Daily reminder

Daily reminder




Is that a 9?


Sad that we can't use it without looking like a fucking edgelord. Looks so fucking sick.


>There are mongoloids who don't accept zee as the correct pronunciation
bet you didn't read that as zed-ee

>mfw niggers say "zee"

>there're anglos who cannot pronounce Latin alphabet properly

I don't think you can "use" anything without looking like an edgelord.


Fuck off

>writes in print

You almost had me for a moment.

If you don't write in script, you are an animal. No exceptions.

Explain please. Why is it white?


Latin pronunciation of "z" is IPA ˈdzeːta

or approximately, DZAY-tah
DZAY pronouncing the D and Z and rhyming with "day", tah rhyming with "hah"

that's how they teach kids in france.
I personally write z like z on the picture and ż like the second one with the bar across it

this. True patricians write in cursive


How is that a -z. That looks like you were writing a 3 and then you had a stroke.

From my experience, left is humanities and right is STEM

Actual pleb


Patricians spoke Latin dumb ass.

STEM confirmed for true masterrace

That's how I was taught to write z. Grew up in Scotland for the most part by the way.

Patricians were hard for greek.

Roman Patricians knew that Greek is the real masterrace