Definitely the whole gang from Belgariad.
I always accidentally conflate Patroclus with Iolaus.
Buttboys is buttboys I guess.
Dante and Virgil
I don't understand how people can think they were gay
Never authorized though, mate. Waterson fought admirably against all attempts to use his IP and in doing so turned down a large fortune in royalties.
The Savage Detectives
Story of the Eye
Dangerous Liaisons
Bill & Ted
Claudius and Postumus
Easily Sam and Frodo
huck finn and that negro
Harry and Ron and Hermione
>reading children's literature
They weren't being serious...
No, I was.
Finn & Jake
Humbert and Dolores.